Weight Loss at Home Easy

10 Min Morning Routine To Burn Belly Fat | No Jumping

Today's video is a full-body routine that's low impact and not too intense. It is the perfect workout to start your day with, to get that fat-burning going. As always, you got a full daily schedule which you can find on my website and remember guys, you're not alone in this. You've got a schedule, I'm giving you meal ideas and I'm also going to be live streaming workout sessions on Twitch this month. So, you've got everything you need, including this amazing community. So smash that thumbs up button, and let's get sweating. We've got 17 exercises today, 30 seconds on and 5 seconds off. We're starting with knee pull. Extend your arms and one leg behind you, then bring your leg towards your chest. Make sure you squeeze your abs when you bring your leg in. Now, on to the other side. Next we're doing a side lunge into a curtsy lunge. Make sure you go slow and easy on your ankle, guys. Now, on to the other side. Now, get down on your knees and climb up and back down again. Remember to engage your core here, and feel that burn. Get into a high plank position, we're doing superman planks. Where you lift one arm up straight and also the opposite leg. Make sure you keep your core tight and try to stay balanced. Now get up and we're doing a squat followed by a front kick. Keep pushing through guys, you're doing well and we're almost halfway there. Now, time for some crab squats. Get into the squat position, as you take a step forward and backward for each leg. Now stand upright and we're going to walk down into a push-up position and do a push-up and walk back up. If you can't do a push-up, just leave the push-up out. Stay in a high plank position, we're doing some mountain climbers. I know a lot of you guys don't like this exercise, but it's here because it's effective and the more you do it, the easier it'll get. Now get into a side plank position and get your arms straight and curl it below you. Remember to tighten up your core muscles as you curl in. For the easier version, just do it on your knees. Now, on to the other side. Just five more exercises to go, guys! We've got corkscrew next. Get into a high plank and turn to your side, having your opposite feet and hand meet. Then turn and do the opposite side. Make sure you keep your core tight. Now, sit on your butt and lean back slightly and we're doing in and out. Try to keep your feet above the ground if you can and engage that core. Keep pushing, guys! Not long to go. Now, get into a reverse plank and we're doing some knee tucks. For low impact, just do a tabletop position and lift yourself up and down. We're almost near the end! Get into a high plank position and we're doing some shoulder taps. You're doing really well, guys! Just one more exercise after this. Last exercise! We are doing reverse lunge. If you made it this far, there's no point quitting now. Let's smash this! And that's the workout, guys! Don't forget to smash that like button, so this video reaches more people that need it. I'll see you in the next workout. You can do a cool down, or an ab workout, or follow the daily schedule for my program and I'll see you soon. Bye!

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