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10 Mins Core & Arms Workout | 2 Weeks Shred Challenge

We are working on our upper body and abs today. You don't need any kind of equipment, just if you want to use dumbbells, use them! If you follow the program fully, you can find the free daily schedule on the special website at chloeting.com. If you're looking for some enthusiasm or support, join the community on Discord and use the special # on Instagram and YouTube. Now please click like and leave us comments and let's get started! We have 18 exercises today. 30 seconds of exercise and 5 to 15 seconds of rest. We have alternatives to exercises with low impact and with equipment and weights as well. We will start with the push-up movement with variations. Slowly lower yourself from the plank position and bring your elbows as close to your body as possible instead of pointing outward. Then push your hips back as you step back until you're stretched, and repeat. If you can't do push-ups, give yourself a chance. And do them on your knees as you get stronger. Low Impact is here to help you as you progress. Without any chance of relief, our crockscrews take it nice and slow if you need to. And do not hurt your shoulders, and remember who you are, engaging your abdominal muscles to maintain your balance here. Okay, 10 seconds of rest here. We have reverse plank and leg lift. Engage your abdominal muscles and press your buttocks inward, and try not to lower your buttocks too much. Then lift your leg and do it slowly and controlled for low impact, just do the inversion table instead. Brief rest as we walk into the inverse tabletop position Take one step to the right with your arm and leg, then come back to the other side. Just hold the inversion table exercise. If you're more sedentary that way, it's totally okay. Well, great job everyone! Have a good day, guys! Get into a high plank position as we walk forward with our hands, then back and repeat. . Make sure you don't tilt your butt side to side. Do it slowly, with control, and engage your abdominal muscles. Just do it on your knee if you need to. Well, no rest here, we have contra-lateral while we are in a low plank position and raise the opposite hand and leg. If you want to challenge yourself a little, you can do it with dumbbells too! Okay, and we have a side plank with access. Do it on your knees for low impact, and you can also use light dumbbells if you want to challenge yourself as well. Make sure to engage your abs and tuck your buttocks in as well and do not lift them up. As we move to the other side without any chance of rest, prepare to get into a reverse table position as we do some triceps presses and reaches. And we have the reverse plank and the walk without any chance of rest, when you extend your feet and bring them back in like this inward, and then press to the side. Remember who you are. Your abs, butt and legs are involved. . For low impact, just do it without pressure or touch. 15 seconds rest here, we're halfway through the exercises guys, great job! Take a long break here if you want to and we have pushups and elbow raises, you can use dumbbells here too, if you have some equipment. I know some of you hate push-ups because they are hard when you look like they are working out but don't give up now, just do low impact and you will progress from there. And you will become stronger, there is no rest here. Get into a low plank position, and we have a plank and a walk to the side. Keep your abs and butt engaged. Don't raise or lower your butt too much. Well, lie down on the mat, but don't fall asleep! We have swimmers. Make sure you engage your abs, butt, and back muscles as well. Work them gently and slowly while you raise your hand and the opposite leg. We'll go straight to the mountain climbers. Keep practicing, guys! You are capable! Well, we have a low-impact version with the following two exercises. We do side planks and leg raises. For low impact, just do it bent over your knee like this and make sure you engage your abs as your hand and foot meet. Now let's move to the other side without any chance of rest. Okay, great job guys! We only have 2 exercises! And we have to move the body like a saw. Get into the low plank position as we swing forward and backward. Engage your abdominal muscles and focus on your breathing. Hold them in good shape. Final exercise! We have roll-ups with Krang, like you're riding a bike! And let's finish these exercises! And that's the drill, guys! Great job! ! Keep working out, it only takes 14 days. Leave us comments with how it went for you and I'll see you at the next workout! Goodbye!

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