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10min Daily Slim Leg Stretch (In Bed) Skinny Sexy Legs | Reduce Swollen & Muscle Tension

only 10 minutes I highly highly recommend that you guys do this before you go to bed hi guys welcome back so today we'll be doing some leg stretch on the wall why on the wall cuz it is more effective when you put your legs up onto the wall your blood circulates better and it can help you to relax your lower body especially if you spend your majority time standing walking or sitting plus the most important thing is it can prevent swalling and slam Dam your legs okay so without further Ado let's get on to the video okay now come lie down your bed a little bit closer to the wall then simply just open your legs out to the side open it as wild as you can and we hold there for 50 [Music] seconds just naturally drop your legs close your eyes feel the stretch into your inner [Music] thigh okay now legs back together then simply just point the toes up and down this will have to to stretch your coughs 50 seconds let's [Music] go come on move your feet Feats to the fullest you don't have to be fast take it slow as long as you doing it you are doing it [Music] [Applause] [Music] great okay easy now turn your toes out to the side stick your heels together and we're doing the same thing pointed toes up and down you ready let's [Music] go come on guys we're almost done hanging there take it slow you don't have to be [Music] [Music] fast okay so for the next one is very easy grab your shin and pull it closer to your body keep your legs as straight as possible 50 seconds you ready let's [Music] go come on try to keep your legs as straight as you can feel the stretch in the back of your legs we're almost done hang in [Music] there yes now come a little bit more closer to the wall place your feets together bend your knees then use your hand to push your thighs to the back not only this pose can help you to stretch your thighs it can also open up your hips 50 seconds you ready let's [Music] go [Music] close your eyes steady breathing we're here to [Music] relax [Music] okay now extend your right leg up use your left hand to grab your left foot then push down try to touch your knees onto the bat and we hold for 50 [Music] seconds [Music] come on push it down and lower your knees onto the bed feel the stretch in the back of your thigh we're almost done hanging [Music] there [Music] now slowly release you know the drill will have to balance on the other leg now use your right hand grabbing your right foot 50 seconds we end this [Music] together come on lower your knees a little bit more close your eyes keep your breath steady we're almost [Music] done okay now push yourself up a little bit bend your right leg place your left ankle onto the right knee then grab your right leg and pull it closer to where's your body if you can grab your lower leg and pull it closer towards you this can feel more stretch of your legs or if the stretch is a little bit too much for you right now you can grab your thighs and place your toes onto the [Music] wall [Music] [Applause] okay and now slowly release everything and we're going to repeat the same thing on the other side now right angle onto your left knee you ready 50 seconds let's go [Music] see if you can grab your lower leg if you can't completely fine just grab your thighs and place your toes on the wall wherever you feel comfortable [Music] yes now we release everything to the grand finale just simply licks up onto the wall open your arms out to the side and just Dro your body weights onto the back [Music] [Music] out of all the stretches this is my favorite Poe cuz I don't have to move but it is a very effective POs to prevent swalling so just close your eyes relax let the body do the trick [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes now slowly come down we are finished you guys are [Music] amazing wow thank you guys so much for watching and I hope you guys enjoy this video if sometimes I have more time I will roll out my yoga mat and do this Le routine but if I don't I will just put my legs up onto the wall and do this one only 10 minutes I highly highly recommend that you guys do this before you go to bed okay so I hope you guys enjoyed it and I will see you guys in the next one [Music] bye oh

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