Weight Loss at Home Easy

10min Easy Slim Thighs Workout (Toned Inner & Outer Thighs) Burn Hips Fat | 100% Result

this workout will slam down your outer thigh and your inner thighs and it can also burn hips fats super easy beginner friendly no equipment needed so without further Ado let's get onto the video okay now so for the first one we're going to warm up our legs just simply lift up to the side and put it down and we're going to switch [Music] legs was it your milky eyes or you skin I don't know doesn't matter anyway cuz I'm never letting you [Music] go come on guys strengthen both of your legs so that you can stand still on the ground and every time you lift up your knees lift it [Music] higher if you don't love me now you love okay now come down to tabletop lift up your right legs up then bend your knees place your knees next to your left leg this is a training and a stretching you ready 50 seconds let's do this what I believe I won't give up I'll keep it up until it's [Music] come on guys lift up your knees a little higher and every time you bend your knees keep your thighs still and every time you lowered your right knees to the left leg try to place your knees down on the floor so that you can stretch more of your body the go the exra [Music] [Music] yes now catch a fif breath you know the TR we have to balance on the other side okay now get into position you ready 50 seconds let's do [Music] this put your faith in me let yourself believe that I'm all you need I'm all you need I'll make you see that it's you and me come on guys hang in there we're almost done you guys are doing amazing till the race is one ah go the [Music] extra hold the from okay now lie down to the left side of your body stick your feet together lift them up then open your thighs extend your right leg out to the back then come back and open your thighs again we'll repeat for 50 seconds I want to make you my lover can you feel me watching through the phone hiding out under cover not only this is a very great pose to train our thighs it is also a very great pose to train our hips so come on lift up your feets a little bit higher open your thighs a little bit Wilder and step your feet out a little bit [Music] harder and set yourself free and then you come right back and gently persuade me I want to go all the way I know what you need and I won't let it down I have so want to say yes you guys are doing amazing you can simply just flip your body to the other side I'm just switching side so that you guys can see okay 50 seconds are you ready let's do this hiding out under cover call me when you're all [Music] alone you are all I want this has come on guys hang in there we're halfway done the workout you guys are doing [Music] great praying and begging you please not to forsake me I want to go all the way I know what you need and I won't let you down I have need come closer just okay and now remain the same position extend both of your legs out then simply extend your left foot to the front with the straight legs are you ready let's do this hiding out under cover call me when you're all up [Music] come on guys don't drop your legs lift up your legs a little bit higher we are almost done you guys are doing amazing I want to make you my can you feel me watching through the phone hi liing out under cover call me when you're all alone yes now catch a few breath I'm sure you know the next one okay now get into position are you ready 50 seconds we're in this [Music] together [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I caught you on a good day I was doing fire so F come on guys don't drop your legs we almost finished the whole workout you guys are doing amazing we are not giving up in here you baby you're so cool guess it's no news you will bring me hard a but all is heing timeing time I could even the score with your friend like you did mine but you don't no more and I'm not the kind of type okay and now remain the same position this time we're training our left leg extend your left leg out to the side then lift it up and down 50 seconds are you ready let's do this done cuz now I see the benefit I'm saving so much time no r on my mind if I ever see you I we all know this is a very good post to train our inner thighs so come on guys get that ster fat off our body we almost done hanging there with your friend like you but you don't no more and I'm not the hardest kind of type my neses you used to be my nemeses but I ain't got the time yes we only have our last two exercises left now you know the next one switch to the other side are you ready 50 seconds let's do this guys [Music] mind come on lift up your right leg a little bit higher we can do it you're almost done I could even the score with your friend like you did mine but you don't matter no more and I'm not the heartless kind of type my nemeses just a few more seconds left hang in there let you bring me down done with it cuz now I see the benefit yes this is our last one now come up standing open your legs out to the side then squat to the left come back standing squat to the right come back standing this is also a training mix with the stretch so 50 seconds are you ready this is our last one come on [Music] guys this is the perfect pose to tone up a whole thighs muscle and it can also lift up our hips come on guys this is our last one hang in there [Music] okay okay and yes we are finished you guys are doing great well thank you guys so much for watching and I hope you guys enjoy this video I guaranteed if you do this every day you would definitely slim down your thighs by that time this workout will be super easy just like a warm- up to you okay so hope you guys enjoyed it and I will see you guys in the next one [Music] bye

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