Weight Loss at Home Easy

15min Full Body Fat Burn Workout | Arms Chest Abs Back Thigh & Calf | No Equipment

hi guys welcome back so a lot of you guys been loving the full body fat burn workout I think it's time for an update on the last time I spent most of the posters standing up this time we'll do some on the ground again this workout will Target all part of your belly from top to bottom so without further Ado let's get on to the video okay so for the first one Palms facing up then crisscross your arms up and down [Music] trying to see your pinky fingers up a little bit and squeeze your whole arms muscle you should feel the burn in your upper arms [Music] [Music] forever that was a nice warm-up now rest for 10 seconds foreign [Music] next one is AC squat down halfway and then punch to the front 50 seconds let's just have fun with it [Music] come on try to move a little bit faster and try to sculpt them a little bit lower [Music] now rest for 10 seconds okay moving on the train our chest come down to the ground and we're going to do some push-ups if you strengthen out definitely extend your legs into a full push-up if you can definitely place your knees on the ground to support yourself one that makes your heart come on engage your back and your abs to keep your body in a straight line every time you push up squeeze your chest muscles [Music] come on come down a little lower we are almost done [Music] yes now 10 seconds okay now come up to a plank pose and lift up your arms up in the sky one by one [Music] again squeeze the abdominal muscle and your back muscle to keep your body in a straight line and keep your breath steady we are almost finished foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes now 10 seconds moving on to our back we're going to do some classic Superman lift extend your arms and your legs inhale lift up your limbs exhale come down [Music] come on lift it a little bit higher and squeeze your back and you can do it we are almost done and it would feel like it's a dream coming true yes now rest okay so for the next one we've done this before inhale lift up hand smudge your ears extend that exhale come down 50 seconds are you ready let's go every time when your hair inside your ears squeeze your back muscles come on hang in there we are almost done I know it is hard but we are not giving up in here come on hang in there a few more Slavs coming for you oh you guys are amazing okay now lie down on the ground we're going to trade our apps very easy just use your hand to touch your heels 50 seconds let's go lift up your upper body a little bit higher and move faster you can do it we are almost done [Music] yes now rest for 10 seconds okay I'm just showing you the next one first hand spread your ears use your elbow to touch your knees foreign your whole abs muscles so come on move faster squeeze your abdominal muscles come on hang in there a few more seconds left yes now rest for 10 seconds [Music] okay so for the next one we make the same position hands on the ground then lift up your butt remember to engage your abs and your back so that you don't over Arch and keep your body in a straight line remember only lift up your hips don't over Arch and every time you reach to the top squeeze your butt thank you yes now 10 seconds so for the next one come to tabletop and lift up your right knee out to the side you ready let's go [Music] be the one that you need then I changed [Music] engage abdominal muscle and your back so that it can stabilize yourself and try to move those legs a little bit higher you can do it we are almost done I could have stayed the night I could have called you mine I can't be the one that you need maybe if I change the way [Music] yes now rest for 10 seconds you know the drill we have to do on the other leg come on we are in this together you ready 50 seconds let's go [Music] please [Music] come on lift up your knees a little bit higher and move faster you should feel the burn in your outer thighs and your glutes [Music] come on hang in there we're almost done it last s [Music] yes now rest for 10 seconds we only have few more slept okay moving on to our inner thighs place your right leg to the front then move your left leg up and down come on lift up your leg a little bit higher and move a little bit faster you can do it we're almost done [Music] [Applause] yes you know the drill we have to do on the other leg okay 50 seconds you ready let's go [Music] come on hang in there we only have the last two poses left we are not giving up sometimes [Music] okay now 10 seconds okay now this is very easy come up standing slightly bend your legs then strengthen your legs every time extend your legs squeeze your thighs muscles I know this post might look a little bit weird but it works trust me it works come on squeeze your whole legs muscle while you extend those knees when I mean squeeze it I mean squeeze it hard come on you can do it we are almost done [Music] yes we only have the last exercise left [Music] okay moving on to our calves come down to downward facing dog and try to use your heels to touch the ground you should feel the stretch in your calves muscles thank you foreign [Music] and yes we've finished the whole workout you guys are amazing you guys stick to the end thank you guys so much for watching and I hope you guys enjoyed this video do you like the first one more or do you like the second one more or if you haven't checked out the first one yet I will put it in the cards hope you guys enjoyed it and I will see you guys in the next one bye [Music]

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