Weight Loss at Home Easy

28-day Total Abs & Belly Burn Challenge #Emitransform

Hi, I'm Amy and welcome to today's 15-minute workout that's also day one of my new four-week, every-day-absent-belly-burning program. We will target a different area so the lower abdomen, upper abdomen and inner core pull your abdomen together for the smaller ways I will link the entire program in the description box below to share your progress and tag me on social media so we can motivate and support each other and smash this program together as a community and if you Ready for your workout let's go through 15 50 second exercises each with 10 seconds rest in between plus there will be two optional bonus exercises at the end if you feel like you want to challenge yourself and push yourself a little more today the first exercise is on the bike to push four reps of slow application followed by 4 rolls of crunch as you imagine you are a shrimp twist squeeze your abs hard Focus all the burn in your abs instead of your back by pushing your navel in and pressing your back flat on the floor The second exercise is the Hip Dips Plank for the core and waist Workout from head to toe Feet in one straight line Suck in your belly, work your side abs, and dip your hips from side to side Thank yourself for clicking Start Today for choosing to use this time to work on your goals We give our best in every rape The third is the reverse crisis You broke up with me and set me free Practice a lower abs curl to lift your hip up toward the sky Use your breath to keep each roll focused strong and controlled Hold the squeeze for 20 seconds during the fourth burn Is the Wild Setting Practice your abs curl to raise your torso to sit and press the floor in front of you I was trying to go in the direction The other If it's easy, everyone can do it You want to succeed, you should keep trying and challenging yourself, especially when you think you can't Fifth, is this what's wrong with my favorite exercise for lower abs? Exercise for the back flat on the floor leaving no space between the lower arm and the opposite leg a few inches off the floor Alternating sides We're in a third on this exercise No pain, no gain We're still determined to do it Sixth is the plant climber and the circuit Contract your abs and bring one knee in Each elbow followed by a plank circle and the alternating side Squeeze your abs in each rep as you bring your knee up Enjoy the burn and let it do the work and get you to your goals Seventh is the single leg dip and crush Do the exercises to lower your leg one by one without touching the floor Tighten your lower abs to bring them back up and then Press to touch your ankles Remember to keep pressing your back to the floor. No neutral neck arch 15 seconds on the go, you're looking so strong and powerful Shake like a half-sit up Work your abs wide to lift your torso into a half sit-up Oh feel the burn that's building up, that's exactly what we're here to finish Strengthening for yourself and your goals We're more than halfway there And you're killing it with good form is cake variations Exercise to extend your feet together Stand apart and then to each side alternating between each variation This is not easy, but do your best not to drop your legs until the timer is up Keep working on your stomach and abs We want it and we get it. Nothing's stopping us X Play Step Do the elbow plank exercise and push your belly in a narrow step Your feet out to the side one by one One better keep up The key here is to suck in your belly and squeeze your abs throughout the exercise We've finished two-thirds of this exercise already. We haven't come all this way to start breaking down now we're breaking down this is the time to introduce all our eleven crunches to three points two options here one of them goes straight to three points while crunching or if you want more support for your neck you can put your fingers a little behind your head and squeeze On your knees There is no need to rush to squeeze your abs hard for almost every crunch that occurs as we attack Sit in a V shape and press into the floor with your fingers Keep trying and challenging yourself to push yourself out of your comfort zone. This is how we grow and make progress The thirteenth is a safe and proper four-point plank lift in the table top position, lift the knees off the floor, hold your core tight and then lift the opposite hand and foot up to alternate sides I'm back on my face You're in control and you look badass Absolutely, every rep takes you closer to becoming the person you want to be yeah the 14th is chalk holding a hollow lick the boat shape exercise push your belly in press your back against the floor arm straight chop to each side the lower your legs are leaving no space Between your back and the floor the more your abs burn 15 seconds to go You're stronger than you think we can get it done The last exercise for this exercise is the butterfly setup Sit with your feet together and press the floor in front of your feet This is the last time, let's smash it, your sexy abs were coming for you And we're no pain, no gain You did this for yourself and your goals In case you feel like you want more today, here are two more exercises for you First leg lifts away The next extra exercise is high plank brown exercise I won't let you touch me in this game Here's a little stretch for your abs Before you go as always, I am proud of you for finishing this exercise with me and I will see you again very soon

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