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45 Min Full Body Workout – Apartment & Small Space Friendly (No Equipment No Jumping)

[Music] [Music] Hello everybody welcome back today I'm leading you through a 45-minute full body workout there's no equipment needed and there is a full warmup and full cool down included so you don't need to go anywhere else just make sure you have something soft beneath you make sure you can see your screens you can follow along with me and without further Ado let's get to it all right beginning with our warm up starting off with our next feet about about shoulder width AP part we're going to turn the head from side to [Music] side make sure you press those shoulders down good up and down [Music] [Music] good we're going to squeeze those shoulders up to our ears and roll them down the [Music] back and [Music] forwards good rolling our ankle starting with the right foot we're going to roll it [Music] outwards [Music] good and [Music] inwards good left foot rolling it [Music] outwards [Music] and roll it [Music] inwards good we're going to step the feet nice and wide we're going to reach those arms all the way back nice big circles warming up those shoulders good Circle them forwards good we're going to open the arms all the way and then you're going to swing them across and try and tap those shoulder blades so stretching the chest [Music] [Music] good we're going to head down to the ground into a tabletop position doing some cat and cows so drawing the belly button down towards the mat arching the back gaze goes up and then pressing the floor away drawing that belly button up towards the ceiling good neutral spine using that right arm opening the chest up and then we're going to thread it [Music] through good left side [Music] good both hands down on the mat you're going to step the feet back into a high plank from here you're going to bend the knees push back keeping the arms straight stretching the shoulders and then bring it back down into [Music] plank good we're are going to sit on our bums legs bent at a 90° angle and we're going to drop the knees from side to side you'll feel that stretch in the top [Music] hip good we're going to stand it up continuing to warm up the hips drawing big half circles bringing the knees to your chest good step those feet out wide sending the hips around in a circle stretching the hip flexors at the front slight Bend in the knees and stretching the hamstrings at the back try and come to a flat back as you send the hips backwards good switch directions good you can step the feet maybe just a touch wider arms out to the side we're going to reach for opposite toes again keeping a slight Bend in your knees feeling the stretch in those hamstrings we're hinging at the hips good standing it up we are going to continue stretching out those hamstrings reaching for opposite toe try to keep that leg as straight as [Music] possible good switching sides [Music] nice job that is your quick warm up we're taking a 45 second rest today's workout is going to be in Su sets so two exercises at a time we repeat each super set twice before we move on your first exercise is a reverse lunge with a pulse you're going to choose a side we're going to do one side for the first round and then we'll do the other side on round two so you're going to step back into your lunge making sure we're keeping this a shorter lunge we're not stepping all the way up here coming down body's angled slightly forward this glute is the hinge point we're going to pulse at the bottom and come up down pulse and up that is your first exercise here we go so think about that supporting heel drive that down into the floor press the floor away as you stand [Music] [Music] up like [Music] good exercise two you're going to rise up on those toes and then as you come down you're going to reach for opposite toe hinging at the hips knees are bent coming up and over [Music] so think about your core while you're doing this that will help with your balance stretch those legs as you come up on those [Music] toes [Music] [Music] good shake it out we're going to do the other side now with those reverse lunge [Music] pulses so make sure you're switching legs [Music] [Music] couple more nice job give that leg a shake going back into our Rises with the toe touch [Music] make this rise nice and explosive make it quick try to find your balance at the [Music] top nice job moving on to our next Super set first exercise is a good morning to a squat so feet in squat stance fing finger tips by the ears you're going to have a slight bending in your knees hinge at the hips nice flat back use those glutes coming up knees still bent coming down into a squat and up keep the chest lifted down and squat so you should be feeling those glutes turn on as you stand up still squeezing those glutes even though the knees are bent down into your squat all the way down [Music] [Music] nice job exercise two you're in a high plank you're going to step the feet in and step the feet out so one foot at a time step it in in out out nice and simple here we go keep that back nice and [Music] straight good work doing that once again so feet and squat stance knees have a slight Bend really make sure you're hinging here at the hips send those hips backwards [Music] nice job down to the ground make sure you're switching the foot that you step in with first if that's too much for your brain to handle don't worry about it but let's try and keep it even on both sides [Music] ah nice job on your backs you're going to do a glute bridge and at the top of your glute bridge holding the hips where they are do not let them drop you're going to bring one leg in at a time so take this slow if you have to down up hold it knee control knee control control keep those hips lifted and control down good second exercise staying down here legs are up we're going to do some scissor ABS so you can either hold a crunch position here dropping one leg at a time you can have your hands up or to increase the intensity you can add a Twist if you need to modify you can do this with the head down and you can also do this with your legs bent tapping the heel to the floor just make sure your back is pressed into the [Music] floor got to take a breather down here getting ready for those glute Bridges take these slow don't let those hips drop keep them pressed good quick breather down here getting ready for some abs B hello can you come lay down over here we're going to flip it over and we're going to do some push-ups for our next exercise you can do these on your knees on your toes you could also do a half push-up which looks like this on your knees you're going to lower your down lower yourself down nice and slow hover Let It Go at the bottom belly drops and then press it up try to keep those elbows tucked don't let those elbows flare out in this pushup keep them close to your body nice job give those arms a shake we're going to come into a high plank next and we're going to do some side crunches so you're going to bring your knee same knee to same elbow and you're g

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