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How To Build Immunity For The Coronavirus – Things I’m Doing

– Coronavirus. Unless you are living under a rock, I am sure you have heard about it. It's consuming the news everywhere. Events are being canceled, and supermarkets are running low on stock and necessities. I've been getting a lot of questions recently about what you can do to protect yourself naturally from the virus, so today, I wanna share with you these things that I'm doing to help boost my immunity, and if you guys watch to the end, which you absolutely should be doing because I'm sharing a ton of information here, I'm also gonna give away a free gift at the end, so let's get into it. (dramatic music) Starting with supplements. I've been taking them for years now, but all the macronutrients that I take recently I've been making sure to never skip Vitamin D, C, and zinc. Vitamin D is essential to the body's immune system. There's been so many studies proving that people with low levels of Vitamin D have an increased risk of catching an infection. I know some of you will love the extra info. on the studies, and some, not so much, so I'll pop them into the description box below. Essentially, T-cells play a central role in the immune system, and Vitamin D acts as their power source. Without Vitamin D, the T-cells won't wake up, and as a result, will weaken our immune system. It's best to get Vitamin D naturally from the sun, so if you're lucky enough to live somewhere hot right now, bask in the sun as much as you can, without getting burnt, of course. If there's hardly any sun where you are, then, take a supplement. If you know you have low Vitamin D levels, then, it's recommended to take 50 to 100 mg a day, but you have to make sure you have regular blood tests to know the best dosage for you. Moving on to Vitamin C. Studies show that this might help prevent you from catching a cold, but it can reduce the duration of which you have one. Vitamin C is stored throughout the body, but mainly in the immune system. That means that when you're sick, to try and get better, your body will use up as much of the Vitamin C that you stored as possible, so as soon as you feel the symptoms of a flu coming on, reach for that Vitamin C. I'm gonna take mine now. Anyway, to try and make sure you have enough reserves already stored up in the body, do what you can, and do what's good for you, and finally, let's look at zinc. This is a good one for fighting infections, and defending your body from oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is when there's an imbalance in the body between free radicals, which can cause cell damage, and antioxidants, the substance that reduces that damage. The thing with zinc, though, is that you really need to be careful with how much you take, and what you're taking because high levels can cause stomach pain and toxicity. Also, there's only certain forms that can be effective, so you do need to be careful, again. Now, let's get onto the more practical stuff here, starting, of course, with washing those hands literally all the time. Just to emphasize what already is a common practice, I hope, but I've been washing my hands for at least 20 seconds. Although it sounds obvious, I've been really making sure to wash my hands with soap and water, rather than antibacterial gel. If you don't have the option, but you only can use the gel, then, please make sure that the content is 60% or above because that's gonna do a good job of killing bacteria. I've also been making sure to make a conscious effort of wiping down surfaces, and also, my phone because I use it so frequently that, of course, it can harbor a lot of germs. The second practical thing that I've been doing is social distancing. Now, because the virus can easily spread in crowded areas, especially in close spaces like trains and buses, I've been avoiding these types of environments. Schools across the globe have been closing. Companies have told their staff not to come to work, and mass gatherings have been canceled, all to practice social distancing, so if you've got an event coming up that you know you will have multiple people around, just weigh up the pros and cons to decide whether it's a good decision to go, but maintaining a distance of six feet from others will be helping to limit the spread of the virus. Now, for the most uncommon practice, is wearing a mask. Luckily, I mainly work from home, so I don't have to go outside if I don't want to, but if you're sick, just try and be considerate of others, and make sure that you don't spread the infection, especially for those at risk like elderly people, or those with existing health conditions. No matter how strong you think you might be, it doesn't mean that others around you are, and they might not be able to fight the infection, so please make sure that you are being courteous and protecting one another. Symptoms can take as long as two weeks to show, so even if a person is out and not looking ill, they could be sick without you knowing, and transmitting the infection. Another thing I'm doing is keeping my home really ventilated. I get why people might think that the outside air would be more contaminated than the inside, but that's not always true. In offices, for instance, the air core could be two to five times, even 100 times more polluted than the fresh air outside, so if you have to go to work, just make sure that you open those windows, even if it's just for five minutes every hour. It will really make a difference. Now, one of my favorite things to do here is exercise. I'm obviously super passionate about working out anyway, but I guess this is for a good reason. Regular exercise can help flush out toxins and stimulate the body's defense mechanism. Keeping active can also reduce the risk of upper respiratory infections, which is super relevant in seeing what the coronavirus can do to damage lungs. I wouldn't overtrain, though, in an attempt to try and get strong quick, people, because overtraining can actually do more damage to our bodies. I have a ton of home workout videos that you can try in the comfort of your own home, away from the germs at the gym, and are perfect durations, and intensity to get your body fighting and being fit, and finally on the list of the practical things I'm doing is sleep. Now, it's not to say sleeping for 12 or more hours. I'm just making sure to get seven to nine hours of quality sleep, meaning uninterrupted. The body repairs itself primarily during sleep, so it's really important for a well-functioning immune system. While you sleep, melatonin, a sleep hormone, repairs all your cells in your body, and it goes through a process of cleaning out damaged cells to make space for newer, healthier cells. I find getting a good quality night sleep quite difficult because I tend to scroll through the news and social media pretty much very close to my bedtime, which really isn't good for preparing the mind. In the past week or so, I've been making a strict rule with myself to put my phone away at least one hour before bed,

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