Weight Loss at Home Easy

How To Lose Weight Quickly With Home Workouts

– In today's video we are doing a 10-minute full body workout. So hope you are ready and excited for this one. If you wanna know the best diet and training program for you, then don't forget to check out the quiz below. (upbeat music) Welcome to your full body home workout guys, this is going to be 30-seconds on back-to-back. So the fist move is just jogging on the spot. Nice and easy. Lets get the body warmed up, navel sucked in, lets just move those feet and arms. (electronic dance music) So keep breathing guys, we just wanna warm up the body here. (electronic dance music) (timer counting down) Straight into star jump. So I want you to bring those hands touching up and down. That's it. Jump nice and slowly, not to hard. (electronic dance music) (timer counting down) Lets go back to the jogs here. Pick up the pace slightly now. Our body should be warm. Go a little bit faster, remember to keep that navel sucked in. (electronic dance music) (timer counting down) And back to those star jumps here now. (electronic dance music) (timer counting down) Excellent job guys, now lets go into into the first which is going to be alternating lunges so I just want you to lunge forward and back up. So really make sure that you're squeezing your legs and your glutes. Keep that navel sucked in and make sure that your body is nice and sturdy. (electronic dance music) (timer counting down) Excellent job, lets go into some nice squats here guys. So bring it down and squeeze it up. Nice controlled. I really want you to bring your bum as low as you can. Squeeze those glutes at the top. Remember to exhale every single time you come up, inhale as you go down. That's it, don't try and rush these, make sure the quality of each rep is amazing. So bring it down and up. (timer counting down) Excellent, for the next move guy, we just going to be doing some standing side leg raises. So just want you to bring one leg up to meet your elbow. This is gonna to help target the obliques as well as the outside of your glutes. So nice and controlled once again, switch arms. (electronic dance music) (timer counting down) Fantastic work, lets go down to the floor now for some simple pushups. So if you need to come on your knees like I'm doing that's not a problem, you can go up into a full pushup, please do. So just want again nice controlled, bring it down and back up. That's it guys. (electronic dance music) Make sure to really squeeze those arms as you come up. (timer counting down) Excellent job now guys. Lets onto our back and were just gonna be doing some in-out-abs. So bring it in, kick it out, in, kick it out. Remember to exhale every single time you bring your knees in, inhale as your legs go out. Again nice controlled. (electronic dance music) (timer counting down) Excellent job now all you gonna be doing is some butterfly crunches. So I want your feet to touch, legs open and come up and down. Make sure to really feel that crunch as you come up and release as you go down. (electronic dance music) (timer counting down) Excellent job guys, now its all fours for the next move. What I want you to do is one leg out and I just want you to swing it to the side and touch the floor as you go back down behind you. So lift it up and kick it back. That's it, keep that toe pointed once again keep that navel sucked in and try and lift that leg as high as you can. (upbeat music) (timer counting down) Lets switch those legs over, so bring it back, swing it round. (electronic dance music) (timer counting down) Nice job, back up guys, first we are going back to those alternating lunges, so face me, come down and up, that's it. Step forward and up. (electronic dance music) (timer counting down) Lets go into those squats now. So squat down and come up, you know the move, you know how to do it, go as low as you can, squeeze that bum and abs as you come up. (electronic dance music) (timer counting down) Excellent, you know what is next. Those side leg raises, so you just wanna let that leg up and down, make sure to bring arm down as you bring that leg up. Keep that navel sucked in, you really wanna think about balance here. Switch sides. (electronic dance music) (timer counting down) Straight down onto the floor guys onto your knees for those pushup. So bring it down and up. Nice controlled, make sure to really squeeze those arms. (gentle music) (upbeat music) (timer counting down) Lets turn right over onto our backs for those in-out-abs. So bring those legs in, kick them out. In, kick it out. (upbeat music) So guys make sure to engage that core exhale as you come in, inhale as you go out. (upbeat music) (timer counting down) Next is those butterfly crunches guys. So feet together, legs open, squeeze up and down. (upbeat music) (timer counting down) And lets turn over for the final two exercise guys, those legs swing. So on all fours, swing that leg to the side and down. That's it, nice controlled. Keep that toe pointed. Swing it to the side and back. Nice work. (electronic dance music) (timer counting down) Lets switch right on over to the other side guys. This is your last movement during this whole exercise, so really give it your all. Keep that leg up and down. That's it guys, you can do this. (upbeat music) (timer counting down) And that is it guys. Well done for completing your full body home workout today with me. So if you like this video, then don't forget to hit the subscribe button. Just click on the button below and if you wanna know the best diet and training program for you, then don't forget to check out the quiz in the description box. Now I wanna turn over to you. Did you manage to keep up with this full body 10-minute workout? Let me know in the comments below. (upbeat music)

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