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Tone Your Arms With This Home Workout | Get Results In 7 Minutes

What's up guys, today's workout is going to be a seven minute shoulders and arm tone. We will build a lean, beautiful feminine shape. I hope you're ready girls! Only seven minutes! All you need is a set of weights if you have them. Please don't worry if you don't! You can only use bottled water. Honestly, you can do it without weights! This is part of his 40-day summer shredding program. But you can do this exercise completely alone. Well let's get started! Keep the core tight at all times. You want to try to keep your rib cage low. We'll start with a shoulder tap. In internal rotation. Follow me you're going to move your shoulders forward. Put those shoulder blades back and then punch. good job! We have 50 seconds in each exercise. Keep that core nice and tight. Ten second recovery. Good work guys! Relax those shoulders. After that we will go to arrive. Our hands are like this and we just pump nice and fast. This is burning! Well let's go! Reaching, punching. Nice sharp movements. Keep moving! Fifty seconds you can do it! Already halfway through guys keep going don't give up next is for our triceps. We will bend our body slightly forward at the hips. Squeeze your shoulder blades together. Punch the arm back to work the triceps. Be realistic, people! 50 seconds is everything! We're about halfway through the exercise. Squeeze your shoulder blades together. Hold and lower. Next side. hanging. Keep going with these. Change sides quickly. Good work guys! Maintain tension on your triceps by doing some tricep dips. We've done it before. Fingers facing forward and lifting your body weight up. I don't mind about the sink if you can take it up amazing if not so hovering here. We're going to bend through the elbows. Good work guys back on our knees we're going to share now with some shoulder pops okay relax those shoulders give them a good tight core shake at a 45 degree angle we approach, we pump two three four five then we take pumping arms to the side two three four repeat five and lower 45 degree angle two , three, five, five, five, four, three two one and under continuing with those we see amazing work we both chuckle won the chest exercise here so we're going to work in two different hitting line all the way down my arm guys up to the bridge any kind of opportunities I pressed so I want you to focus on a nice slow movement on the way of breathing turn it back on good luck guys the last exercise is the front raise so I want you up and I want under where I think you're going to raise slowly down to the right and up slowly to the bottom down keep your strength if One was following the other all the way until the end comes five seconds on oh my god my arms and shoulders are on fire I don't know about you guys I really hope you enjoyed this please smash this button thumbs up don't do it forgot to hit the subscribe and bell icon because this It means you'll get a notification every time I upload a new workout and you don't want to miss out on seeing what you guys see tomorrow

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