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Best 10 Min Lower Abs Workout Routine | Lose Lower Belly Fat

It's time for a brand new abs workout and this routine is one of my favorites for your lower abs As always, you have a complete daily schedule, you can find it on my website and remember guys, you are not alone in this You have a schedule. I'll be giving you meal ideas and I'll also be live streaming sessions on Twitch this month so you have everything you need including this amazing community and now smash the thumbs up button to drop a comment with your progress and let's smash our muscles we have 11 workouts today 45 seconds 10 seconds rest . We are starting gradually. Lift your legs up and drop it back down Open your legs and repeat Make sure your back is flat on the mat so you don't hurt your back You can move a little and this really works your abs (music) Next we have a reverse crunch. Leave your legs as far as you can and go down slowly Remember to use your core to lift your legs, this really works your lower abdomen as well as your whole butt (music) Spread your hands out to your side and use your core to lift your legs up and sweep from side to side Go as far out as you can and make sure you don't overdo it because You don't want to hurt your back You should feel the burn on your lower abs and obliques Now (music) Now get up in a high plank position for some cross body mountain climbers Bring your knee toward the opposite elbow, do it slowly and with control and work your small abs (Music) Now sit down On your butt and lean back a little bit and we're doing some spins you might be starting to feel a little sore at this point, but keep pushing guys it won't be long (music) flip over now into a high plank position and we're doing some plank jacks remember to tighten your core we're almost in the middle The way through the men's workout. Just five more exercises to go (music) Now flip over and sit on your butt again and we're doing internal and external variations if you have a bottle, put it in the middle and you extend your legs out to the side and try to avoid it This is a good hack to help you maintain the ball Next we have a reverse crunch variation. Use your core to lift your legs up and then drop them back and extend them out. Do it without your heels touching the ground. Make sure your back is flat on the mat as well. Just three more exercises for the guys to keep pressing it. (Music) Okay. Get into a high position and we do some plank jumps. . You're jumping in and out, and every time you engage and squeeze those abs (music) Get on the mat and we're almost there guys we do the bicycle crunch variation but after you crunch, use your hand to tap – it's the opposite foot. Don't think about quitting smoking now. You've made it this far (music) and the last exercise is fluttering fluttering your legs up and down you lift your chest up while lowering your legs down so you don't strain your lower back and remember not to put any tension in your neck if your lower abs are doing the work we're almost done guys ( Music) Great job everyone. You did an amazing job! Smash the like button so this video reaches more people who need it. I hope you enjoyed this exercise and you're feeling the burn. Subscribe if you haven't already and I'll see you at the next workout bye

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