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10min Standing Abs Workout (Ripped Abs) | 100%ab Lines & Small Waist | No Jumping No Equipment

hi guys welcome back so today we'll be doing this standing ABS worko this is super beneficial first it is suitable for everyone especially for those who easily have lower back pain while you're doing this lying down abs workout second you don't need much space and you can do it without the yoga man so before we start there's one reminder don't overarch your back so don't do it like that so don't overarch keep your abdominal muscle engaged and El on at your back musle so that you won't hurt your back okay so without further Ado let's get on to the okay so for the first one lift up your knees and hands clap under your legs 50 seconds are you ready let's do this little things SC you paralyzing every part oh you feel it taking over you through the center of your core core the lives are getting over when you are the weather get C in the remember every time you lift up your knees squeeze in your apps engage abdominal muscles come on guys you can do it baby baby okay now keep your abdominal muscle engage extend your left hand down then bend your abs to the left touch to the middle to the right then we'll repeat for 50 seconds are you ready let's do this supering just keep on moving to the beat paralyzing every part you feel over keep your abdominal muscle engaged at all times squeeze in and try to lower your hands as down as possible remember every time you bend down squeeze in hard remember I told you if we dance in the blizzard we are not getting cold so keep on dancing baby dance dance dance girl dance yes now Cas a few breath you know the next one we have to balance on the other side okay 50 seconds are you ready let's do this together remember keep squeezing in your abs keep your abdominal muscle engaged otherwise you're doing it for nothing Peace by pce that's how the little things get hug just keep on moving to the be don't let them get the best of you when you are under the weather getting C come on bend a bit lower you can do it we almost [Music] done dance baby dance dance dance yeah yes yes now keep your abdominal muscle engage hands SP your ears then use your elbow to tap your knees then extend to the back then use your hand to tap your toes let's do on the left side first [Music] gos they try to bring us sucker down singing Lou than the cow whenever you lift up your legs squeeze in your abs forward it's going to save you never look down love not when we shine so bright as I always said you don't have to do it fast take it slow step by step squeeze in your abs you are doing it great away among the clouds this guy is just a pter oh when we're floating up like [Music] helium okay you know the dral will have to balance on the right side okay remember squeeze in your apps take it slow 50 seconds are you ready let's do [Music] this come on guys make sure you're really using your elbow to tap your knees and use your hand to tap your toes so lift up your legs a little bit higher and squeeze in your abs we're almost done you guys are doing amazing t no one is Forever Young no the I'm feeling brand new keep pushing forward it's going to save you never Li down love not when we shine so bright I know yes now for the next one put your palms together then slightly bend your knes into half squat twist your body to the left side and to the right [Music] sideo take it slow squeeze in your abs and every time you twist your body squeeze even harder feel the muscles Contracting in your [Music] abdomen [Music] yes we're almost finished the workout okay so for the next one til your toes out to the side and squa down Hands by your ears then use your right elbow to tap your left knee left elbow to tap your right knee reget and F you got me wrapped around it you feel me your body remember every time you bend down squeeze in your abs and make sure you're really using your elbows to tap your knees Lo deep like over you're the anot loose and sleep I into deep no matter where I hide you got me sleep surprise [Applause] yes you guys are amazing so for the next one is very easy use your right hand to tap your right heel left hand left heel and please don't forget to squeeze in your abs again can't forget you got me wrapped around it you feel me your body wrapped around me good P oh you got me look come on guys make sure you really tap in your heels and squeeze in your abs we're almost done we only have the last two exercises [Music] left me sleep topr yes we're almost finished the whole workout okay so for the next one it's very easy just lift up your legs and use your hand to grab your knee remember the key is to keep squeezing in your [Music] abs you feel me your body wrapped around me [Music] goodange got me up don't focus on using your hands to pull your legs up you should focus on squeezing in your abs while you lift up your legs your hands is just a measurement for you to know how high you should lift up your knees come on guys we're almost done got me sleep topr yes this is our last one okay so now slightly open your legs extend your hands up to the sky then bend your body to the left and to the [Music] right [Music] here again told me you just to be so I act like I don't understand remember squeeze in your ass and every time you bend down try to bend as low as you can and every time you come back up stand up straight and I don't even know what stay watch me turning eyes now open your eyes to say we say minute after minute we don't even yes we finished all the hotcore poses now let's do some stretches this is very easy stand up straight keep your lower body still only twist your upper body to the side this time you don't have to engage abdominal keep them relaxed and twisted as far as you can finally rock and roll just to [Music] contr keep your breath steady inhale exhale and relax your [Music] abdomen the B you said WR bab scary I to try to smile and deny it yeah I'm sure your dad still thinks you're great okay now inhale release exhale twist to the left side don't [Music] [Applause] even keep your breath steady and try to twist your body to the fullest I got nothing to say cuz f f that's why we fade away to L [Music] tooo now inhale and turn back to the center we are finished you guys are amazing I hope you guys can feel the [Music] burn I'm not kidding can you guys see all my sweat my god well H yes feeling well if you want to see more yourselves do it at least once a day and please don't forget to stay hydrated cuz you sweat a lot you need the water back into your body okay so I hope you guys enjoy this workout and I will see you guys in the next one bye that's why we F away that's why we F away

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