Weight Loss at Home Easy

15min Full Body Pilates | 100% Flat Stomach & Hourglass Shape | No Equipment Beginners Friendly

hi guys welcome back so a lot of you guys asked me what's the difference between yoga and pilates well there are many similarity and the similarity so for example most of the platypuses were doing it lying down so they're on the ground and we keep our body moving whereas most of the yoga poses we're doing it standing up and we hold that pose for a few breaths so the major difference between these two I would say Pilates is more focusing on your core strength than balancing different muscle group while yoga is more about improving your flexibility and your strength on your limbs spines and joints so yoga is more spiritual than Pilates but at the same time Pilates is an excellent exercise to tone up your body and we haven't done Pilates for a while so without further Ado let's get on to the video okay now let's start with something easy lie down on the floor and just tear your legs from side to side whenever you move keep your body on the ground and keep your back flat [Music] every time you twist back to Center squeeze your abdominal muscle [Music] [Music] okay now rest for 10 seconds okay for the next one lift your right leg up and draw a little circles in the sky [Music] lift your legs up a little bit and keep it in a straight line I know it can be a bit hard just try your best keep it as straight as you can and you can do it [Music] yes now rest for a few seconds you know the drill we have to do on the left leg are you ready 30 seconds let's go [Music] come on lift it a little bit higher and keep it straight we are almost done [Music] [Music] now rest for 10 seconds [Music] okay now lift up your upper body and swing your arms up and down this is the perfect pose to train your abdominal muscles come on keep your breath steady we are almost finished [Music] yes you guys are amazing okay now come up halfway and keep our body in a V shape [Music] come on squeeze your abdominal muscle keep your legs high and gaze to the front you can do it [Music] come on come on keep your breath steady few more seconds left [Music] now rest for a few seconds for the next one come up to tabletop and lift your right arms up then go under to your left and come back lift it up and do it again try to lift your hands as far as you can imagine you're grabbing something from the left then pull it up [Music] well done now rest for a few seconds we're going to do on the other side okay are you ready 30 seconds let's go thank you okay now catch a breath for a few seconds okay remain tabletop and lift up your right hand left leg left hand right leg keep your body still we only move our limbs abdominal muscle engaged to the front this will give you more stability come on lift up your hands and your legs a little bit higher we are almost done [Music] oh now rest for a few seconds [Music] okay now support yourself with your arms and use your knees to tap your elbows [Music] remember to keep both of your hands right under your shoulders so if you found your arms are not in a straight line move your body a little bit forward [Music] thank you yes now rest for a few seconds okay now put your body down on the ground and lift up your upper body and your arms extend your arms come back to the ears then down again come on lift your body up a little bit and extend your arms as far as you can this is the perfect pose to get those sexy back muscles [Music] foreign yes we're almost finished with the first set okay this is our last one lift up your legs and your arms and just do a little swing just like we're swimming are you ready let's go [Music] come on hang in there we are almost done [Music] yes we finished the first set now rest for a few seconds we're going to do the second set let's start again the first one tears your legs side to side [Music] remember keep your hips on the ground and keep your back flat [Music] [Music] [Music] yes now rest for a few seconds remember this one drawer circles in the sky [Music] remember try to keep your legs straight and lift it as high as you can [Music] [Applause] now rest for a few seconds we're going to repeat on the other leg you ready let's go foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes now catch a breath for a few seconds we're going to train our abs [Music] remember the next one hands swing up and down [Music] yes you guys are amazing okay the next one to our body in a little V shape and we hold here for 30 seconds [Music] come on squeeze your abdominal muscle and lift up your chest a little bit we are almost done [Music] now rest for a few seconds [Music] okay remember the next one lift up your right arms then go under to your left [Music] come on reach your hands as far as you can [Music] foreign yes we almost finished the whole workout you guys are amazing [Music] okay now repeat on the other side [Music] [Music] [Music] yes few more to go okay the next one remain tabletop and lift up your right arms a left leg left arms right leg remember to keep your body still and only move your legs and arms [Music] foreign [Music] okay remember next one use your knees to tap your elbow every time you tap your elbows squeeze your abdominal muscles you don't have to be fast take it slow as long as you're doing it I am freaking proud of you [Music] okay [Music] yes we have last two exercise left okay now down to the floor lift up your upper body and your arms extend your arms staying come back we've done this before I'm sure you can do this one too [Music] thank you foreign [Music] yes down to our last exercise you guys are amazing [Music] okay our last one swing your arms up and down are you ready let's go [Music] thank you [Music] and yes we finished the whole workout you guys are amazing if in a comment below telling me do you like to do yoga or do you like to do Pilates well for me I like to do yoga in the morning and pilates in the afternoon well anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I will see you guys in the next one bye [Music]

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