Weight Loss at Home Easy

How To Lose Weight Fast: 10 Home Workouts To Get Results In 7 Days

a friend is capping the day oh here I've got a short poor workout for you her request from one of my friends make sure your shoulders and wrists backs the legs are work duck we're just going to dive right in so downward facing dog chest back towards your thighs the heels don't have to hit the ground just breathe will come forward into plank pose so plank pose hips and languish'd shoulders you can always modify within these down we're gonna do a nice plank hold here so working on some core stabilization breathe warming everything up keep pulling your belly button in towards your spine legs firm so engage in quads and arms are straight so the tricep straightens the arms so give those a hug towards each other hug your thumbs towards each other your gaze is a little forward just a little forward and down ok another 10 seconds stay with me we've got my little one home today sick so she interrupts us we're just all going to have a little compassion for her yeah okay here we go we'll take a quick break just come on down you can stretch the shoulders or not and we're gonna go right back to our plank pose okay so plank pose so try to run this with bent arms you'll roll to the tips of the toes you can have your knees down this is modified I want you to bend your arms so they're at a 92 elbows over wrists shoulders over elbows and push back up so that's chaturanga let's give ourselves a quick break we're gonna do a few set of those so nothing changes you're just bending your arms but you have to roll forward to the tips of the toes so that when the arms Bend they stack Kompany you're going to push back up a little different than your gym push up there push-up variations let's keep going core nice and strong give me two more down up down and push back down up take a quick break all right heading into the obliques side plank on the right so showing modifications for those of you that could use it seem me down as the arm otherwise you're lining up your wrists wrist crease parallel to the front of your mat wrists and middle of your foot is in the same one I'm breathing here three two one I'll slightly bend your elbow and dip it underneath you two you're tapping your hand to your back ribs we'll go five four three two and one come back to plank close and we'll take that on the second side so I'm setting up here so I can face you my mic broke on me so I can't turn away from you right now okay so we're holding plank squeeze the legs lift upper or bottom hip and then soft bend in that elbow a little tops top and we'll go five four three two and one come back to plank nice and strong come on down we're going to take forearm plank now so look at off the wrists a little bit your forearms parallel to the front of the mat same kind of core stabilization here nice and solid this time we'll take the hips and dip them down and then lift them back up so we go down up we'll go eight seven six five four three two and one so you can just simply switch sides here like this I'll try this from the back go down up down up eight seven six five four three two and one good come on down [Music] it's them now we're going to do four plank so forearms down if you have tight shoulders or anything going on with your shoulders just clasp your hands that'll give you some freedom here feet hips distance apart good we're gonna do plank saws forearm plank saws forward back forward back to ten nine eight seven six five four three two one stay with me feet hips distance apart take those feet all the way to swivel them so that the right hip is down but you're still looking forward and then come back back and just switch left hit down down down down down all right little break here beautiful so now we'll bring our hands down alongside our knees you'll take an inhale notice my shoulders are spreading away from my spine front ribs Nippon you're trying to lift your knees up towards your nose will hold 5 4 bytes to chest 2 1 come on down and then we'll continue on here up and exhale up and up push the shoulder blades away from the spine bring your knees up towards your nose give me two more last one good take just a moment here we're going to come back to our down dog stretch the shoulders a little bit here good inhale reach your right leg up all right this doesn't have to look as high as mine on your exhale right knee right trace up trying to touch the outside inhale right leg up we're ready to meet to those inhale right leg up and you know take a twist all the way to the left inhale right leg up this time we want to after you're trying to bend your arms if you can go all the way down to chaturanga that's great but you got to get back up inhale up need to notes and we'll do that on the twist a little harder dirt hair so twisting could you bend your arms and get back up inhale right leg up exhale it down breathe stretch you can always come down to your knees so you can click rate otherwise we're going right in and you know left leg lifts exhale left knee tracer inhale leg lifts exhale knee to nose inhale up exhale twist reach your arm okay if you can't inhale up we're going through that bent arm strength here Bend push back up a lowest point to the back wall exhale knee to nose inhale it up exhale going for a twist Bend back up okay we're going to come forward plank pose chaturanga down to your belly inhale up locust pose so Lucas you're working your back core muscles the muscles that extend your spine we plan out there from my own bed holding good now keep this lift up release your hands shoulders stay up curl your toes under come back to chaturanga plank and downward facing dog we're going to move a little faster I don't know if you can hear that but it's pretty funny okay a little faster with that so just listen up to inhale forward plank pose exhale chaturanga all the way down to your belly the shoulders lifted though in pallet locust exhale chaturanga inhale plank exhale downward facing dog come forward plank pose on an inhale exhale chaturanga down to your belly inhale up exhale chaturanga inhale plank exhale downward facing dog last one word like chaturanga all the way down inhale up exhale chaturanga inhale plank exhale downward facing dog good job hey we'll come forward to plank little hands here lift your right leg up three legged plank pose so you're looking for a straight line from heel tip to shoulder staying here and then we'll set it down both faster ten nine eight seven six five four three two one release switch Holt left side up nice and strong pelvis one of the course functions is to stabilize the pelvis so 10 and then you know if the muscles are working really well when you're able to do these exercises and the pelvis is pretty stable 3 2 1 good alright my friends we'll take tabletop position here tabletop and you'll lift your right leg up this is called fire hydrant pose you can probably see why right ok we'll go down and and absolute leading into the medius here primary muscle that that's the leg remove

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