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Best 10 Min Stretch To Slim Your Calves!

Hello everyone, welcome to my channel. Many people said that they hope I can make a video about how to slim down the calves. In fact, I made a video about how to slim down the calves a few months ago. I explained it in more detail that time, such as how to make the top layer When it comes to fat burning and those exercises that you shouldn’t do, I mentioned one thing in particular, which is stretching the calf muscles. This will make the calf muscles longer. In fact, our daily life will naturally make the calves bigger and tired. Sitting for too long will Wearing high heels, walking too many stairs in inappropriate shoes, and running will make the calves very tired. In the next 10 minutes, we must concentrate on stretching the calf muscles. This will also make the calves slimmer. This kind of exercise is very suitable for daily preparation. Yet? let's start! Ten minutes of stretching, especially to make calves slimmer. Ten stretches, 45 seconds each time, rest for 15 seconds. Set a goal for these ten minutes first. Why do you want to exercise with me? What do you expect from your body? To calm down, put aside everything you are doing today at work, in class, at home or with friends, and concentrate on the exercise. The first stretch is called standing with your calf stretched. Take a step forward with your left foot behind you and your right knee bent. At about 45 degrees, the back leg should be straight. Put your hands on the right thigh. Lean your body here and both feet should be on the floor. You should feel that the left calf is being pulled. If you want to pull more, the front leg should be pulled closer. In the first small step, pay attention to keeping your left heel on the floor. Continue stretching for 45 seconds. This will make the calf muscles fully longer. Now we need to use the same movement when changing sides, with the left foot in front and the right foot in front. Afterwards, concentrate on stretching, especially the large muscles in the calf. For the third stretch, you have to lie on the ground. This is the downward dog pose. The hands are on the ground shoulder-width apart, the feet are on the ground waist-width apart, and the hands push the body up. The body should become an inverted V shape and slowly start to move. Let the hands move and the feet move and slowly start to bend one leg forward. The other leg should be straightened and the heel of the straightened leg must still be on the ground. Switch legs and move slowly like this. Continue to push the floor with your hands, so that most of the weight of the body rests on the legs. This will also stretch the muscles of the calf. Continue for 45 seconds to enjoy this time. The next exercise is more difficult! Shake your hands and feet first. The fourth exercise is called single-leg downward dog. We start in the same downward dog position. This time, the right leg should be straight, with the heel still on the ground. Bend the left leg and place it behind the right leg like this. Don't touch the floor with your left foot. The weight of the body is on the right leg. This will pull the right calf the best. You still need to push the floor hard. This will also help pull the muscles of the calf. The arms will be tired, but you have to hold on and remember that you Our goal is not to give up and take a break, especially to rest the arms. The next exercise is the same movement, but switch to the left leg and place the left foot on the ground, with the right foot on top of the left foot. Push the floor with your hands as much as possible, so that the weight of the body rests on the left leg. This is the most effective way to pull the calf, and the arms will not be so tired. The center of the body must be stable, use the abdominal muscles, don't rely entirely on the arms, and concentrate on pulling the calf muscles. The time is almost up! The campaign is half done! Next is my favorite Lajin exercise. I always do this Wall Calf Lajin exercise no matter where I am. We first practice the right foot for 45 seconds and then switch to the left foot and stand in front of the wall. The left foot is on the floor and the toes of the right foot are Put it on the wall but keep your heels on the ground. To help you balance, you can put your hands on the wall and slowly lean forward against the wall. This will stretch the muscles of your right calf. Do this for 45 seconds. In fact, if you have a yoga block, you can use this Does it feel good to be more effective? I really like this exercise. Now I want to change sides and continue to stretch the left calf muscle in the same posture. It would be better if the body is closer to the wall. It is also very effective to use yoga blocks to enjoy stretching. This brings us closer to the goal. There are only three left. The eighth stretch is called Bow Lajin. We first practice the right side for 22 seconds, then switch to the left side and bend the left leg. Straighten the right leg and bend the upper body forward. Grab the right foot with both hands and pull the foot up a little. Then bend the upper body down. Click on your right leg and keep it straight. You should feel your right calf being stretched for 22 seconds. After 22 seconds, switch to straightening your left leg. You can see that I am not a very flexible person, but this means that I need to practice stretching more! The ninth exercise in the last two minutes is called leaning forward and pulling back. First practice sitting on the floor with the right calf, folding the left leg, straightening the right leg, grabbing the right foot with both hands, and pulling the toes back. You will feel the calf. You can stretch the muscles with your hands a little harder, which will be more effective. It's not easy. Although stretching this way is not very comfortable, it is very effective. Finally, we have to use the same movements to stretch the muscles of the left calf in the same way. Pull harder and come on. It's almost over! Done successfully! I hope you and your calves enjoyed the stretches with me today! See you soon Yay! Ha ha

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