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Daily Yoga For Strong Core | Sexy Abs Line & Improve Posture

why I always train my core but I just can't see any results that's because your core does not only means your abdomen you also means your back and your pelvis not only this will help you to get your sexy F line this can also help to build your core which is crucial for your body because your core connect your upper body and your lower body so it can protect your back protect your spine so today we'll be doing six easy yoga poses for a stronger cord are you guys ready without further do let's get onto the video okay now come sitting on your mat engage your core lift your legs up in the air then bend your knees extend it bend your knees extend [Music] it don't keep your back straight lifting from your chest sitting like a vshape remember engage your cords he want new so long ago they still make me l i want you right right right now come on guys remember keep your back straight and squeeze in your abdomen we're almost [Music] done anybody else no one but you you make me feel the way I okay now let's do an easy one hands next to your hips pressing onto the floor set up tall and straight try to make it at 90° and we're going to hold here for 50 seconds are you ready let's do it the way I [Music] do don't underestimate this pose this uses our back in our abdom musle so if you found yourself not sitting in a 90° engage your core and your back sit up tall and straight chest Towards the Sky shoulders down I want you now I [Applause] [Music] show keep pressing your hands onto the floor squeeze in your abs we almost B know I want anybody else no one you okay now turn yourself around putting your elbows onto the floor engage your core then exhale lift your hips up squeeze your abs inhale come back to plank we' done this before are you ready let's do it no one you can make me feel the way I do all that I want is to have you to myself no one you you make me feel the way I do the way I do [Music] y the way I do remember to engage your core the whole time not only this can train our ABS this can also help to slam down our arms so all you lucky ones what up you're always on the r what up I mean to get me wrong but what up was I not the one you Dr up no no no cuz the life it be okay now we remain the same position in plank we're going to hold there for 50 seconds keep your body in a straight line so don't lower your hips or lift your hips keep your body in a straight line you ready let's do it of [Applause] love it's all of love it's you never thought I was good enough but I your your kingdom and it's all I've been thinking I don't want to waste my pre time remember keep your body in a straight line so lower your hips a little bit keep squeezing in your abs we're almost [Music] done so all your lucky ones what up you're always on the right what up I mean no get me was yes now turn to the right side of your body lift your hips up we're in side plank engage your core lift your hands up and down up and down 50 seconds you ready let's do it yourself This Moment will never come back again it's sad you never thought I was good enough but I called your Ace your kingdom and it's it's all a BL it's all a BL it's all a come on don't drop your hips make your hips a little bit higher and keep moving squeezing in your abs hang in there it's all [Music] all it's all of love yes I'm sure you know what's coming next we're going to do on the other [Music] side okay now for our sexy FS are you ready let's do it [Music] remember don't drop your hips keep engaging your core we are almost done [Music] that was a killer okay here comes our last one turn your body around sitting on your mat supporting yourself with your hands then lift up your hips remember keep your body in a straight line we're going to hold here for 50 seconds [Music] all of this poess looks very simple cuz we're not moving our body much but these static exercise are the hardest and they are the best for your core so come on guys lift up your hips a little bit keep your body in a straight line we're almost done [Music] now slowly come down we are finished you guys are amazing I hope your core are burning as [Music] well well how are you guys feeling super easy right just a quick reminder if you want to get your abs line a small ways your hourglass shape don't just train your abs you need to train your back as well not only you will get an hour flash shape you will also realize that your postures are fixed no more neck calm and no more lower back pain I have several videos training our back as well if you guys are interested just click it in the cards I will put it there so remember don't just train your abs focus on training your core okay so I hope you guys enjoy this little yoga class and I will see you guys in the next one bye [Music] he [Music]

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