How To Lose Weight At Home In 7 Days: 8 Must-try Workouts For Women
are you ready to tone up and stretch your body too well awesome because today on X hit your trainer Rebecca Louise is going to take you through a yoga [Applause] workout we're going to start off our yoga workout by coming to the ground we're going to just do a nice stretch inhaling and exhaling onto your hands and knees for a minute we're just going to Arch our back just holding it here and then we're just going to Arch it okay so we're just going to make a nice curve with our back just get your knees comfortable you might want to take them just a little bit further apart and then just extend your back out and look up to the ceiling okay just nice and high open that chest up and let's do it a few more times so get a nice curve in your back just really stretch out and then as you exhale we're going to do a nice arch in our back okay so it's super important that we warm up when we do exercise so we don't injure ourselves El let's just do this one more time that's a nice curve in your back okay and exhale and out okay so we're going to start off with our first exercise we're going to be in the same position that we were in for our initial stretching we're going to curve the spine and then we're going to take the opposite arm to opposite leg out in front of us and give a nice stretch okay and then slowly bring it back together and curve and let's take out the other arm and leg nice and slowly now we're doing yoga so we just want to be a nice and calm State no rapid sharp movements just taking it nice and gently thinking about the body and the movements we're making okay so you've got a minute of this let's really try and curve our spine and then slowly bring our arm out and leg just try and use your eyes just to follow as you come up so curve that spine and extend pull that tummy in hold it there and bring it back okay let's keep it going and as you come out I want you to Exhale okay and gently bring it back down okay relax that back come round to sitting okay so come down I want your back flat on the ground we're going to hold a bridge we're going to hold it here for 20 seconds okay so put your arms out to the side and after 20 seconds we're going to bring one of our leg out extend it and then change it for the other one for the next 40 seconds okay so really try and pull that bottom up want a nice flat surface here arms out to the side and are you ready let's extend that leg out so we're just going to hold it here for a few seconds and then bring it back down everything nice and slow okay just really inhaling and exhaling just thinking about your breathing let's change over to that other leg again extending it out that's it nice and calm just be and think about all the Motions that your body is making okay let's give it one more on each leg so extend it out now just really try and lift up that leg and let's swap onto the last time hold it here and relax okay now I just want you to come up into a vit and I just want you to hold put your hands behind your thighs here and we're just going to hold it here for a minute so open up that chest up to the sky if it helps you can put your arms out here I don't need to really grip onto your leg just hold it here and and then just straighten out that back okay so really open up that chest feel those abs working your legs are going to tingle a little bit and then just chest up to the sky that's it really squeeze those abs to make it a little bit harder you can just go back a little bit open up that V more you're going to feel more of a strain in those quads and those abs remember as you come back you still want to make sure that your chest is open open okay and breathe keep it going how you feeling you getting hot I'm definitely feeling my heart rate up even with yoga you can really start to feel it okay so just release those legs we're going to stay in this position we're going to come up onto our elbows and we're going to hold our reverse plank here now squeeze those glutes you're going to be working out those shoulders and your abs this is a hard one to hold but just look up to the sky and just keep inhaling and exhaling just listen to my voice just keep holding it there you're going to be burning a sweat I can feel it in my legs and just see if each time you can just keep squeezing those glutes okay it's going to bring your bottom off the ground that's it just think about pulling those ab muscles in you can drop those Cals down onto the ground if you need to and then just put push up off the ground and open up those shoulders squeeze those glutes okay keep it going keep inhaling and exhaling great job everyone keep it going this is a great workout cuz you really are working those shoulders abs and your glutes okay keep it going and release okay that's a tricky one so good job there now coming up to standing I want you to get in a nice wide lunge as wide as you can always watch watch that knee doesn't go over the toe and we're going to come up we're going to squat down and as we come up we're going to stretch over our leg okay so toning up our leg muscles as well as giving us a good stretch okay so we're going to do a minute on each side we're just going to take it nice and slow and you'll be able to work out that each time you come down you're going to feel a more of a stretch you're going to be able to get closer to your leg okay so each time your head's going to be a to get closer to your leg okay now you really need to think about activating your core as well because that's going to help stabilize you nice low in that Squat and then let's go all the way down now this is the tricky bit is when you come up is holding that pose so make sure that your abs are activated keep nice and strong in the center and down you go feel that nice stretch hold it there and come back up again okay nice and low I want you to take take a look at your knee and double check that it's not over your toes and let's do one more stretch on this side bring it back up and let's switch over to the other leg so put that left leg out in front arms up and lunge down taking it over that leg might need to adjust yourself just to check that you're in the right position come back up again and down nice and gently now you're going to find but one leg is always stronger than the other this is my weaker leg so I'm going to have to work harder you can see that you're more wobbly on one side taking it down and up okay I just want to keep inhaling and exhaling great job everybody it's nice also when you're toning up to really stretch out those muscles as well take it down nice and slowly squeeze those abs as you come up give me a nice stretch up to the ski ceiling stealing that's a new word and up again oh even lost my balance coming down up and stretch out over that leg okay just hold it there and bringing it up again that's it as you come up nice to the ceiling and then down again okay how you feeling great job relax those legs give them a little bit of a wiggle and w