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How To Slim Down Your Face (Include 7 Effective Face Exercises) ~ Emi

Hi, I'm Emi! So, one of the most frequently asked questions from you – every day on DMs and comments – is how to slim the face. It's something that a lot of people struggle with and many of them are going to plastic surgery these days to get it done – but if you want to naturally curve your face, it's definitely not impossible. So, in today's video, I'm going to show you the top 4 things you can do to make this happen. No. 1 is full-body and full-body fat burning exercises. You're probably thinking: “Why? I only want to burn the fat on my face, and the rest of my body is fine.” The truth is that when we lose weight, we lose weight overall and not just from one targeted portion. So, this means that if we want to slim down our face and burn the extra fat stored around this area – then we need to reduce body fat overall, and fortunately for many of us, when we lose fat – it shows up on our face first. So the key to burning fat is cardio that increases your heart rate. There are many different options for heart disease. You can do, for example, all the full-body HIIT workout videos on my channel. I will put a link here. You can also run, jog, swim, dance and bike. Do this at least 3 to 5 times a week. Number 2 is facial exercises. Although we can't target just facial fat, the good news is there are 43 muscles in our face. If we just neglect them, over time, they will sag, get old and become loose. By exercising and working these muscles, we can tone, lift and tighten them, thus making our face appear slimmer. No. 3 is managing your diet. There are a number of things you can do: The first is to reduce your calories. As mentioned earlier, when we lose weight in general, this includes our face. So, combining exercise with a healthy diet ensures that our bodies burn more fat than the amount we consume. Thus, the body and face lose fat. Second, reduce your sodium intake. When our body contains excess sodium – it carries an excess amount of water which leads to puffiness and swelling that is more visible in the face. So, less salt, less instant processed foods. For example, a lot of chips, snacks and packaged foods usually contain higher levels of sodium. When grocery shopping, check food labels and their sodium levels. Third, lack added sugar in your diet because it also contributes to weight gain and body fat, which again includes your face. Natural sugars, like fruits and vegetables, are fine — but added sugar in candy, drinks, sauces, snacks and other processed foods — are the ones we need to reduce the amount we eat. It will help not only slim your face and body, but also significantly improve your health. Fourth, eat less refined carbohydrates. For example white bread, pizza, pasta made with white flour, white rice, sweets, many breakfast cereals. The reason: Refined carbohydrates cause inflammation – increased fat storage in our bodies and faces, and also the fact that they are low in fiber and digested very quickly. It also leads to a high chance of overeating. So, instead of refined carbohydrates, you can choose whole grains. Some of the healthiest are brown rice and whole wheat products, for example, whole wheat rolls, favorites, whole wheat pasta, whole rye bread, quinoa. Fifth, there are some foods that will help with your skin and how your skin looks. For example red peppers and oranges which are rich in Vitamin C – which is used to make collagen to provide structure to our skin, giving it elasticity so there is less sagging. Healthy fats like avocados and walnuts and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids like salmon can also help reduce swelling and inflammation — while improving and brightening your skin. 6, drink more water. Keep your body hydrated throughout the day. Not only does it help reduce fluid retention and thus reduce puffiness and puffiness in your face; Studies have also found that it helps reduce the calories you eat because you feel full and increases your metabolism, and therefore the number of calories you burn during the day. 7, less alcohol. Apart from being high in calories, it is also one of the biggest causes of facial puffiness and swelling. If you want to know more about my diet and what I eat daily, I will put the video link here. I also post on my Instagram Story what I eat each day to give you more meal ideas. The final step in this video is to get enough sleep. Lack of sleep increases your stress hormones, and some of the side effects are – an increase in your appetite, which affects your metabolism, which leads to increased fat storage. When you get better sleep, you'll also feel motivated and energized throughout the day — to move, exercise, and lose weight more, right? So, these are the 4 best tips for you if you want to slim down your face naturally. Hopefully useful! Comment below if they work for you and share this video with anyone you think might need it. Last but not least, subscribe and turn on the notification button so you don't miss all the new upcoming videos. I'll see you later! – HOW TO SLIM DOWN YOUR FACE (include 7 Effective Face Exercises) ~ Emi

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