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Intermittent Fasting For Women (Does It Work + Results)

(upbeat music) – Hi guys, welcome back to my YouTube channel. So today, on Sunday, we are gonna be talking about intermittent fasting. I'm gonna be discussing why I do it and the benefits for it. So if you guys are interested or looking to get into intermittent fasting and need some more info, do continue to watch 'cause we will be jumping straight into it. (upbeat music) So, intermittent fasting, what is it? So intermittent fasting is basically a structured time frame when you actually eat food. So there's a couple of different ways that you can do intermittent fasting. You can do a 24 hour fast. You can do a 16 to 8. You can do a 14 to 10 ratio. The one that I follow most days is the 16-8 ratio, where I will do 16 hours of fasting with a 8 hour window of eating. So times can vary, depends on when I normally start my meal in the evening, but for example, I might finish eating at say like 8 p.m. and then I'll start eating again at 12 p.m. the next day. And it will be 12 to eight and it will continue in a cycle like this. So I think there are tons of benefits that we'll get into with intermittent fasting in a moment. So basically that is intermittent fasting in a nutshell for you all. Now the reason that I got into intermittent fasting was about a year and half to two years ago, and Aaron actually got me into it. Everyone must be thinking, God Aaron's full of wisdom, but I was never a breakfast lover at all. I used to hate getting up and forcing myself to eat breakfast. And I was one of those people where I believed breakfast was the most important meal of the day, so I'd never leave the house without having breakfast. But it used to always make me feel sick and I used to hate doing it, and along with that, what I'd actually end up doing is I'd end up eating more in the day. So when Aaron told me a little bit about intermittent fasting that he had discovered it from a lady called, Dr. Rhonda Patrick, I did a lot more research into it and found that it was something that I really wanted to get in to and just eat the amount of calories that I need in a specific time window, which is eight hours for me. So with breakfast, a lot of you might be thinking oh my God, how do you not eat breakfast? Look, everyone is different and everyone has to respect everyone's opinions and what they want to do with their body. I personally don't like eating breakfast because, like I said, I used to always feel sick and I've never been a person that wants to get up and eat straight away. I can't do that. I don't eat breakfast because to me, it just doesn't really matter when my metabolism is burning energy in my body. Whether I have it at say 8 o'clock in the morning versus 1 o'clock in the afternoon. To me it doesn't matter as long as I'm eating the same amount of macros and calories that I would throughout spreading my meals from eight in the morning til eight at night. Against me having it at 12 or one til eight or 9 p.m. at night. My body is gonna be burning the same amount of metabolism and calories in my body as it would if I was to eat in the morning. So to me that doesn't really matter and that's one of the reasons why I don't think breakfast is the most important meal of the day at all. So moving back (pop) onto intermittent fasting, I wanna talk about the benefits. Now there are a ton of benefits that you can research online but a few that I want to point out, which is the reason why I'm on intermittent fasting are things like, it improves your cognitive behavior. It helps with your sleeping. It helps your cells rejuvenate and repair and it also helps slow down the aging process, which is great 'cause I'm now 25 and that's beginning to slow down. It also helps with inflammation in the body as well as helping burn fat. Which is one of the reasons why I did it, so you hope to lose weight. Another great reason to do fasting, is it actually gives the body some time to digest your food. So instead of eating every two, three hours your body is constantly working hard to digest that food. Now everyone, of course, will have a fasting state when they go to sleep, but I personally think it's great to give your body that 14 to 16 hour window of fasting so it allows your body to actually digest the food and get the nutrients that your body needs. Ah, that's great, I'm filming and my mom decides to put the TV on upstairs. Lovely. So another… Okay, so one of the problems that I want to discuss with intermittent fasting that a lot of women are concerned about is the hormone imbalance. (pop) So a lot of women think that if they do intermittent fasting they're gonna have some hormone imbalances whereas they might not have a period, the fertility rate might be lower, and they might have sleep issues and concerns because of the hormone imbalance. So the reason why this can happen in some women, and you might get hormone imbalance is because your body is entering a starvation mode after a certain amount of time. Which is good because we're gonna be burning the fat in our backup storage. But the problem for woman is that we are very sensitive to this because our bodies, obviously, are here to carry babies and when we enter the starvation mode, our body tries to protect itself and basically says we can't reproduce because we can't keep a baby growing in our bodies if we don't have the right nutrients and food in there for it. So I think that the reason that this happens to certain woman is because that you're actually pushing yourself too hard. What I mean by this is that, you might be doing intermittent fasting for a period that is way too long for you. You might be on a calorie deficit when you're not actually getting the right nutrients and calories that your body needs. And on top of that, you might be pushing yourself too hard with exercise, in the sense that you might be going too hard on the cardio. So a combination of all of those things are actually going to put stress on the body. If this does happen to you, number one, I recommend going to the doctor and just finding out if it is intermittent fasting or if there is anything else going on. So definitely go see a doctor. One of the signs that you can look our for is, you know, sleeping problems, missed periods, and darker hair, hair falling out. Anything that happens, you have to go to a doctor straight away and ask them if they think that your intermittent fasting is right. But secondly, one of the things I would do is change the intermittent fasting times that you're doing. Have an experiment and see what works for you because every single person is different and not everything works for everyone. So I started off, when I was doing intermittent fasting, I think with a fasting window of 12 hours I would eat. Then I'd break to down to 10, then I'd break it down to eight. So currently I do practice 16 to 18 and sometimes I might say do 14 and 10. So it's just about figuring out what's right for your body and actually listening to it. Dr. Rhond

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