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Lose Thigh Fat Workout To Get Slimmer Inner Thighs | No Jumping 15 Mins Thinner Thighs

Hey everyone! Welcome back! So today's workout is an inner thigh workout and this workout is not going to bulk up your legs or your thighs. Your inner thighs are gonna burn so badly, but girls and guys this is gonna be so worth it! This workout is super fun and there's no repeat exercises and also there's no jumping involved, so don't worry about that, and let's jump straight into it. In today's workout, we've got three sets. Forty seconds on and a quick five seconds off. You need a fitness mat and a towel, so pause the video and get them ready before we start. Now let's start the workout with plie. It's basically a sumo squat, but your toes are pointed outwards. Make sure your feet are really wide apart and squat down and you'll feel it on your inner thighs. Now, we've got a quick 5 seconds rest and we're jumping into side lunges. This really targets the inner thighs and make sure you go quite deep into the lunge. For all the exercises today, make sure you're engaging your inner thighs. If you're not engaging your inner thighs, you're gonna be working your other muscle groups. And my inner thighs was so sore the next day after this workout. Next we've got two angles leg lift. First, kick one leg at around 45 degrees angle, and then sideways at 90 degrees. You're working different parts of the inner thighs here. Make sure you think about your inner thigh muscles when you're working them. If not, you're not really working on them. Now on to the other side. Next we have a modified crab-walk. Have your feet pointed outwards, like really outward, and walk sideways. Stay low and you'll feel it so much on your inner thighs. Up next, we've got plie again, but this time we are adding in pointed toes. We are doing it four times with that pointed toes two times on each leg. When you lift that heels, your muscle memory is going to use your calf muscle here. Make sure you use your inner thighs to get your heels up, not your calf muscles. You can do this. And this works absolutely great for your inner thighs. Now that's the end of set one. We've got a 15 seconds break before we start the next set. So get your mat and a towel if you haven't already. Lie down on your mat and we're going to do some inner thigh lifts. Cross one leg over the other like-so and lift. And this exercise is absolutely brutal for the inner thighs. I love it so much, but at the same time I also really hate it. Stay where you are and next we're going to do some leg circles with the other leg. Just concentrate on using your inner thighs to draw a big circle, a big circle. Again, stay put and next we're going to do toe touches on the other leg. Make sure you use your inner thigh muscles to lift the leg, it changes everything. Now flip around to the other side and we're going to repeat these three exercises and wrap up set two. We'll start with inner thigh lift again. And next, we are doing leg circles again. Concentrate on that inner thighs. And finally, some toe touches. And make sure you think about your inner thighs when you're doing this. Alright we've got ten seconds rest time after this, and we're going to start set three. Grab a towel and lay on the mat and place your towel in between your legs and we're going to do some glute bridges. Make sure you squeeze that butt and that towel in between your legs, we are working both your butt and inner thighs at the same time here, so good! Now put that towel aside and place your palms flat on the ground, and we've got legs scissors next. Make sure you have your feet pointed outwards as well, so it targets your inner thighs. Now stay where you are, because we've got frog press next. Pretend that you've got frog legs and thrust those long legs forward. I hope you're feeling that burn on your inner thighs by now. Stay where you are again, and next we're doing diamond kicks. Start with your feet flat, facing the ceiling. Open up your legs and draw a diamond. As you come back up, adjust your feet and make sure your feet are flat, facing the ceiling again. This helps to target the inner thighs more as you open up your legs. Next we've got leg swipes. Start by lifting one leg up straight and going all the way to the right and try to touch the ground if you can, and then on to the other side. Be safe and do it slowly. Now on to the other side. For the last two exercises, get on all fours and we got some sidekicks. Start with one leg extended behind you and kick it to the side. Adjust it based on the angle that engages your inner thighs the most, and don't give up, guys. Feel that burn, and we're almost at the end of the workout. And now on to the other side. Let's do this, guys! Great job everyone! I hope your inner thighs are burning right now. Don't forget to smash that thumbs up button, and drop me your comments. If you have not subscribed yet, smash that subscribe button and turn on notifications and I'll see you guys in the next workout. Bye!

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