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Shredded Abs Workout | 500 Reps Ab Challenge

Welcome guys! The goal today is to do more repetitions of the exercises up to 500 times in this quick 10-minute routine for your abdominal muscles in order to help you get closer to a flat stomach. Do not expect to get all of the exercises up to 500 times in the first try that you do, especially if you are new. For this training, you will become stronger over time. Just do it at your own pace. Now, you can find the full four-week schedule on the website at Chloeting.com and share your level and journey via YouTube, Instagram and TikTok. We have an amazing community that is here to support you. Well, click like so this video reaches more people, and please leave us comments with how your experience was the first time and also your progress over time, and let's get started! We have 17 exercises today: 30 seconds of drills and 5-10 seconds of rest. Lay flat on the mat and we'll start with the bent knee and jack-knife. Lift yourself up while engaging your abdominal muscles so that your chest and knees meet and slowly return. For low impact, just raise your knees up like this and cringe forward. Next, we have leg drops followed by kicks and flutters. Make sure your back is flat on the floor at all times. Lift your legs straight up and flap down. You can also lift your chest up slightly using your core abdominal muscles while lowering your legs down. This will help you relieve pressure from your lower back. Great job guys! Now flip into a high plank position as we kick left and right. If you feel this exercise in your abdominal muscles here, it is because you are not engaging them, you must work and engage all of the muscles in your body for this exercise and we have the plank and the rotation. We alternate through our arm like this. If you are having problems with this exercise, just do it on your knees and take it gently until you get stronger. Well done guys! Now sit on your butt and lean back a little as we do some V-turns. Squeeze and focus on your abs! You guys can! You'll feel great after this workout. Okay, so lay flat on the mat with your legs up, and we're doing some finger touches on the opposite side. I know this is difficult, so take a break if you need it, it's totally okay. It's not supposed to be easy and that's why it's hard. Now lie flat on the floor and bring yourself up and chop to your side like this. If you've made it this far, you're doing great. Just keep going and push yourself, you will slowly improve. Now sit on your butt again and lean back slightly with your feet above the floor as we do some boat flips. This very works and engages your obliques and abdominal muscles and you'll also feel it in your legs, but don't worry your legs won't swell or anything. Just take a little break if you need to. Okay, now flip yourself into a high plank position and we're doing some jumps. We are about halfway through the exercise, we have completed approximately 250 reps of this exercise, well done! Well, take a little break with this next exercise. Get into the low plank position while you raise your butt up and then return to the low plank. You're supposed to be working and engaging your abs, just take it easy and you're in control here, guys. Okay, flip over and lie flat on the floor and we'll push our legs up. Make sure you use your abdominal muscles to lift your hips here. Just six exercises, guys, you're capable! Now we will reach forward and between our legs you must use your abdominal muscles to lift yourself up. Make sure not to use your neck muscles here. Okay, now raise your legs up like this and we're doing five pulses. If you feel very tired, you can keep bending on your knees and just do the pulses. Just don't give up, we're almost done with this exercise! Stay in the same state. And we have bicycle garages. Just focus on engaging your abs, and squeeze your abs, guys! Come on guys, you can! Okay, now get into side plank position and we do some crunches. Do it slowly and with control, it's totally okay. Just focus on engaging your abs, we're almost done. Flip yourself over and we'll do the same thing on the other side. Just one more exercise after this guys, you can do this! The last exercise is mountain climbers. Do it as fast as possible while engaging your abdominal muscles. The finish line is there, let's finish these exercises! That's the drill, guys! I hope your abs feel absolutely smashed. Don't hate me so much, because I love you all! ! Click like and I'll see you in the next workout, bye!

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