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7 Secrets To Effective Home Workouts

– In today's video, I'm gonna be sharing with you the three best exercises to target those lower abs. And if you wanna know what the right nutrition and training program is for your body, then check out the quiz below. ♪ Reboot, I'm code red ♪ ♪ My service's automated ♪ – Okay guys, for the first move, we're gonna be rolling back onto the floor, and we're gonna be doing a reverse crunch with four scissor kicks. Now this move is gonna help to really get those lower abs, and the scissor kicks are also gonna help to work them even further. So what you wanna do is lift yourself up, make sure you're using that pelvis to really lift your bottom off the floor, and then you want four scissor kicks. So I'm just gonna be doing a few of these with you, a few reps, and then I want you to make sure you continue this afterwards. So come down, four scissor kicks, and then back into that reverse crunch. Make sure that navel's sucked into the spine the entire time, your legs are nice, controlled. With those scissor kicks, you're keeping those toes nice and pointed. ♪ Crown ♪ – [Holly] So one, two, three, four, up, and down. One, two, three, four, that's it, great work. ♪ Can't take my crown ♪ – [Holly] Make sure you're breathing. – [Electronic Voice] Rest. – [Holly] Excellent job, guys. So now I'm gonna take you into the second move, which is going to be with one foot on the floor, it's gonna be bent at an angle, so you want one foot nice and flat, and what you're gonna do is you're gonna bring the opposite leg, and you're gonna wrap it around that leg, and then you're gonna kick it out to the side, nice, controlled. So you wanna wrap it 'round, and kick it out to the side. – Exercise. – [Holly] This is gonna help to really target those lower abs here. So you wanna wrap it, and kick it out. Now make sure, every single time that you're kicking out, your foot is nice and pointed, you're doing it nice and controlled, and you're in a crunch position the entire time. ♪ Befuzzled ♪ ♪ ‘Cause you can fall into ♪ – [Holly] So we just do a couple more on this side. ♪ No time, no time to stay around ♪ ♪ Keep walking, 'til you get out of my face ♪ – [Holly] Great work, let's take it to the other side, again, stay in that crunch position. So wrap the leg 'round, and kick it out. Nice and slowly, nice and controlled. Keep that navel sucked in. ♪ Waste my time ♪ ♪ When someone's slowing me ♪ ♪ Down down down down ♪ ♪ Woo-hoo ♪ ♪ So high I'm floating ♪ ♪ I'm shining in my prime ♪ ♪ Stop rolling over 'cause ♪ ♪ You can't take my crown ♪ – [Holly] Great job. Now for the final move, you're gonna come up to your elbows. – Switch sides. – You're gonna be resting on them. And what you're gonna do is you're gonna bring that knee into your chest, and you're gonna rotate 'round, and kick out to the side. Now when you're kicking out, you're almost gonna be balancing on the side of your bum. Keep those legs together, keep those toes pointed, come into the chest, wrap it 'round, and kick out. This is gonna help to really target those lower abs, and it's also gonna help to challenge that core and stability. So kick it out, bring it in to the chest, kick it out. So just a couple more here guys. (upbeat dance music) Excellent job. So you can take these three moves, and you can add them on to your end of your workout, or you can just do this routine on its own. I recommend doing around 20 to 30 reps per exercise, if you're gonna just do these three. They're really gonna help to tone up those lower abs and get them popping. So if you liked this video, then make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel. Just click on the Subscribe button below. And if you want exclusive health and fitness tips, then make sure to head over to my website, hollydolke.com, right now to sign up. It's free. Now, let me know in the comments below which one of these three workouts are you gonna incorporate into your workout routines. (upbeat music) ♪ Can't take my crown ♪

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