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We Are Stuck! Strongest Typhoon In Hong Kong Since Records Began!! (With Actual Footages)

they are evacuating people in Hong Kong you cannot land your plane and you said to call back today once maybe there's a hurricane warning that could help us change the date of our flight do you know if that's possible now heard that flight already awful another beautiful day she looks like a sexy fiancee codeine forget the muscles the day of cooling off thank you so okay I can see that Beach sewed we don't have to walk over smart [Music] hello you're going snorkeling today because there's sea snake yeah that's easy son bye so you go to the state places but they are observing the situation and if they feel that it's bad then they'll cancel the flight and start be talking passengers thank you also okay go ahead a few yeah supposedly we're flying back home on Sunday but now because of the typhoon that's gonna be hitting Hong Kong Saturday and Sunday and maybe possibly Monday so crazy they say it's like the strongest – since records began hurricane category five equivalent in the u.s. basically chat has been trying to call them to figure out the flight status because supposedly if there's a hurricane warning they can cancel the flight and repo guys without any additional charge moving calling for a few days there's no change in the status but I still think it's gonna go ahead as normal the flight okay easy obviously not LAN was a crazy high is impossibly because yes earthquake rain and Alki food so amazing is I need to be in Korea for work on Tuesday I guess I gotta fly then I need to hear that cost myself I don't know if chopper that's what I was gonna cover that I'm in Korea to make a travel TV show I don't think I'm supposed to win even though we fly out on Monday we might still be there it might still be super dangerous okay that's what that's what that's what that's what because I think that there is a category 5 hurricane no hello sorry the line of it hello you oh you can't hear me let me try call back hello right now on our way to the sunset cruise it's so beautiful bula vinaka I can see me you'll be back [Applause] [Music] peachy and knife of a oh where do we sit was for belly little fish department crimp roast chicken with lamb curry fried rice beef spirits and we have the lady's favorite fish ceviche with coconut milk so much food yeah me too you got so much like the Creole pork yeah me too [Music] but there's a hurricane five category hitting Hong Kong how can you learn you cannot learn but that's not the point you need to speak to your head office and tell them look at the news it says that they are evacuating people in Hong Kong you cannot land your plane or can I speak can you give me the number for your head office so I can speak to them [Music] so I was just bored and I was trying to check the flight and apparently our flight is canceled out which we didn't get any notifications we can't get any emails any Polo's phobia is that everyone will be trying to get on to the Monday flight no we cannot count how they're trying to call them now no one keeps that probably everyone is trying to solve that trying to do it online it doesn't work [Music] but the flight condition so if you search on your website under lifestyle she says not canceled now she knows this cancel did she hurt no apply is canceled finally well because I was port Maddox I do not know how you cancel and apply and do not how a person I have to find it you fool we also immediately clear hotel to see the guys that were neither fully booked I do not know why they canceled its own way but you knew there is a type one all the way along all over the news and the fact that we have to find out ourselves to be cool well when they told us that they would oh my god the happiest moment of the day so pretty hazy look at this show guys the toilet shoot we're trying to get a taxi to come over to this hotel from the port and there are these men trying to scam us telling us that there's no meter taxi in this area so you have to come with us [Music] luckily in the end of meter taxi did come to talk people off so we jumped into that one even those men we're trying to talk to the text I asked him not to take a little scared of like some way no the rooms here it's very open they're like different doors and he thinks that morally reinforced bad security doors he likes room that has only one exit so he can we can don't bend one place not multiple entry points to be attacked from all sides and each of these places are you know surrounded in the jungle by like darkness they don't know anything and then the trees around the house all the leaves and branches are touching our house so when the wind blows all these sounds all right no on a shield here's some nice tea we try Cola and see like if there's someone planning and tech sheets in it as well she's like oh that sounds like somebody is dragging something along the ground oh nice I got my flashlight I got my Swiss Army knife I'm gonna go check that [ __ ] out double-oh-seven that Jason Bourne don't mess with me I mean she's just oblivious she says no probably just going to speak I put everything right here just lying there awake in bed like listening to every single sound listening to the wind that even when we use his house like Bobby there is another door there which better uses belacan stuff to tie I locked down the compound and she was super scared in Bali no no no no no no we were sitting by the pool and the town in the front works like putting off and shot firework firecrackers she thinks it's like gunshots and septic but then it's like a terrorism whole thing was going on put like chairs up against it there are people who did that in Seychelles as well as chairs up against because you felt like the guys at the hotel had bad intentions gets his before that guy just stood in the room for like five minutes waiting for a tip and we've did it in Seychelles I'm guy was taking a poo in our room when he's supposed to be cleaning it and he took a [ __ ] and we came back and we knew something was up sure enough Emily heard a flush and then i toil it smells like poo oh I want money do you girls know what it mahalo you ain't got no Celia secretly pacing wait Ali come get me come on you took my I can only hold one head over Michael Maori join me they heard it work Angela did some hahahaha good come to you or they go how are they go for me since you little evil witch of the west school paper mario they know too young oh yes don't you like I think I know more some big they up their yuppie old I know baby like I'm on your fade Lion do young boy I'm spend leave with all the animals like you do behind the ear scratches well look really good with the beard alright I will keep you guys I'm sorry if she keep his beard most of you said no these few days would have been reading hey there's comment so hilarious it's all guys who's like Angry Men now why are you with that guy he's so agree my gaydar is tingling yeah very nice very beautiful we're getting some good Thai food for yeah did a – WE ARE STUCK! Strongest Typhoon in Hong Kong Since Records Began!! (with Actual Footages)

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