Weight Loss at Home Easy

1 Hour Walking Workout | 6000 Steps Full Body Fat Burn Cardio No Repeat No Jumping At Home

[Music] what welcome to this 1 hour walking workout time to burn some calories there's no equipment needed not even a yoga mat so you can do this anywhere at home outside whether you're a beginner or a Season Pro this cardio workout is perfect for all Fitness levels ready to have some fun and burn some fat now let's go fast one let's March it [Music] out exercise lift those knees engage your core and let's start this walkout Journey with positivity each step takes you closer to your fitness [Music] goals you get my love cuz you know little you want every little you need keep it I know you're I feel the pain you think I'm just some simple guy I know the truth I see your heart you only have selfish desires every little thing that you ask jog slowly second is touch the grass that I you I think it's [Music] time exercise one leg extended in front as you reach down warm up and you the stretch in your back and hamstring alternate licks find your way all your things is in my place I'm going to throw them out today I just need to keep my space you just need to find your way all the my way I don't to see your [Music] [Music] face third arm circles you keep exercise engage your shoulders keep those circles smooth and feel the [Music] burn woo I get caught up in emotions in my head I got explosions now I'm drinking these Moses every day yeah now I'm going to extrems every time I get these feelings who's got the infin yeah yeah oh oh I'm spiring down to the ground like I'll never be found then I just see you [Music] around fourth switch Direction ooh I haven't been happy for a while so be H to St feel best moving all my feelings around exercise you've got this let the energy flow through your [Music] arms I can't even try to explain how you hit me like a hurricane now I'm sipping on champagne every day was spiring it down to the ground lost and I couldn't be found but then I just saw your face CH 15 seconds when smile I haven't been happy for a while to be honest I feel moving all my feelings fifth leg Circle [Music] you exercise engage your leg to make a big circle opening up your hips you change the mood when you walking with a smile yes you do I haven't been happy for a while to be h I feel best moving all my feelings around like just but you you Chang [Music] the you change [Music] the rest next other the lake when you put your hand in my jacket I'm thinking so irrational you flew me interational excise keep those circles going house under all these lights I got to take a minute take a minute take a minute to calm down but I feel like if I told you I was ready right this minute do you think that it would turn you on I just feel like you need to know if I told you I was ready this 20 seconds I just feel like need don't to feel [Music] like tell me should I go and call up a taxi we can make out for play in the back seat please [Music] tell 7th good morning and talk about exit and if you're happy stick around I just feel like this is exercise back flat hinch at the hips feel that stretch in the back of your legs squeeze the glutes to stand back [Music] up you just I just feel like right here right now we're running out of things to talk about right here right now I'm about to let the truth come out if I told you I was ready this you think it turn you I told [Music] you e knee tap I you I just [Music] toay exercise work the ABS tap the knee feel the full body burn down from the sky on another level you got something special if I could let you fall in love with me you know I would you got me with your hook it all you got do up 10 [Music] seconds ninth switch side [Music] you [Music] you exercise you've got this keep up the amazing work I'm you get this all the time look like just right all right I the shoes and freckles just my you got the credentials making you in love 20 seconds all you got do up on you on you on you if you want [Music] just yes 10th torso twist [Music] exercise Engage The obliques rotate from side side to side twist with [Music] positivity you got something special take it to another I could you fall in in love with me you know I would you me with your H all you got to do is well get one minute rest after keep up the amazing work if you want you just got to say pleas baby [Music] it's you can keep jocking slowly or take a breather grab some water next that we're starting with reach for the [Music] star slow the motion slow the road that you're on keep it going when the going gets rough just remember how a Heavenly Touch last forever in the end we are one I have the patience have the Pati have the PA to my soul cuz I know that it's worth it these affirmations let me know that I'm already perfect yes I am [Music] 100 exercise stretch those arms head visualize yourself reaching for your goals alternate [Music] arms I am yes I am it's my life so I tell me I'm all right and it helps me realize that I'm wealthy rich in passion rich in Magic it's my life so I tell me I'm all right keep reaching High 15 seconds I am so devoted no I won't ever stop till I'm [Music] floating 12th is heel walk every moment give it all that I got I have the [Music] PA exercise walk on the heels feel the burn and the [Music] calves I'm already perfect perfect are I want say yes I am 100 miles say yes I can is it our love say yes I am yes I am yes I am I it I want say yes I am 100 miles up say yes I can is it all love say yes I am yes I I am yes I am it's my life so I tell me I'm all right and it helps me [Music] realize 13th hola ho it helps me realize that I'm wealthy rich in passion yes I am I am exercise Circle the hips an imaginary hula hope Titan [Music] Decor 3 2 one switch Direction keep moving those hips I'm not in a hurry so don't give up on me now don't worry I just want to be close to I'll take you anywhere even if you break my heart [Music] today 14th leg swing it's time I let you [Applause] [Music] know exercise swing your leg front and back working the thids and glutes don't forget to engage the cord to keep the [Music] balance and with you I'm jealous I'm jealous I'm jealous I'm jealous I'm jealous for you I'll take you anywhere even if you break my heart today should you become my own I'll take you anyway no harm no F way it's time I let you know 15th change leg keep F I know it's true I get lost I get lost I get [Music] lost exercise bring the Focus to your booty and thighs you are doing [Music] great I take you anywhere even if you bring my heart today should you become my own I'll take you anyway no harm no fast way it's time I let you know I'll take you anyway I'll take you any so you become my own I'll [Music] take 16th [Music] backstroke exercise just like when you're swimming with backstroke bring the arms back one by one get up on your feet this is a shake down up that beat just like a Ste out show me you got soul inside those new engage your back muscles 15 seconds so good so fresh just the way you like [Music] it [Music] just 17th side to side Squad you're the new – 1 HOUR WALKING WORKOUT | 6000 Steps Full Body Fat Burn Cardio, NO Repeat, NO Jumping, At Home

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