Weight Loss at Home Easy

10 Min Lose Arm Fat (No Push Up!) Beginner Arms Hiit Workout At Home (No Equipment)

♫ Life goes by fast, will it slow down? ♫ ♫ We got older where did it go now? ♫ ♫ Back in time when all we had was you and me ♫ ♫ These memories ♫ ♫ Do you remember when we were young ♫ Hi guys! Welcome to "Stay Fit and Travel" My, name is Emi, and i'm chad. So today we're gonna Be working the arms to slim them down and tone them up. A lot of you, asked, that you want to train your Arms but you can't do push-ups so today's workout will be no pushup and also no equipment needed so you can Do it on the go. But, don't think it is going to be easy, you will definitely feel the burn Because no pain, no gain. If you're ready Let's go! 5 4 3 2 1… let's start We will first warm up our body and especially our arms with inchworm. walk your hands forward until you're in high plank position hands below your shoulder make sure your body is in a straight line and your butt is not high up in the air if If it is you're not using your core muscles. Then walk Your hands back to your feet and this is one rep. Repeat for 45 seconds this is a very effective full-body Exercise because we're working the arms, chest, back, and abs plus we're stretching the hamstrings doing good you guys. use this time to think, about what are your goals clicking into this workout and how you can push yourself to give it your all in these 10 minutes to get you one step closer to your goals 3 2 1… rest for 15 seconds You can take a few deep breaths here and focus on each inhale and exhale to give yourself the energy for our next exercise Shoulder tap with thigh tap 5 4 3 2 1 Start Again, in high plank position, First raise One arm to tap the opposite shoulder Then lower it back down to the floor and then raise it up to the back And tap the same side of your thighs. Lower it down to high plank again Repeat the same movement with the other arm so tap the shoulder then tap the side then the other arm Tap the shoulder tap the thigh. You got it, keep it up 3 2 1 Rest Again, use the power of your breath to refocus and get ready again for our next exercise elbow plank to dolphin pose 5 4 3 2 1 start Starting in elbow plank position with your forearms forming a triangular base on the floor Press your forearms and elbows into the floor. Push your shoulders away, crunch your, abs and raise your hip to form an upside-down ‘V' then lower down your hip and return to elbow plank forming A straight line with your body again, this is one rep Repeat for 45 seconds. You're really Going to feel a burn in your arms and shoulders It means you're working the right muscles. Don't give up we're not stopping here breathe in breathe out and keep going until the timer ends 3 2 1 Rest Let your arms rest a little and our next exercise is a good old side plank hold 5 4 3 2 1 Start From a high plank, we'll start with our left side With left arm straight on the floor and legs straight out to support our weight. again your body should be in one straight line Reach your right and towards the sky and lift your waist, away From the floor, so that we're really working our arms, shoulders and oliques Which are the side of our abs, Press your palms into the floor to take the pressure off your wrists Switch side after 22 seconds. If this is too difficult you can rest on your forearm or bend your knees for easier Variation. I wrote about these variations and details on my instagram i'll link it in the description box below 3 2 1 Rest 4 down, 6 to go. We're almost halfway through Next one is commandos. 5 4 3 2 1 Start Start on elbow plank then release your right forearm and place your right hand firmly on the floor directly below Your right shoulder. Push up onto your right hand follow Immediately, by your left in the same pattern, and get to straight arm plank then, return back to elbow plank position By releasing your right hand and lowering onto your forearm. Before doing the same with Your left hand. Keep your abs tight so your hips are stable. Repeat this exercise for 45 seconds. Your arms and shoulders are so sore right now. Trust me i know We're right here doing it together with you. We're not giving up either so let's push it through 3 2 1 rest Alright guys, enoy your rest. You deserve it next one is much easier i promise We can take a little breather and stretch out our arms, core and legs. Plank to down dog 5 4 3 2 1 Start… It's very simple, just as the name suggested. We're starting in the high plank position then press your arms into the floor Shoulders away from your ears, butt lifted up in the air to form an upside-down ‘V' then come back down into a High plank, yes it is very similar to elbow Plank to dolphin pose but it's less burn on the arms and shoulders but it works different muscles and also help stretch them out 3 2 1 Rest You will really need this rest because the next one is going to be an intense burn. I's the tricep dip to tone the back of our arms. 5 4 3 2 1 Start Sit on the floor, position your hands, shoulder-width apart on the floor behind your back. Feet in front of you hip-width apart Holding, your core tight then lift your butt up and straighten your arm. For each rep, bend Your elbows and lower your upper body with your butt tapping the floor and immediately push yourself up again By straightening your arms and lifting your butt Off the floor. This is one rep Repeat for 45 seconds. This is the worst and most painful burn in this whole workout in my opinion. I'm absolutely dying here but i'm determined to keep going and not stopping You can do it too. We're so close to the end finish it together with us 3 2 1 Rest We completed the most difficult one, only 3 more to go. Let's get this done. Next one is crab walk Start We'll be walking back and forth so make sure you have some space behind and in front of you. I know this looks funny but it is an amazing Upper body and core exercise that helps burn fat and tons our arms, back, shoulders, core And leg. First sit on the floor with your feet hip-distance apart in front of you and your arms behind your back with fingers facing hips. Lift your hips off the floor and tighten your abs. Start walking backward By moving one hand followed by the same leg, then the other side walk a few steps Depending on how much space you have and then walk forward to the front Continue back and forth until 45 seconds is up 3 2 1 Rest Another one check, 2 more to go. We're almost done for this workout, good job. Next one is single arm raise plank 5 4 3 2 1 start Basically, we'll be holding a high plank here but for the first 22 seconds,we're raising our right arm up Straight out in the front, just holding it right there, so all your weight is now all on your feet and your left arm. Engage your abs to hold your core tight so that you try Your best to keep your body in balance and in a straight line. This is much harder than it looks, right? Switch to your right arm on the floor, and left arm in the air after 22 seconds. You can do it! Hold it up, don't drop, almost there! 5 4 3 2 1 – 10 MIN LOSE ARM FAT (NO PUSH UP!) Beginner Arms HIIT Workout at Home (No Equipment)

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