Weight Loss at Home Easy

10 Min Side Booty Exercises At Home Hourglass Challenge

Well, today we are targeting the booty side and also the hip area. It's completely normal to have hip dips, so never feel bad about it, but these exercises can help in these areas. So this exercise is part of the twenty-five day hourglass program, and you can find a full schedule on my website. Isolation isn't the easiest but you guys are not alone. I will be live streaming twice a week on Twitch and you can hop on my Discord to find workout buddies, and please share your progress on YouTube, Instagram or even TikTok. Let's do it together, smash the thumbs up button and subscribe if you haven't already and let's get started. Well, we have 18 exercises for 30 seconds, 5 to 8 seconds. Get on your mat, lying on your side, we start with some leg raises. If you have a pair of resistance bands, you can use them and there are variations for each exercise. If you are a beginner, it is completely fine to do the exercise without one. Now on the other side; Just slow and tight, guys, make sure you're tightening your glutes. great work! Now lie on the mat and spread your legs sideways as much as possible, bringing them into the tap. Next, we draw little rainbows with your feet. Squeeze that booty, guys Alright, let's start on all fours and we're drawing a bigger rainbow leg each time, trying to engage your glutes as you lift your legs now to the other side. Make sure to squeeze your buttocks. The mind-muscle connection is really important. Okay, so stay in the same position and we're going to do angle taps Lift your knee out to the side, then come back down. Then lift it at a slightly oblique angle to hit the other part of your glutes. Squeeze your glutes and feel the burn, and keep squeezing guys. Now to the other side. You're doing great, guys! Okay, now lie down on the mat and we do some bridge abductions. Lift your booty, squeeze your glutes and do as many abductions as possible while taking occasional breaks. You're in the middle of a workout, guys. You can do it. Now stay put and put your feet together and we'll do more bridges. Remember that you need to squeeze your glutes and have a mind-muscle connection here. Now, put one foot on the other leg like this, and we do some single-leg bridges. Be patient. If you're feeling it in your booty, we all are, but we'll get through it — just not long. Now to the other side. Well, flip her over onto your stomach again. Move your legs into a v shape and do as many increases as you can. Slow and controlled, and stay focused on your muscles. Great job guys. Stay in place as we do frog kicks. Only five more exercises to go. Okay, now lie on your side with one leg extended and do some leg circles. Try not to take any breaks here if you can, you should feel that burn and make sure your glutes are doing all the work here. Now to the other side. Just three more exercises, let's do this. Now, get up right as we do some side slouches. We move to the side and then back, but make sure your other muscles are pushing you back. You should feel a burn on the side of your booty. Now to the other side. Final exercise guys, let's get this over with. And this is the end of the exercise! Remember to stay consistent, increase your resistance all the time, and get good nutrition and you will see some growth in your glutes. Now crush it like and subscribe for me, and I'll see you at the next workout. Farewell!

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