Weight Loss at Home Easy

10min Fix Neck Hump & Forward Head | Correct Posture | Best Neck Stretch

let me just color short the reason why you have neck hump round shutters and pull posture is probably you have very weak back muscles so today this workout combines some exercise to strengthen your back muscle so that it will pull through upright and also some stretches to relax your neck so if you do this every day I guarantee you would definitely see the differences without further Ado let's do some workouts together okay sit down on your bed or your mat interlacing your hand extend it to the back rock it up and down [Music] don't squeeze up your shoulders and imagine someone is pulling you from the back sit up tall and straight and lift up your arms a little bit higher we are almost done foreign [Music] yes now rest okay so for the next one hands next to your body and pull your hands up and down squeeze your back every time your hands down remember to keep your elbow parallel to your shoulders level so don't pull it too far to the front so make sure your elbows are right next to your body come on squeeze your back hard it should feel the muscle Contracting in your shoulder blades yes no rest for 10 seconds [Music] foreign extend your arms thumbs up then pull your arms up and down this is a very good pose to train your shoulder blades and your upper back muscles so come on lift up a little bit higher we are almost done [Music] good yes now take a few breaths [Music] okay remain the same position this time extend your hands out to the side are you ready let's go [Music] foreign [Music] try to place your hand a little bit more closer to your hips [Music] come on lift up your hands a little bit higher we are almost done few more seconds left [Music] yes you guys are amazing okay so for the next one remain the same position and this time bend your hands into a w shape and lift up and down 50 seconds let's go [Music] thank you come on you can do it this is our last one lying down so lift up a little bit higher we are almost done [Music] yes now rest [Music] [Applause] I know that was intense so push yourself into a lovely child pose and just rest [Music] this is a very good pose to relax your back your shoulders and your neck so drop your body weights on the ground close your eyes and just breathe foreign [Music] slowly come back up we're going to do some cat Cow to relax our spine and our back muscles you guys do remember how to do it inhale stomach down look up exhale arch your back and leg down [Music] foreign [Music] take your time no rush at all just enjoy this process enjoy this stretch [Music] foreign [Music] for a few seconds [Music] okay now hands on your waist and squeeze your hands to the back every time you squeeze squeeze it hard so that your back muscles are screaming and remember don't squeeze up your shoulders while you're doing this keep it down otherwise you're going to hurt your neck laughs [Music] come on few more seconds left [Music] yes so for the next one I'm just showing you first found a wall closest wall that you can find stick your upper belly onto the wall then move your hands up and down make sure that you move your body will stay still on the wall and no gaps in between you ready 50 seconds let's go if you have gaps in between your lower back try to squat down so that your back will stick onto the Wall come on you can do it we are almost done foreign [Music] s every time okay now come back to City we're just gonna do some simple chin lift to relax our neck set up time straight lift up your chins up to the sky foreign this pose is also very good to fix double chin so don't squeeze up your shoulders and lift up your chin as hard as you can thank you [Music] okay now catch a few breaths we're going to do some deep stretch of our neck and shoulders right hand to the back left hand on your right ear gently pull it down to the left shoulders for five times [Music] thank you now extend your right arm then draw five little circles [Music] back your hands to the back and we hold here for five deep breathing on our last breath turn your head facing your armpit and gently pull down [Music] okay and you know the drill we have to balance on the other side so swap your hands right hand on your left ear then gently pull it down exhale pull down inhale return [Music] thank you now extend your left arms and draw circles place the left hand back and we hold here for five free things foreign [Applause] and gently pull it down [Applause] yes we are finished and I have some more tips on stretching your back so come facing to the wall hands up slightly walk to the back then stretch your back down and lift your chin up this is a perfect pose to stretch out your spine your shoulders and your neck so we usually hold here for 10 seconds to exit the pose simply inhale and stand back up or you can extend one of your arms onto the wall then turn your body to the other side you should feel the stretch in your chest shoulders and your arms so do this casually whenever you have time and a wall don't forget to relax your body so much for watching and I have some more videos about nighttime how to fix your posture how to get that knife sharp shoulders so if you're interested I will put it in the cards hopefully I'm pointing the right direction well I hope you guys enjoyed this video I will see you guys in the next one I have filmed this from sunrise to sunset well I'll see you guys in the next one bye [Music]

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