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15 Min Side Abs & Love Handles Workout For Slim Waist | 28-day Abs & Belly Challenge #Emitransform

Hi i'm emi today's video is a 15-minute side abs workout targeting the obliques and the stubborn muffin tops area right here It is also the final week of our 28 days absent belly challenge You can find the download link of the full program in the description box below including all the workout videos for each day Share your progress and the hard work you earned with your friends and family You can also tag me anyone on social media so that we can inspire more people to take that positive step in their life Get excited for the burn no pain. No gain. Let's get it done Three sets in total six exercises in each set 40 seconds each with 10 seconds rest in between Plus we'll get 20 seconds rest after each set. First set. First exercise is crunch with elbow knee touch Exercise crunch your abs to lift up as you drive your belly into the ground twist and bring opposite elbow and knee to touch Leave no space between your back and the floor Second is sit up punch Work your side up to twist your torso and punch hard for each rep stay focused The fact that you click start into this video is already the first win let it give you power to keep winning throughout this workout one rep after another Third is russian twist tap Exercise legs off the ground core and abs tight to lean back and twist from side to side to tap the floor It's not comfortable, but if you only do what feels easy you'll never grow and improve so push through the struggle Fourth is flying side bends Exercise lie on your right side squeeze your left side abs hard to lift your torso up Pause and squeeze more before coming back down And move the dishes to the side Girl you always The bed Fifth switch side Baby I still wear the shirt you gave me cause it reminds me of the times Last one for the set high plank straight leg crunch Exercise in high plank squeeze your obliques to bring your leg out to the side and front as much as you can alternate sides Push it Rest for 20 seconds, next exercise is swimmer crunch with heels touch Straight arms behind your head suck in your belly to crunch up abs tight bring your arms to tap your ankle on each side Make sure to squeeze your side abs Me Eight is straight leg set up Exercise leg straight sit up and twist to face the side Every success comes from hot work and the resilience to keep going when it gets tough There's no failure if we keep trying and getting back up Ninth is side knee and straight leg crunch first working the right leg Exercise crunch your abs to bring opposite elbow and knee to touch then straighten your leg and crunch again to tap your opposite ankle Be mindful to use the power of your abs instead of your neck We're halfway through tenth switch to left leg Exercise make sure you're driving in your belly and abs end towards the spine for each wrap I can hurt you. Like you heard me too Eleventh is russian twist tap. We did this before we're going to do it even better this round Exercise keep tightening your abs visualize the person you want to be and use that strength to push all the excuses out of your head We're unstoppable Oh Last exercise of the second set high plank straight leg crunch Exercise we have come so far already pushed through the burn we're getting stronger and better both physically and mentally I'm trying to play 20 seconds rest before a final set of this workout mentally prepare yourself to give it your best repeat it in your head I don't stop I am a winner 13th is runner at bike Exercise this is the sitting up version of advice Abs and core tight twist your torso from side to side for opposite elbow and knee to touch Through the struggle we're toughening ourselves. It's your choice where you want to get to in life If you're full get back up keep on trying and pushing Me crazy 14th we're back to crunch and elbow knee touch Let it grow Baby I still wear the 15 is side ply knee touch and dip with a beginner option available knee on floor Exercise step your hip and squeeze your obliques to bring knee and elbow to touch Then crunch the abs to raise your hip back to side plank You got something on your mind Trying to help you 16 the other side How much effort are you giving right now 40 50 Well, it's time to push to 70 80 I know you got it and you let's make this set the best one yet Seventeenth is set up punch second last exercise. Let's go I can hurt you like you hurt me Final final exercise of this workout swimmer crunch with heel touch Exercises We're committed to finishing the strong every rep gets us closer to a better version of ourselves last 15 seconds And we're done you did this for yourself No one can take away your hard work and i'm so proud of you Share this with someone whom you think this might be helpful to remember to stretch and i'll see you again very soon – 15 MIN SIDE ABS & LOVE HANDLES WORKOUT FOR SLIM WAIST | 28-Day Abs & Belly Challenge #EmiTransform

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