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5 Min Warm Up Routine – Do This Before Your Workout!

Hello guys! This is a quick 5-minute warm-up routine. You can do this routine before your daily exercises. Warm-ups are very important to reduce the chances of physical injuries, so make sure you do them before your daily exercises. We have 13 exercises, 20 to 30 seconds of exercises. Sit on the mat, and we'll start with a cow to cat exercise. Sit like this, and inhale as you drop your stomach toward the mat, raise your head and look toward the ceiling. Then exhale and bring your stomach towards your spine, and round your back. Make sure that you do not extend your neck too much while you are doing this exercise. Now enter the high plank position, then rotate to the side plank, then return to the center, then to the other side and repeat. . Take it and take it easy, while warming up your side muscles, don't rush! Now stand straight, and we will do some foot touches, while you move from side to side while you move your arms slowly, . This will raise our heart rate, and warm up the side muscles. In the same movement, we make a bend with a little lang with your legs. While you keep moving your arms, great job, my dears! We're going to do a deep lunge, where you twist to the side through your upper body. This also helps warm up your upper body. Okay, now stand with your legs shoulder-width apart, then we squat to work on your legs. Try to reach your hands to the floor if you want deep stretches. Just know your limits and do them at a level that suits you, especially if you cannot do that. We are almost done, and we will finish. This routine. And spread your feet apart like this, and we have our side lang here. In order to engage the inner muscles of the thighs, a short break here, to enter the position, and we have a low lunge here to delve deeper into the routine. Raise your hands towards the ceiling, then come back and repeat. Now we will do the same thing on the other side. Great work, my friends! 5 seconds of rest, and we will do low lunges and stretches to stretch our muscles, bending and straightening the front leg, to warm up the hamstrings. We're almost done, now let's switch to the other side, we're almost done, my friends! Stand up straight, reaching overhead. Twist through your upper body, bend your back leg, and extend your hand above your head. Repeat the same thing on the other side. And we have jumping jacks, we're increasing the intensity a little here to prepare you for the next exercise. This is the routine, guys! Don't forget to do the warm-up and cool-down routine daily. Please click like, leave us comments, and enjoy the following exercises! See you soon!

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