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8 Min Standing Abs Workout | 7 Days Abs Challenge! ( No Jumping )

Hey guys, today we are going to do a standing abs workout. There's no running or jumping, so you won't disturb your neighbor. There is also no squats so it is knee friendly and you can do it during your menstrual period as well First, let's do the warm-up Lift your chest, engage your abdominal muscles and turn your body left and right and pay attention to your exhale breathing as you turn your body and tighten your lower abdominal muscles and inhale and relax your lower abdominal muscles to return. Another word is exhalation when you use inhale the muscles while relaxing this is different from our usual way of breathing make sure not to do it the other way about wrong breathing will not only affect the results of the exercises it will also lead to a series of problems like rib valgus Okay, the next movement is called Knee Drive Raise your knee and cross your arms alongside your knee Engage your abdominal muscles when the knee is raised Exhale at the same time Raise your knees as high as possible Spread your arms and alternate on both sides of your body You can do it slower You will feel more tired but the result will be better Okay, let's rest for a while 15 seconds Then let's touch your heel with your hand Keep your back straight and do not bend backwards When you raise your feet, engage your abs and exhale lift your feet as high as possible Inhale and relax when your leg is coming down and let's do this for 40 seconds Pay attention to the exhale Breath when raising the leg Inhale when Put on it if you're on your menstrual period Be careful not to engage your abdominal muscles too hard If you feel tired you can stop and rest at any time Okay, let's rest for 15 seconds Next, we'll do the front kicks Straighten your upper body when you lift the leg Spread your knees and face Toes up Exhale and tighten your abdominal muscles Raise your legs as high as possible Inhale and relax as you lower your leg. You should also tighten your butt. This can help us maintain better balance. This movement can be very useful for reducing the lower abs which is the abdominal area, keep going, everyone pay attention to the breathing exhale when you raise your leg, inhale when you go down well, now let's rest for 15 seconds, let's stand from the knee to the elbows while raising the leg at the same time Time, use your abdominal muscles to drive the legs up Notice that we have to touch the elbow through the leg lift instead of touching your knees By bending your elbows down exhale and engage your lower abs when the leg is raised You will find that the longer you exhale the stronger your engagement in your valuable life Absolute and more can help you raise your legs higher then the result will be better Everyone should pay attention and pay attention and do the procedure correctly Okay, rest for 15 seconds Next, we will raise the side leg and keep the abdominal muscles and hips tight to keep your body balanced Exhale when the leg is raised Engage your abs Inhale and relax when the leg drops Keep your legs as high as possible The higher you raise your leg the stronger the engagement on your waist and abs The result will be third bet Okay, let's take a break and switch to the other side and do the same Pay attention to your breathing when you exhale The leg is raised. Inhale when placing it down. Keep your legs straight, and lift up to a possible attempt. Do not touch the ground when your legs fall. This will give you a better result. The slower the work, the better the effect. You can put your hands on your waist to feel the muscle interaction. Everyone, do not give up. There are two exercises. Two more and we're done Okay, let's rest for 15 seconds Next, we're going to do Twist Toe Touch Lift your chest and engage your stomach outward with the leg straightening Touch your hands with the opposite arm when kicking Exhale Engage your abs and kick at the same time Exhale and relax when the legs go down When kicking, the more you kick To the side, the best result I know you may feel tired now but we still have to keep going because good things happen through persistence so don't give up there is one last exercise and we will do it until it ends. Let's go! Okay, let's rest for 15 seconds Next, we'll do the oblique twist Keep your back straight and tighten your abdominal muscles as you exhale Lift your knees diagonally up as much as possible Inhale and relax as you lower the leg. This movement trains our oblique muscles and also helps us achieve 11-pack abs and a slim side waist so everyone out there is hanging out. Work hard to do the best you can. Keep going! Okay, let's take a break, then move to the other side and do the same thing, keep your arms straight the whole time, exhale and tighten your lower abdominal muscles to lift your leg, you will find that the more you engage your lower abdominal muscles, the higher your leg will go and it will also better target our obliques And it's also eleven lines for each person, and this is the last exercise, wait there, it'll be over soon Okay, we're finally done, let's stretch first, straighten your arms and lean back to stretch your abdominal muscles now, let's pull our arms out to the side tighten your side waist muscles Okay, Let's change direction and bend to the other side of the body Rehght, that's all for today This exercise can be done once or twice a day You will be able to see the changes in a week I will see you in the next video Bye ~

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