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Xhit – 10 Minute Ab Workout: How To Get A Six Pack

okay everybody today on the exhale I'm gonna get you on your way to having that six-pack we are doing ten-minute ads which means ten exercises thirty seconds each twice through we're going to work straightaway so come down to the floor we're gonna bring our legs up and for 30 seconds we're just gonna drop our legs down and bring them up again okay so we're working the lower abs here that's this little pooch here that's really hard to work out that's it keep breathing now we want to make sure that we're keeping our back flat on the ground so if you feel it start to come off just don't go as low down great style one cool we got to start like we mean to go on are you ready to change you to the next exercise Brooksie came around nice and quick bring those legs up are we gonna flutter them again we're gonna be working these lower abs you're also gonna feel your quads are gonna be working too so you're gonna get a good leg workout and we're gonna be doing a lower abs for like a minute and a half so really are gonna be strengthen those lower abs and getting rid of that pooch now I like to have my arms out to the side gives me a little bit more support and make sure you're just not gripping onto the ground okay see it's come round again next 30 seconds cool cross them over now if you can just test your legs and bring them down slightly the lower you bring them the more you're gonna feel it in those lower abs well make sure the back doesn't come off the ground cool and you can really start to feel it in those lower abs as you come down because it gets harder to talk cool and that's probably quite difficult for someone who me they're never shuts up great job guys cool minute in the heart it's almost over okay flipping over onto your tummies I'm gonna do mountain climbers nice slow and controlled again 30 seconds hey you want to make sure that your back isn't arched nice and neutral and your hands are underneath your shoulders and nice and gently bring those knees into the chest whoo excellent job guys keep it going that's it squeeze pull that tummy up ready next exercise it's gonna be rolling back on our backs okay onto your bottoms we're gonna make a V pulling in and out they're gonna really start to feel this in your quads as well make sure you really are just engaging those tight muscles so we get that six-pack great for job guys if you're feeling the burn there means it's working come on don't give up it's only ten minutes you've probably only got about seven minutes to go whoo okay ready next exercise go down onto your back arms up I'm just gonna alternate we're touching our toes now no worries if you can't get your legs straight depends how flexible you are just keep trying to reach up for those toes see they're getting through it nice and quickly the way you do this just we're alternating your exercises keeps it fresh current and keeps you motivated okay next exercise gonna take it into the Russian twist so coming up into that B and twisting around they take this nice and controlled and if you want to increase this and make it even harder you can add a weight into your hand that's it just keep breathing well I can feel the burn in my belly now you should be able to feel it too keep it going great work okay you're really external to the next exercise ready then flip straight over we're gonna hold a plank okay to dress up like this again make sure that your elbows are underneath your shoulders I like to grab my hands together it gives me a bit more support we're gonna keep our back nice and flat I don't want you dipping it down let's do your booty in the air nice neutral spine that's it Holly there for just a little bit longer and we're gonna go into our side planks three two one straight away no rest holding it up now you've got different variations of this you can either put your hand here you can lift it up or if you find that too difficult you can just bring your bottom down and then eventually you'll be able to bring it up and put your hand to the sky and look up they'll be nice and easy really are working our oblique muscles here now we've done this side so obviously we're gonna have to do the other side we're gonna make sure that it's even so you ready to switch over to the side plank ready let's go straight up that's it hold up nice and tight just keep thinking about pulling up here so really using those oblique muscles those muscles down the side and look up great job are you ready to do this all over again cuz I am you ready whoo if you made it five minutes you can do ten minutes now if you're gonna do ten minutes you're gonna get more of the ABS and you weren't 4/5 ready let's start again go spin it back round you've done five minutes you're gonna get five minutes worth of apps but if you do this all over again you're gonna get double the ABS so remember what's first leg drops working that lower abs now just think you're halfway through already so you may as well just give another five minutes and keep going you do this workout every day and of course eat clean as well you really are going to see the difference in those ABS I know there if I do more exercises just working my abs I really do feel the difference and drinking lots of water helps too okay ready for the next exercise we're gonna go to flutter kicks now I do like to keep my legs nice and high you can do them down here see my back tends to come off the ground so I'm just gonna keep it up here it's really important that we don't damage our lower back oh I can really feel it in my quads now my abs are burning if you can feel the burn shout I can feel the burn now it means it's working if it doesn't hurt it's not working so just think about those ABS afterwards okay ready to go on to scissor kicks let's go now these are lost for some reason I can take lower down just because the movement is different going across it also stops me talking which is probably a good thing for now okay let's keep breathing no one giving up just yet or what are you working it all the way to the end no stops no stops for Walter just yet you can have a rest at the end whoo okay feeling the burn in those lower abs you ready to go on to the next one remember what it is yep mountain climbers who's spinning right over and let's bring those knees into the chest now if you want to ricardio you can do this quicker but as today we're working on getting that six-pack we just take a nice slow and controlled great job everyone oh dude every day you're gonna get that sexy beach body I'm still working online I still want to make improvements so just give yourselves ten minutes a day put on a bit of exit and get your body in shape whoo okay ready sitting back down not sitting we're just gonna be sick okay be sick crunches that's it nice controlled you should be really psyched to feel it now you should be feeling the burn I can really feel it in my quads give that back nice and straight whoa feels good though I know that my abs gonna look great

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