Weight Loss at Home Easy

10 Fat-burning Exercises Every Woman Should Do At Home For Weight Loss

hey ex- hitters you and I have a workout with our glutes I know you have no idea what I just pointed at but I was pointing at my you know back there so we are going to get a butt workout on you and me let's get started so you and I are going to get started on our mats and we're going to do some donkey kicks first I know you're so excited all right here we go bring it all the way up press through the heel 20 of these and then we're going to do 10 bioh hydrants all right let's do it all the way here we go and I hope you're counting because I'm coaching which means I'm not counting worst case scenario for a one-on-one session at a gym keep going press through the heel all right one more and fire hydrant it out there you go all the way up to the side keep going nice tight core in the front don't want to have your back crazy arched and prob good other side all the way up moving through these pretty quickly you got this press through that heel yep your core is activated your stabilizer and as you're bringing that knee in you're hitting a little of that oblique and have a battery pack falling out over here which you probably can't see all right 10 over here you know what to do a little bit of burd going on you got this all right and okay so stay where you're at elongate the leg and point the toe and we are going to do circles so ergonomically your body is going to have to move a little bit those knees are probably going to be a little soft Not Bent not walked out okay other way activate that glute pull it up to the top I know these are totally funny but they work last one and bring it in other leg activate the top of the glute got it and other direction make sure that you're feeling that in the top of the glute if not use your Min and muscle connection and give it another go all right and that's that so you guessed it we're not taking a nap we are doing glute raises though so one leg up and jump in 20 on each side you want to feel that through the hamstring those muscles are shortening Contracting bringing that booty off the floor keep moving should be feeling it by now keep going do more boom okay and go ahead and switch other side using those hamstrings and those glutes all the way up don't let that butt hit the [Music] floor that would be like a little rest Peri and we don't want that keep the muscles engag the whole workout whole exercise I should say we are taking little breaks here and there aren't we keep going and call it good we are moving around this way and don't mind my battery pack moving around as well okay here we go 20 of these boom bring it up hit the top of that glute and for those who are like what what do you mean by glute you keep saying glute I'm talking about your butt keep moving straight leg pull it all the way up no isometric movements they work all right and switch it over other side point the toe pull it all the way up good job activate that butt muscle hey you click here keep going all the way up exhale when you exert the most energy few more all right and we are going to stand up so get on up and grab a medicine ball if you don't have a medicine ball just grab nothing or like a gallon of water or something that weighs a little bit okay I almost forgot what we were doing we are doing lunges static lunges in place 20 and here we go you got it drop that back knee down that's all you're doing don't let that front knee go over that ankle surely not your [Music] toes you got this keep moving and switch it over other side all right back knee goes down here we go exhale as you come up notice I'm not locking out either of my knees as I come up just a soft knee keep moving feeling the burn here don't quit last one all right okay now we are doing those squats so going to go a little wide stance here we go toes out and one slow and controlled shoulders back moving over here heart rate should be going up you guys should be feeling warm core temperature should rise good work keep moving few more almost there and that one's done all right the squats they're not over cuz we're doing pulses partials here we go 20 of these little baby squats keep that core activated don't hunch over keep moving now if something hurts let's take a break few more of these and there you go we are done with this all right wall sits are about to ensue I hope you're super excited cuz I am here we go find a wall and go sit there you are in wall sit Time Out Shake Your gr thing shake your gr thing yeah yeah if you guys sing it it's so much better have a rockstar party while you're working out and you're going to be like dang my workouts over yeah I'm kind of weird it's okay just keep going just keep going just keep swimming just keep swimming this looks totally funny you see that I don't know if the camera's catching that but it's a little weird it's so weird hey tighten up that core in the front shove it back into the wall your spine should be flushed against the wall okay so now Arc lower lumbar got the shoulders back one's not up here not doing this and if you are that's on you yep few more seconds quads are burning hamstrings are stabilizing and glutes are activated and guess what you're done and I'm just going to hang out here and I bet you could too thank you so much for working out with me today here on exit getting our glute workout on make sure you subscribe to our Channel get involved with our email newsletter leave a comment and of course find me on Twitter and Facebook at kel.com

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