Weight Loss at Home Easy

10min Easy Lower Belly Fat workout | Burn Fat & Flat Stomach | 100% Result

hi guys welcome back so today we'll be also targeting on our lower abs so while you're doing this exercise there's one thing you need to keep in mind is that you need to stick your lower back flat on the ground so you keep squeezing in your abdominal muscle at all times so that your back is flat and once you activate your core it should feel the muscle right here is hard this exercise is only 10 minutes no equipment needed suitable for everyone and results guaranteed so without further Ado let's get on to the video okay now guys come down to the ground extend your legs out then just simply open your legs out to the side then close open close 50 seconds are you ready let's do this is moment you can place your hand under your hips so that your back is flat on the ground and try to lower your legs down towards the floor just a little bit more come on guys we're almost done oh the SK is on fire the leg is turned to a golden sun bur oh I'll never get tired just want to dance just want to I'll never get tired just dance just okay so for the next one it's quite similar exhale Cur your body knees towards your head and inhale come down and strengthen your legs open out to the side and we repeat for 50 seconds let's [Music] go I'm over here got to get across you like it like it or not come on guys when you curl up your body lift up your chest a little bit higher and keep your abdominal muscle engaged we're almost done you guys are doing amazing oh oh the sky is on fire leg has turned to a golden sun leg to a golden oh oh I'll never get tired just want to dance just want to R okay so for the next one place your hands next to your body exhale curled your body and toes up inhale slowly come back down it's like you're using your toes to point something up to the sky are you ready let's do [Music] this come on guys pressing into your hand and lift up your legs a little bit higher we're almost done hanging [Music] there sing but you contr my heart with spell why can't stand up cuz I'm not a kind of girl who paint your perfect I feel yes you guys are doing amazing now keep your legs up in the air inhale lie down and hands above your head exhale lift up your chest and hands next to your hips it's like you're drawing a circles with your hand you ready let's [Music] go stand cuz I'm not a kind of girl who PS your perfect word stand come on guys lift up your chest a little bit higher and keep your back flat on the ground so keep engage abdominal muscle we almost done you guys are doing amazing job [Music] here every day is Swing since that you don't want okay so for the next one it's very easy just simply use your toes to tap the floor but the most important thing is to keep your back flat on the [Music] ground St in the same rooms and places baby you're just cing come on keep squeezing your abdominal muscle keep your lower back flat and take it slow this is not about how fast you can be this is about you are doing the correct posture and training the correct [Music] [Music] muscles okay you guys are doing amazing we're halfway done the workout for the next one is super easy just lift up your legs up in the air into 60° and we hold there for 50 seconds are you ready let's do [Music] this keep squeezing in your abs and keep your breath steady we're almost you guys are doing amazing [Music] are push all my buttons moved out of town and I erased your number but still I find myself calling come on guys don't drop your legs keep your back Flats we're almost done just a few more seconds left drawn to you I know you feel the shame you got my heart yes it felt so good so for the next one exchange your legs out then just simply swing your legs up and down 50 seconds are you ready we end this together come on you got my heart strings tangled tangled up you got my heartstrings vibrating for you now there's something more but you don't want to wo we're perfectly remember keep squeezing in your abdominal musle so that your back is flat and don't need to be fast take it slow feel the muscle activating in your core you guys are doing fantastic in [Music] here [Music] yes now you can turn your body around use your hand to support yourself into a plank post then left knee to the left elbow right knee to the right elbow we've done this before you guys ready let's do this pret we don't all and I can do I am mly drawn to you I know every time you use your knee to tap your elbow is on exhale and every time you exhale squeeze in your apps this is a very classic pose but very effective to train your abdominal so again take it slow feel the burn in your apps W we're perfectly opposite you got my hearts Tangled Tangled love you got my heart strings I'm ready for you now there's something more you don't want to yes Here Comes our last exercise now come down to a classic plank inhale move forward exhale lift up your hips and squeeze your abs okay are you ready let's do this we're almost [Music] done come on keep your abdominal muscle engage and lift up your hips hips a little bit higher when you reach to the top squeeze your abs hard guys this is our last one we are not giving up in here you guys are doing amazing just a few more seconds [Music] left [Music] and yes slowly come down we are finished you guys are amazing you guys stick to the end I am so proud of [Music] [Applause] you how you guys feeling this is my go-to low apps workout it's very easy but but if you're doing it right it's very effective I have more low apps workout you can choose the one you like this one is more intense and this one is the most easy one I highly highly recommend that you guys don't take breaks in between cuz the shorter the resting periods you have in between the better result it is so I hope you guys enjoy this video and I will see you guys in the next one [Music] bye he

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