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12min Full Body Mobility Yoga | Unlock All Muscles & Joints | Fix Uneven Muscles

this yoga routine will unlock all of your muscles and Joints open up every part of your body improve flexibility and also allow your body to warm up every set seriously I can't go a day without doing this this is legit what I do every single day this is my ritual so I'm sharing this beauty to you so there are three different sets we will do it twice for each and I will demonstrate the sequence before we practice of course if you like you can definitely follow the demonstration so without further Ado let's go somewhere special okay now standing at the top of your mats inhale arms up gaze up exhale hands next to your feet then stepping the left feet back inhale chest Towards the Sky exhale downward facing dog hold your breath lower your knees chest chin on the floor then inhale into Cobra don't squeeze up your shoulders here exhale come to downward facing dog again now slowly inhale stepping your left feet in between your hands and lift up exhale stepping both feet together give a big inhale and come back to standing okay now we do it together let's repeat on the left side inhale arms up gaze up exhale Bend forward inhale lower your left leg to the back shoulders down gaze up exhale downward facing dog hold your breath knees chest and Chin down on the floor inhale cobra exhale downward facing dog inhale stepping your feet in between lift up exhale both feet together inhale come back to standing you got it now let's do on the right side inhale exhale inhale exhale [Music] hold your breath inhale exhale [Music] inhale exhale inhale [Music] exhale now let's do one more time on the left side [Music] remember to always keep your shoulders down and when you lift up into Cobra make sure those elbows are tucked in next to your body [Music] foreign [Music] foreign on the right side you don't have to follow my Pace if you found it too easy you can definitely speed up if you found it too hard slow down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] okay now let's try another set of sun salutation now inhale lower your body halfway and arms up exhale forward fold hands next to your feet inhale lift up halfway exhale down to half plank pose [Music] then inhale into upward facing dog slowly exhale into downward facing dog now we stay here for six breathing so from here chest towards the floor keep your hips high and legs straight on the last exhale stepping your feet together and inhale lift up halfway exhale forward fold then inhale come back to chair inhale stand up exhale hands in front of the heart okay you got it let's do it together inhale inhale exhale inhale exhale exhale inhale [Music] exhale hold for six breath [Music] exhale inhale exhale inhale exhale okay one last time of this set [Music] now in upward facing dog make sure you lift up your body slightly off the mat but not sticking on the ground like we did in Cobra pose now close your eyes and hold for six breath [Music] then exhale you can jump or step forward then inhale lift up halfway exhale then inhale into chair okay let's play with a new Sun's adaptation [Music] again inhale chair pose exhale forward fold inhale lift up halfway exhale into half plank then inhale upward facing dog exhale downward facing dog this time lift up your right leg up in the air and hold for four breathings both hands push in against the floor and make sure your back is in a straight line try to lower your left heel down on the floor then inhale stepping your right leg in between your hands and lift up exhale come back to half plank inhale upward facing dog again exhale downward facing dog again this time lift up your left leg try to lift up as hard as you can and try to lower your right heel down on the ground then inhale stepping your left leg in between and lift up exhale down to half plank then inhale outward facing dog exhale downward facing dog and we stay here for four breathing [Music] on the last exhale jump or step in between your hands inhale lift up halfway exhale Bend again inhale into chair pose we stay here for four breathings [Music] inhale reach up exhale hands in front of the heart okay now let's do it together inhale reach up exhale bend down inhale exhale down to half plank inhale outward facing dog remember slightly off the mat exhale downward facing dog now lift up your right leg hold for four breathings this is the perfect stretch to stretch your calves in the back of the legs inhale stepping your right leg in between and lift up exhale down to half plank again now we're going to do on the left leg now lift up your left leg up in the air imagine you are doing a split in the air so keep both legs straight and try to lower your right heel down towards the mat now inhale stepping your left feet in between and lift up [Music] exhale come to half plank inhale upward dog exhale downward dog we stay here for four breathings [Music] now exhale jump or step forward inhale lift up halfway exhale Bend again inhale come to chair pose we stay here for four breathings foreign [Music] stand up exhale come to the heart okay one last time inhale exhale inhale exhale inhale exhale lift up stay here for four breathings inhale exhale inhale exhale now lift up another leg inhale exhale inhale exhale stay here for four breathing [Music] exhale inhale exhale inhale keep your breath steady now hold there for four deep breathing [Applause] [Music] beautiful inhale exhale and yes we are finished [Music] [Applause] wow thank you so much for hanging out with me at the beach and I recommend that you guys do this during sunrise and sunsets because that's the reason why they call it some salutation and if you guys like to die deep I have a detailed version of each sensor rotation I'll put it in the cards hopefully I'm pointing the right direction this time well thank you so much for watching and I really hope you guys like the video I guess well I got a lot of mosquito bites after this anyway stay connected stay beautiful and I will see you guys next one bye [Music] thank you [Music]

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