Weight Loss at Home Easy

Best Workout Plan 2025 | Short & Effective Body Transform | 100% Result

hi guys welcome back so I know a lot of you guys been asking for the workout plan and after hours of H work I've come up six workout program for you 2024 is coming so let's get the best body ship [Music] ever okay guys sorry I have to bring you guys down cuz this is going to take a while okay so these programs including apps upper body lower body full body fat burned hourglass shaping and Mobility stretch 7 Day for each program you just simply follow them you will be fine so for some program you see adding some cardiio in it because cardio will help you to burn fast and another strength training will help you to work on different muscle groups so that it can get to our desire body shape faster and easier I will get into each program later one by one and make sure you screenshot so that it's easier for you to follow but before that here's the thing before you start any of this program you have to promise me don't give up so easily stay consistent don't quit if you can see a fast result in one week because everybody's body is unique so may take a while some may see results in days so please just don't give up so quickly during 1 month two month or even 3 months don't quit until you see your results I promise if you keep doing it 100% you will will will see your result so please don't push yourself and don't quit so easily okay let's get into it so for the first program we're targeting on our ABS our aim here is to have a stronger core flat stomach and abs line it takes average 10 to 30 minutes per day and as you can see every Wednesday and Sunday is a rest day so we are doing some simple stretch you might ask why are we stretching our lower back pain and blow the stomach even I don't have these problems yes stay out the careful the lower back and blow the stomach but at the same time it is a very good upper body stretch so that it can relax our abdominal muscles especially after you train your apps hard so that it can help you to recover faster and start the training again and all the other day we will train our apps so first we can see we will Target our whole abdominal muscle then we will train a specific area like side ABS lower abs 11 line apps I promise if you can follow all the workout in this program I guaranteed you will definitely see your apps [Music] line okay moving on to the next program let's work on our upper body our aim here is to slam arms burn back fats lift your chest and strengthen your shoulder it takes average 10 to 20 minutes per day and as you can see every Sunday and Wednesday we are taking a rest so we are doing some easy stretches so all of these days we'll be tonning our arms even though we are not doing some specific arms workout all the others work out like slim back upper body these will include some poses to use our arms muscles so you would definitely slam them your arms okay so not only will will work on our muscles if you want to have a beautiful upper body figure you need to work on your posture cuz sometimes you're not fat you're skinny you're beautiful but your bad posture is ruining you so I add in some stretches like 90° shoulders neck C yoga to work on your overall posture for this program I would say is a bit hard but worth [Music] it okay moving on we're working on our lower body our aim here is to build glutes slam your thighs inner thighs outer thighs back of your thighs and stretch the front thighs reduce culit and have that nice skinny straight down modeling it takes average 10 to 30 minutes to do per day again as you can see we're taking a rest on Wednesday and Sunday but the special thing about this program is that we're not only doing the stretches on the rest day we are doing some of them after the workout so as you can see for the first day after the cite workout after the 15 minutes legs training we're doing a quick slim leg stretch after the thigh workout we're working on our cough stretch not only this is targeting on our coughs a lot of these poses can also stretch your hamstring and your thighs this is a must do especially after you train your muscles hard and I added some cardio workout here as I said before in previous video if you want to slam D your thigh you need to burn fat you need to do like low to moderate intensity cardio and this cardio right here it can help you to get that and a lot of these poses are focusing on our thighs muscles so kill two breasts with one stone how can you not do it okay so for our next one is full body fat burning program our aim here is to burn fats and gain muscle so that you can lose weight in the most efficient way so as you can see we're doing some cardio plus the strength training on the same day so I've mixed the intense one and the easy one on the same day so that is more more easier for you to follow and more manageable for you to follow so on Wednesday we will do a full body Mobility yoga this is sanitation this is my favorite cuz it stretches every single part of a musles which is perfect especially after you train your full body and on the last day we will do some basic yoga this video combines all the easy yoga posters to stretch from the top to bottom for this program I would say you would definitely feel the burn and you're going to sweat like hair [Music] okay moving on to the next program here comes out our glass shaping our aim here is to build your shoulders your arms your upper body and your glutes I think I talk about this in the how do I get hourglass shape videos before so some girls want to have small ways and hourglass shape so that they train their apps which is wrong well I mean it's not fully wrong I mean you need to train your apps so that it is not loose and there's there's no fat but it is not only the exercise that you need to do rather than doing many many apps workout you need to train your shoulders and your glues so that you have that illusion that your waist is small then you will have an hourglass shap sorry guys my camera is about to die be right back okay where were we if you're wondering why I keep looking like this direction cuz I have my no script here so that's why you I can't remember things so this programs we're mainly focusing on our upper body and our lower body for one day we train our upper body and the next day we train our lower body I would not recommend to mix and match these two types of workout cuz once you train your specific area let's say once you train your upper body the next day is going to be sore so the next day we will take a rest of upper body and focus training on our lower body cuz they are ready to go so that's why we are taking turns so in the middle I put in some super gentle bedtime yoga for you cuz the first day if you follow through the workout it is a bit intense you need to take a good rest so that you can start again on [Music] Thursday okay to the last program this is a Mobility stretch our aim here is to maintain our muscle strength balance our muscle group even our body and also improve flexibility

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