Weight Loss at Home Easy

Burn Arms + Back Fat (Upper Body) In 30 Days!! 10 Min Home Workout | Week 3 ~ Emi

[Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the third week about 1 month workout program in the past 2 weeks with the full body and belly fat burning food in the abdomen legs and so this week we'll be focusing on the arms and back and of course this exercise will also help you to burn fat all over your body as well this workout is 10 minutes with 15 exercises 30 seconds each with 10 seconds rest in between I would recommend you to do this three to five times this week for the best results and if you wish you can also add in the workout form our previous two weeks next week will be the last week of this one month program already so let's push it stay committed and focusing on reaching our goals and if you're ready let's go share your progress and hashtag Emmy family so we can motivate each other to keep going and push harder first exercise let's warm up our arms and get up already ready for fat burning with punch check hope your feet in and out punch one arm out every time your feet are apart alternate between arms punch harder jump higher and faster to burn more fat ask yourself if you're giving at least your 70% here if not push it more you want to see results you have to put in the work [Music] second exercise is wing fly an amazing burn to get rid off the arm flap and back set bend your upper body down to almost parallel to the floor but back with a slight bend in your knees I'm straight out to the back squeeze your shoulder blades together to lift your arms up and down again the fafsa and the more power each lifts the more burn you get no pain no gain [Music] sir is inchworm with shoulder tap to work our arms as well as a belly core area bend down to walk your hands forward into high plank until your body is in one straight line holding your core tight tap you're off of the shoulder one by one with your hand and walk your hands back to your feet work your belly work your arms challenge yourself to go faster if it feels easy [Music] [Applause] fourth is armed plan to take the arms and Colburn to the next level in high plank position raise one arm off the ground hold it here while keeping a body in one straight line for 15 seconds before switch inside the burn in the holding arm is getting intense I know it means this works so keep it up [Applause] let's work on our back with back squeeze lying face-down with belly on the med reach both arms straight out to the front lift your head shoulders and chest off the floor then work your upper back and squeeze your shoulder blades together as you bend your arms to the side and back as if you're trying to have your elbows touch behind you no stopping keep the burn going one side of this workout that six is commando jack for an intense cardio plus on and no burn start an elbow plank then push yourself up with one arm followed by the other given your feet apart and back together then lower down to elbow plank this is targeting not just our arms and shoulders but also a belly as you pull your inner core tight to keep your plank stable enjoy the burn push it even more [Music] [Music] seven lie face down again for backless to continue the burn in our back fingers behind your head elbows lifted and squeeze your back to raise your upper torso up as high as possible keep lifting and feeling the burn in your back use this time to remind yourself of your goals how this workout will get you there and find that motivation to keep pushing [Music] let's move on to me push-up form or burn [Music] [Applause] hence under your shoulder knees on the floor then bend your elbows and lower your body while keeping your back flat and but sounds elbows tucked close to your body once your elbows are at least in 90 degrees angle push yourself back up the burn is crazy but we're not quitters keep it up with me we can do this [Music] we're more than halfway through ninth is mountain climber in height length efficient cruncher apps bring one knee into austere chest often a site for 30 seconds go as fast as possible for the max fat burn only a couple more seconds to go push your limits to run even faster that's how we make progress [Music] [Music] good work 10 let's get back down to the floor with Superman hold lying face down with both of your arms and legs up so that your body is forming a white you position and just hold it here for 30 seconds we're not coming down our hands and feet are not touching the floor until the timer is up keep breathing and squeezing your back for the best burn [Music] 2/3 of this workout done at laughs and stand up for push-up burpees bend down hands on the floor jump both feet back knees on the floor and bend your elbows for a knee push-up here then jump your feet in towards your hands and Chum up in the air clapping overhead this is not just working the arms it's a full body cardio burn as well ngo5 Shanghai were not here to play [Music] twelve it's yoga push-up sounds chill but trust me you're here for the burn you're going to get the burn start an upward facing dog position bend your elbows to push your hip up into an upside-down V then back back down to up dog this is one breath your body should be off the floor throughout the whole movement this is not easy but if we don't challenge our body we'll never make progress let's get it done [Music] we [Music] so teeth is cycling rotation in high plank turn to one side as you lift and extend one arm to the ceiling look up to your fingers then rotate back down to high plank and turn to the other side hold your appetite to make sure your hips are not sinking this change your arms cardio core and valid [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] only two more to go 14th is heir circle don't underestimate it I guarantee you'll feel the burn I'm straight out to the side rotate them in circles to the front for the first 15 seconds then switch to rotating to the pipe [Music] [Applause] three two one move your whole arms go bigger and stronger circles films like how much results you get is totally up to you and how much work you're willing to put it [Music] yes and we're finally onto a blast exercise lunch and chop let's give it our all hands together on one side off your shoulder and take a fixed step to lunge forward with the opposite leg as you chop with your hands down to the outside of your front leg alternate sides the harder you chop the more burn your feel in your arms we're almost there last few seconds chop harder don't stop and we got it done shake out your arms remember to stretch repeat this at least three to five times this week and feel free to add in the workouts from the previous two weeks if you want more burn time flies and it's already the third week of a 30 days program let's push up harder for the best results by the end of this program recorded for us and hashtag Emmie family good work today and I'll see you again very soon – BURN ARMS + BACK FAT (UPPER BODY) IN 30 DAYS!! 10 min Home Workout | Week 3 ~ Emi

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