Weight Loss at Home Easy

Daily Yoga For Fat Burn | Slim Full Body & Lean Muscles (Beginner-friendly)

hi guys Welcome to our Express but effective yoga class so today we'll be doing six yoga posters and all of these posters work on different part of your body so that you can slam Dam your whole body these are super easy I do this every day include in my yoga flow if you do it every day you will definitely see the changes in your body I will demonstrate once before each POS then we'll move on to four Dynamic moves in the last move will hold there for four breathings I know it might sound a little bit complicated don't worry I got you so without further Ado let's count to [Music] it okay now so for the first one come down to the mat try to bend your left knee into 90° then extend your right leg straight towards the back where in Pigeon pose I know it might be very hard for you to keep your legs in a full 90° or keep your right leg attached to the ground it is completely okay we are here to learn so just try to do it then exhale try to lower your elbows down word inhale lift it up to the sky then we're going to repeat it four times and in the last time we hold there for four breathings Here Comes our second time lift up chest Towards the Sky exhale elbows towards the ground then inhale again don't squeeze up your shoulders exhale come down inhale lift it this is our last time and we stay there for four breathings okay I think you guys got it are you guys ready let's do that together I will guide you through okay now adjust your position try to bend your left leg into 90° and extend your right leg fully towards the back then exhale slowly put your elbows on the ground give it a big inhale lift up towards the sky don't squeeze up your shoulders slowly exhale come down inhale lift up exhale come [Music] down then inhale lift it up exhale come down one more time then slowly inhale exhale we stay there for four breathings close your eyes give it a big inhale and exhale [Music] okay now you know the next one we have the balance on the other side this time place your right leg into 90° and put it on the floor floor extend your left leg fully towards the back adjust your position are you guys ready let's do it together now exhale put your elbows on the ground inhale lift it up don't squeeze up your shoulders exhale come down to the mat inhale Lift It Up Lift Up Your Chest Towards the Sky exhale come downwards again then give it a back inhale lift up your head and your hand slowly exhale come down to the mat then we inhale one more time exhale we hold there for four [Music] breathings come [Music] me come with [Music] me come with [Music] me come with [Music] me okay so for the second pose place your hands fully on the ground exhale push yourself into downward-facing dog we've done this before inhale lift up your heels exhale push your heel down towards the ground you should feel the stretch in the back of your thighs sorry my pants are hiding my foot so inhale lift it up exhale push it down this pose not only can help to slam our thighs it can also help to tone our arms and it can help with the blood flow into our face so we will lift up and push down our heels four times and the last time we will stay there for four breathings all right guys ready let's do it get into position keep your back and your legs straight inhale lift your heels exhale push it down feel the stretch the second time lift up push down inhale lift up exhale push it down inhale lift up exhale come down and we stay there for four [Music] [Music] breathings on the last exhale come down towards the mat check if your hands are underneath your shoulders they should be in a straight line then tuck your elbows inward keep them next to your body the whole time face towards the mat extend the back of your neck then inhale lift up your upper body your chest exhale come back to Center this is a perfect pose to train our upper body body not only it will feel the burn in your arms it can train out cores it can also help with the lower back pain so are you guys ready let's do it check your position keep your elbows next to your body inhale lift up your chest don't squeeze up your shoulders exhale come down then inhale lift up lift up your chest Towards the Sky exhale come down inhale lift up don't squeeze up your shoulders exhale come down remember tucking your elbows in now inhale and we stay there for four [Music] [Applause] breathings come on guys lock your position keep your elbows in press your shoulders down lift up your chest Towards the Sky heads up towards the sky we almost done you guys are [Music] amazing now exhale and slowly come back down I hope you guys can feel the burn in your arms Let's do an easy one now come up to tabletop push yourself backward and sitting on your lap extend your hand fully to the front place your chin on the floor or you can push your forehead on the floor then slowly inhale come up supporting yourself with your hands exhale come back down again this can help to open up our shoulders our chest and stretch our back so we're going to stretch like a puppy for four times then we hold there for four breathings okay now get into position are you guys ready now exhale come down stretch your back and your shoulders and your chest in inhale slowly come up exhale stretch like a puppy inhale come up exhale come down inhale come up exhale come down we stay there for four [Music] breathings [Music] now inhale and slowly come up stepping your left foot next to your left hand not in between your hands next to your left hand place your right knee on the ground your legs towards the back look to the front shoulders down chest down keep your legs still and try to lower your elbows towards the floor this is a perfect pose to slam down our thighs and our glutes also it can fix your hip disc if you can place your elbows towards the ground it is completely okay just try to do it if you really can do it just support yourself up with your hands okay are you guys ready let's do it slowly exhale come down towards the ground without moving your legs inhale lift up exhale come down inhale stand [Music] up exhale lower your elbows [Music] down now inhale lift up keep your knees next to your body exhale come down [Music] now inhale stand up one more time exhale come down we stay there for four [Music] breathings [Music] okay you know the next one we have to do it on the right side this time place your right foot next to your right hand now let's do it together exhale slowly come down inhale lift up exhale come down inhale stand up exhale come down again inhale stand up okay the last time exhale come down inhale stand up we stay there for four breathings [Music] yes Here Comes our last post support yourself with your hands and extend your legs towards the back we're in high plank but first thing first you have to check your wrists if your hands are underneath your shoulders your hands are supposed to be in a straight line then exhale lower your elbows down one by one inhale push it up we've done this before I beli

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