Weight Loss at Home Easy

How To Lose Weight In 7 Days With Walking

the day's head of the 30-day challenge for bringing the pace down a little bit lower today and focusing on just some tawny elements most specifically we're going to be targeting those ABS so today it's just going to be a nice follow along flow we're going to be doing exercises to really engage the entire core so please follow along especially as you can do as many reps as you can and honestly you guys are really going to feel this in your stomach so let's get going okay guys so fought your ab workout and we are going to be starting on the floor you've got 40 seconds on 10 seconds off so for the first wave you're going to be doing in our ABS put balancing so all you want to do is balance on your bump and you want to bring your hands slightly behind you and just slowly crunch those knees towards the chest and kick back out [Music] with this move guys make sure that your core is really sucked in here and you're exhaling every time you're bringing those needs towards your chest [Music] excellent work guys keep going excellent you've got a nice rest here guys to come back now onto your back rest up before we go into the next move [Music] let's go so now we're going into modified bicycles all you're going to do is alternate between bringing one knee up to touch the opposite elbow so you want to make sure that with this guy's that you're bringing that elbow as close as you can to your knee and you're lifting your shoulder blades off of the floor again keep that core contracted and make sure you're exhaling on every crunch to keep going [Music] it's a job guys 20-second rest here the next if you're going to be going into is woodchopper so we're going to be doing 40 seconds on each side [Music] so let's get into position guys all you want to do is imagine that you're literally bringing down something and just hitting it towards the floor so you want to be using some force here again keep that naval sucked in and just bring those arms up and down in a nice full spool this is going to help to really target those obliques and the center of your core [Music] excellent job guys 20 second rest before we repeat that on the other side and let's go guys the same move but on the other side so lift those arms up and bring them down [Music] so guys keep pushing through make sure you got that core sucked in [Music] excellent guys so for the next move I want you to come back onto the floor line on your back and what you're gonna be doing is your legs are going to be up in a ninety degrees and we're just gonna do a twist and circle around so it's almost like the 90s legs and all you're gonna do is alternate between triangle six half almost the inside of your calf so you're just gonna be twisting around make sure with this move that you can you are really lifting their shoulder blades off of the floor [Music] that's it guys keep going keep that course up in twist round [Music] excellent job guys well done so for the next move or you're gonna be doing is we're gonna be in a plank position for the next one so make sure you're on your knees and you're ready [Music] so guys for this move all you're gonna be doing is in a high plank position it is going to be driving that knee up towards the chest and we're going to be making sure that we're sticking on one leg so this is going to help to really engage the entire core here other leg now guys so bring it in and take it out [Music] X and I've come down onto those knees now guys dressed up for 20 seconds [Music] and for the next wave guys all I want you to do is stay in that awful position but literally bring those knees up so you're gonna be hovering over the floor this is gonna help to really target every single muscle in your body and you really need some concentration so just stare something on the floor [Music] excellent job guys well done so now come down onto the floor to get ready for the next move [Music] so for the next move all I want you to do is try and get your hands to touch the knee or the ankle whatever you prefer and you're literally just going to be crunching up and tapping and back down [Music] so you're gonna tap and down that's it guys to really make sure you're drawing that knee in towards your chest and make sure you're exhaling on the crunch [Music] excellent job guys 20-second rest we're gonna repeat that again on the other leg [Music] let's get into position now guys and tap the ankle and down make sure when you're crunching up here guys you're making sure that you're sucking that navel in and you're really crunching as you come up you want to make sure you're engaging your core [Music] excellent job guys now for your final one of this workout series so you're going to come up onto your bum again and we're going to be going into Russian twists [Music] and let's go guys all I want you to do now is just twist and make sure you can try and get those hands to touch the floor if you want to advance this move you can bring your feet up so they're balancing above or you can have your feet on the floor like I've done [Music] excellent work guys keep going keep twisting [Music] and that is it guys a world of completing your ab workout today so that is the end of your ab circuit for today if you liked this video then don't forget to hit the subscribe button and also give me a like and also please let me know in the comments which one of the workouts was your favorite today let me know in the comments below and remember if you want to know the best diet and training program for you then don't forget to check out the free quiz that we have in the description box

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