Weight Loss at Home Easy

Top 10 Fat Burning Exercises For Women Without Equipment

what's up x-hit fam my name is nupus albedo and i'm your host for the x-hit workout so today's exit workout is brought to you by the fitbot app where it tailored our entire workout for today but it also customizes all of your workouts with the sets the weights and then also the recovery as well this app has over 600 exercises that you can choose from ranging from body weight movements to weighted movements to recovery and also stretching so stay tuned for that make sure you look inside of your app we're gonna get started with the workout we have a dumbbell arm burner it's 40 seconds of work 20 seconds of rest went two rounds and we have six exercises so let's get started all right this is a dumbbell workout it is 12 minutes long we're starting off with an arnold dumbo press you're going to start off with those palms facing each other and then you're going to press up shoulder press come down and then bring those pumps towards you come back over here press it up make sure you're engaging that core and we're burning out those shoulders so if you have to modify this exercise you can take this part of the exercise out and just focus on the shoulder press engaging that core 10 seconds keep it up and breathe we're building those arms in three two and one all right we're getting up we're going to focus on them by set so we got dumbbell bicep curls and we're alternating sides so we're going to take that right up and then come back down and then left you got 10 seconds of your rest period deep breaths into your nose out through your mouth we are in two and one here we go right bicep curl there we go tuck those elbows in focus on that mind to muscle connection good building those biceps don't flare out those elbows you want to make sure that you're slow and controlled there we go team you got 20 seconds during this time i want you to really focus on your fitness goals whether it's building muscle fat burning or if you want to focus on recovery fitbod does all of that for you just input it into that app and it will help you reach those fitness goals all right team take that rest we are moving into dumbbell front raises so we're going to bring those arms up control it as you come back down you want to do slow and controlled you'll really focus on those shoulders all right we're going in five seconds get ready in three two and one here we go up and down slow and controlled if you have to modify this exercise you can alternate sides all right just like this raise that right arm come back down raise the left arm come back down or if you want to challenge yourself slow and controlled is the way to go and breathe there you go team you got this we're burning out those shoulders trying not to swing that body try not to swing those arms you want to slowly focus on those shoulders five seconds we got this in three two and one all right we got them dumbbell rear delt raised right there you're gonna make sure those palms are facing each other and you're gonna bring it up and control it as you come down really focusing on the rear delts all right so we got about five seconds of rest here we go in three two and one here we go dumbo rear delt raise right there you should feel it and squeeze good job team slowing control we're not gonna slam those dumbbells together like a clam we're gonna control it really focusing on those arms good job guys keep it up 15 seconds and 10 keep going in five slow and control three two and one all right we got a seated dumbbell curl so we're gonna sit down and we're gonna alternate sides alternating sides meaning that you're gonna curl that dumbbell all the way up to that shoulder blade control it as you come back down your chest is proud engaging that core roll those shoulders back because we want to make sure that we're focusing on those biceps here we go 40 seconds on seated dumbbell curl so if you have a bench like i do you can use a bench if you're at home you can use a chair or a couch there we go remember when you're doing these bicep curls you want to tuck that elbow in making sure that chest is proud engaging that core you got 15 seconds keep it up all the way through we only got one more exercise in this round we're almost there burn out those biceps in three two and one all right now we're gonna lie down so grab those dumbbells you're gonna plant those feet onto that ground you're going to make sure that you are pressing those dumbbells up and then you're going to control it as you come back down so your palms are facing the front of you towards your feet all right so take those dumbbells up and control it here we go we're working here we go team and bring it down nice and slow good job and press up all the way through feet are planted on that ground make sure you're engaged in that core as well we're almost there 15 seconds keep it up this is our sixth exercise we got one more round starting from that top right after this in five seconds and three two and one all right that was our first round team we're going to go back into that arnold press so you're going to make sure that you're finding that bench or that chair sit down and then remember palms are facing towards you you're going to press them all the way up into that shoulder press you got 5 seconds shake out those arms if you need to here we go engage that cord two and one let's go palms are facing each other i'm gonna press up come back down bring it back in good job keep it up team remember all of these exercises are found on the fit odd app so make sure you go ahead check that out it will tailor all of your workouts to your fitness goals all right we got 15 seconds nice boulder shoulders working out those arms 10 seconds guys we're in this together fight past that burn five seconds all the way through three two and one all right we're standing back up we have a dumbo bicep curl so remember we're alternating sides we are switching arms so bringing that uh dumbbell all the way up control it as you come back down tucking those elbows and you got five seconds get ready three two and one bringing that dumbbell up towards that shoulder control as you come back down if you want to challenge yourself on this exercise grab a heavier weight slow and controlled as you come back down this is not for speed this is the focus on that mind to muscle connection we got 20 seconds guys building those biceps let's go 15 seconds keep it up you can engage that core as well in this exercise we're working on those biceps four five seconds three two and one all right team we got a dumbbell front raise all right dumbo front raise so making sure you're in that same stance you're gonna bring those dumbbells all the way up eye level control it as you come back down all right 10 seconds take that breather or if you have to shake out those arms shake it out you only got five seconds here we go three two and one take it up and control you want to challenge yourself a little bit more hold it at the top for two seconds you'll

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