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Full Body No Jumping Workout To Burn Fat | Burn Thigh Fat Low Impact Cardio

Hey guys, we didn't do jumping jacks today It's great for slimming down your thighs as well as your waistline because it raises your heart rate to the optimal level for burning fat It's low to moderate intensity depending on your fitness journey So, if you're trying to slim down and tone your legs, remember to stick with the program and remember to take pictures or Submit videos and share with the rest of the community who are here to support you so smash that like subscribe button and turn on notifications and let's get started so we have 30 exercises today 30 seconds and no rest times and don't worry about it we're doing it together and it's not a hard workout. So let's do this. We started with a simple walk This is a great exercise because it's low to moderate intensity Okay, now we're doing a front kick with some nice and slow guys punches, and it's not hard at all Your legs won't get bigger doing these exercises. So don't worry about that and try to stick to the schedule next we can reach over and tap on reach with your hand and tap down while bending your left leg like so that's a really great move to work on those arms and legs and abdomen now to the other leg next we do a kick to the side and that's an exercise Great for your outer thighs and also for your inner thighs next we do some foot taps lift your heel towards your opposite hand as you tap, this works on your inner thighs next we do some toe taps, be careful of the ankle strap you can do this slowly or quickly just do it based on Your own speed Okay so take a step back and remember forward to interact with that core and feel it in your stomach to the other side now it's time for some touches we're almost 30% through the exercise it's not difficult at all as I say you can finish this exercise easily without taking any breaks now your hands On your hips guys as you extend your left leg and cross like that to the other side you next, we're going to do dips followed by leg raises through two dips your leg won't be lifting so don't worry about that again, but if you absolutely hate lunges, you can skip the lunge and do Just by lifting the side leg to the other side Next we will keep one leg back while extending our arms with a gentle and slow pull and maintaining balance Next, we will cross our arms while kicking our legs forward one by one We have passed the halfway point. So keep pushing guys you did very well to get here and not long to go next we do a shuffle left or right followed by a crunch just drop the shuffle and do the drill if you don't have room to move we're going to jump jacks next, you can Do the low impact version if you're tired or a little twist if you got it some energy to burn all right hands on your hips doing some leg raises on your left leg so you're working your core while you're balancing and you're working your legs at the same time now to the other leg now extend your arms And your legs are like that while you're trying to balance and bring it back into a crunch and squeeze your abs so this works both legs and at the same time it's not long to go guys stay in this we'll feel so great after the exercise to the other leg put your hands on your hips and do some circles Legs with your left leg you can hold it against the wall or the chair but try that use your core to maintain balance now to the other leg so we do some skaters now where we go from side to side take it slow if you want it low impact we just got five more exercises to go oh comrades. Don't give up. now. You've come this far we can do this let's get some forehand forehand touches now I've been going strong for thirty minutes or so without a break that's totally okay. If you need to take a little break here, push yourself, but know your limits, okay? After that we do some opposite touches. Do your best to touch your toes and stretch your hamstrings This exercise is really great for obliques Just three more exercises to keep guys Pressing Tap Lunge is next Okay we're doing a shuffle floor Next try burning all your energy with this energy If you don't have space, take Just shuffle or do a crunch or you can just keep pressing The final workout is over with this with a jog if you have some energy to burn just adjust it to high knees and that's the workout guys. I hope you enjoyed this Great job on completing the 15 minute workout without any breaks If you enjoyed the workout smash the like button and drop a comment and let the community know how you went. Thanks for working with me, and I'll see you at the next exercise. Farewell

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