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Get Sexy Abs & Legs Like A Kpop Idol In 2 Weeks

welcome to this 20 minutes abs and legs workout two of my favorite areas to work on you can do this workout by itself or if you want a more structured schedule i've also designed a two weeks challenge for it you can find the downlink in the description box below and if you're ready for the workout let's go you're like a circle that floats around me first exercise is windmill [Music] [Music] second exercise is hollow leg drops exercising abs tight drag your belly down and press your back flat on the floor [Music] [Music] [Music] am i awake or [Music] third is side plank leg lift working the left leg first [Music] i see the possibilities [Music] i get to push myself [Music] set me free yes next switch legs we're [Music] is [Music] exercise [Applause] [Music] so next crunch to knee up [Music] [Music] don't need anybody [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] seventh we're standing up for squat knee [Music] we're moving through raise night like we're from a different star flying over the streets and our broken hearts but they can't even touch us we found a different beat paradise is [Music] eighth is drop lunge right leg front left leg back exercise last exercise of the first set before we get 20 seconds rest it's time to push no pain no gain [Music] cause what we got is timeless rest for 20 seconds ninth is drop lunch switching legs [Music] ain't nobody gonna hold us down break all the rules let them run and hide baby [Music] almost there i know you can do it 10 more seconds until we can lie back down tenth get back down to the floor for set up two lick lift exercise [Music] cause you're in my space and now i'm sorry [Music] though we haven't spoken to [Music] eleventh is runner [Music] [Music] from apps [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh twelfth kick back targeting the thighs left leg go first [Music] [Music] far [Music] is [Music] [Applause] cause you are only 13th switch leg [Music] exercise me keeping me safe and sound and when i fall you tied a rope to me you're blessing me every day i was down with an illusion like a sparrow with broken wings but now i shine with your reflection on me i'm getting back up on my face [Music] 14th windmill you can't set me free set me free [Music] yes 15th is hollow lake drop [Music] looking angry but then the sky reached my mind i see the possibilities [Music] 16th we're getting up for squat and twist [Music] exercise last one off the set before another 20 seconds rest it's time to challenge yourself let's go and see what we got [Music] rest for 20 seconds and get ready for our final set starting with side lift crunch left leg [Music] first [Music] all night long [Music] next switch leg [Applause] [Music] [Music] exercise [Music] 19th is at bike extent [Music] on our own [Applause] [Music] [Music] 20th is crunch to knee up [Music] [Music] exercise we're moving through the night like we're from a different star flying over the streets and our broken hearts but they can't even touch us we found a different beat paradise is [Music] 21st is side plank leg lift left leg first [Music] exercise [Music] my we're from a different time yeah we're of a different breed cause what we got is timeless 20 seconds switch legs [Music] till the morning baby cause we're done ain't nobody gonna hold us down break all the rules let them run and hide [Music] baby [Music] last two exercises to go 23rd is sit up to lick lips [Music] exercise we have come way too far to quit now we're stronger than we think keep trying keep going [Music] i try to disguise [Music] final exercise is runner apps exercise it's a difficult exercise we're feeling the fatigue at the end of the workout but we'll never fail if we never give up the more challenging it is the harder we push and the more growth and progress we get remember success is not for the [Music] lazy [Music] [Applause] [Music] um we did it another achievement done res well stretch and i'll see you again very soon – GET SEXY ABS & LEGS LIKE A KPOP IDOL IN 2 WEEKS

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