Weight Loss at Home Easy

Quick Lower Belly Fat Workout | 100% Result Guaranteed | No Jumping No Equipment

hi guys welcome back so today we'll be doing this quick but effective lower ass total six verses and the last one is a stretch but before we get into it I want you to promise me to stick your lower back flat on the ground remember the little exercise that we did in this video I want you to do that through the whole workout so that you can protect your back and fully engage your core this will fire your abs okay so without further Ado let's get on to the video okay now let's come down to the mat extend your hands up to the sky then use your knee to tap your elbows are you ready 50 seconds let's do this me you make me go to stupid bodies with your homies [Music] homies when you know when you know when you know I way too shy to function right when you know when you every time you curage your body is on exhale extend your legs out is on inhale remember to keep your back flat on the ground and make sure you are really tapping your elbows so come on guys curl a little bit more we are almost done everybody's daning going crazy kind of R along easy but I'm feeling kind of I just want to head home I don't want to talk to anybody I don't want to know the hob so we down in the lobby then [Music] head okay so for the next one keep your legs up in the air hands next to your hips lift up your upper body engage your core swing your arms up and down we hold there for 50 seconds everybody's going crazy upy but I'm feeling kind to SP I just [Music] want I made myself clear myself clear or at least I thought I made myself clear when we met that I got severe imagine you're lifting your chest up not your head otherwise you're going to hurt your neck keep your breath steady keep pressing in your lower back and your abs we're almost done hanging there [Music] everybody I don't want to talk to anybody I don't want to know yes you guys are amazing now for the next one use your right elbow to tap your left knee come down right hand left toes we're going to repeat for 50 seconds are you guys ready let's do this everybody I'm feel come on guys make sure you are really tapping your knees and tapping your toes so lift up your body a little bit higher we are almost done everybody's dancing going crazy kind of rap along with J but I'm feeling kind of Spacey I just want to to away I don't want to talk to anybody I want I know you H so down in the lobby then and I know and I know and I know you want me to tired yes you guys are amazing you know the next one we have to balance on the other side okay now get into position are you ready let's do [Music] this you got to make room for a self woman like [Music] me for come on guys keep engag your cor musal keep squeezing it in make sure you are really tapping your knees and tapping your toes we're almost done hang in [Music] there I don't expect you to lie down FL not unless you really want I'm after new we only have our last two exercises left now come to a high plank support yourself with your hands very easy step your feet in one by one then extend your legs out one by one the most important thing here is to not move your upper body only move your legs so come on guys engage your core so that you can help your body to stay still keep your breath steady we're almost done should no I got nothing for free check if your hands are under your shoulders so if it is not move your body a little bit forward and hold there we almost done you guys are amazing so if you want to be to be to be to be to be to yeah yes Here Comes our last one the rest is just a stretch now come back to a high plank pose move your knees towards your elbow as you engage your CT we're going to run as fast as you can okay are you guys ready let's do [Music] this get got to get out theor you [Music] look come on guys remember to engage your CT and check if your hands are right underneath your shoulders I know it's hard I know you're out of breath but we are not giving up in here we almost stand hang in [Music] there yes you guys are doing great we only have a last stretch inhale lift up your chest and your hips exhale curl up your back squeeze in your abs this is our last 50 seconds are you guys ready let's do this but I know you care when I see you there with the same look in your eyes that you used to have when we met way back and fell in love for the first time it's a stupid on me foolish on me to begin to die you baby not only this is a great stretch for your back and your core this is also a very great Poe to train your abs so every time you exhale and curl up your back I want you to squeeze in your abs at the top squeeze it as hard as you can and all you can and all you care no and all you can and all you I know you care when I see you stay with the same look in your eyes you used to when we met way back for the first and yes we are finished you guys are amazing I know this work goes very quick but I hope you guys can feel the burn if you have the strength to do so you can do it one more time and you will have more results and well how you guys feeling I hope you guys enjoy this video so just a kind of reminder if you want to see your abs line you would definitely need to do some high-intensity fat burning workout so that you can burn burn off the fats lowered your body fat you will see your abs line showing so if you want to get a stronger core like those abs line 11 line ABS I have an as program planned for you 7 days with different abs for out if you complete them and stay consistent on it I promise you will definitely get the apps that you wanted okay so I hope you guys enjoy this video and I will see you guys in the next one bye all you and all you can all you yeah n and all you get all you get

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