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Thigh Burn In 30 Days 30 Inner & Outer Thigh Exercises #Emitransform

this workout is all about my thighs there will be 35 exercises targeting the burn all around this area including the stubborn inner thighs that i know a lot of you want to work on get ready for the burn 30 exercises 40 seconds each 10 seconds rest in between first exercise is touchdown with cake [Music] exercise kick hard and make it count you're looking badass let's work those [Music] fighting thighs you'll be cause everything you'll be has changed [Music] next is step to side exercise all your body weight on one leg sit lower for more burn [Music] three two one switch let me give it all to you rest third is side lunge [Music] exercise chest up keep looking forward sit until the side of your bent leg is almost at 90 degree angle [Music] would you give me time to give it all to [Music] you [Music] we'll be lying down after this so hang in there [Music] exercise legs wide apart squat down until thighs are almost parallel to the floor you can lift your arms up to keep your chest up instead of slouching forward [Music] your thighs are burning yes remember this is what we are here for no pain no gain fifth we're lying down for a lick split [Music] house exercise engage your thighs for each pouch enjoy the burn like a sparrow with broken wings but now i shine with your reflection on me [Music] victory [Music] sixth is outer lip we're working on left leg first exercise again with the thigh of your upper leg for each lift focus on mind and body connection to maximize the burn [Music] am i awake or am i dreaming [Music] let's keep the burn going with lift bikes exercise draw as big of a circle as you can with the biking motion of your upper leg [Music] effort is a choice you can choose to slack through the whole workout or you can put in your max effort to get the best results dress eggs will keep lying on the side for inner lips [Music] exercise upper cross in front lift lower leg up and down by working your inner thigh [Music] no success comes easy push through the [Music] burner [Music] ninth we're finally switching sides starting with outer [Music] [Music] lips on our own [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] else [Music] tenth lift bike we are one third through this workout already you're killing it keep it going [Music] [Music] eleventh inner lift exercise we want to burn the stubborn inner thigh area so let's get the work done [Music] it's all about repetition if you're willing to stick with it even when it feels tough you'll get to where you want to be 12th we're standing back up for crab walk in half squat walk in small steps from side to side [Music] you will feel a slow burn building up in your thighs it means you're doing this right don't give up only 15 more seconds let's push for a few more steps rest 13 step two back [Music] exercise just like the step to side exercise we did in the beginning of this workout this time we're stepping to the back focus the weight and the thigh of your standing leg three two one switch 14th is good morning frog [Music] bend down until your back is flat and parallel to the floor this is the good morning pose then squat down low into frog post alternate between good morning and frog [Music] every single rep gets you closer to your goals you're doing this for yourself to create the life you want to live yes 15th courtesy lunch squeeze the inner thighs as you lunge back diagonally and stand back up alternate sides [Music] don't fall behind i want to show you what you missed out on all your life [Music] we are halfway through sixteenth is chair pulse [Music] exercise we're lying down again after this so give it your all keep pausing all the way until the timer ends [Music] feel the burn in the thighs celebrate it let it do its work [Music] trust me i know how you feel right now my thighs are also turning into jelly but it is through suffering that we grow and progress 10 more seconds give me a few more pulses [Music] and we can lie down for the leg circle exercise rotate your upper leg by working your thigh we will switch direction after 20 [Music] seconds three two one switch [Music] don't fall behind i want to show you yes 18th is for late cake [Music] exercise lift your leg up to as high as you can engaging the thigh what you missed [Music] last one on the side before we switch kick back we're moving through the night exercise kick your upper leg up and back simple but you'll feel your leg getting real sore real fast [Music] we're switching lick fairy soon push for the last few reps and we're working the other leg starting with leg circle [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] three two one switch [Music] two-thirds of the workout done you're doing amazing next is for late [Music] [Music] hold us cake break all the rules let them run and hide [Music] baby [Music] oh [Music] next and also the last lying exercise kick back exercise you got this take all the negative emotions out stress frustration anger turn them into power i've been fighting everything you say i've been trying to go the other way but i can't seem [Music] [Music] cause everything you'll be rest it's time for a change get into all fours for table top lift [Music] exercise lift one leg to the side as high as you can by engaging the thigh switch side after 20 seconds three two one switch leg [Music] 24th is rainbow cake working one leg first [Music] exercise with the thigh to lift the leg up by drawing a big half circle like a rainbow arch continue for 20 seconds [Music] three two one then kick it to the side without dropping it to the floor until timer rings [Music] next switch side [Music] three two one start kicking to the side as hard as you can [Music] the final part of this workout stand up for in and out squat [Music] exercise squat until thighs are parallel to the floor step your feet back together into in squat again thighs parallel to the floor and step to the other side for our squat again this burns i know that's why it's an effective exercise and that's why we're doing it we're so close to the end push it [Music] 27th is standing lick left [Music] exercises set me free [Music] three two one switch [Music] 28th split lunch [Music] exercise square your hips lunge down until your legs are in 90 degree angles keep your chest up i see the possibilities [Music] victory [Applause] [Music] 29th also split lunch but working the other leg exercise we're almost done only one more to go after this let's make this the best one yet go get it [Music] yes [Music] 13th last exercise off this workout wall sits [Music] exercise of course i'm saving the best for last sit with back lean against the wall like a 90 degree angle [Music] the thighs are burning maybe you wonder if you can hold it till the end well i'm telling you now you can i know you can you also know you can [Music] if you're giving 60 right now push to 80 squeeze in that 20 extra effort that i know you have it in you [Music] rest and we're done good job today you should be so proud of yourself but rem – THIGH BURN IN 30 DAYS 30 INNER & OUTER THIGH EXERCISES #EmiTransform

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