Weight Loss at Home Easy

7-day Home Workout Plan To Shed Pounds Fast

today on exit I'm going to be taking you through an ABS routine to get that six-pack so we're going to start off with just a basic crunch each move I show you we're going to do for 30 seconds so keeping that back flat on the floor and just lifting up getting that shoulders off the floor and crunch really engage those abs okay keep it going guys each move is going to be 30 seconds 10 seconds to go 5 4 3 2 1 okay that's our basic crunch we're now going to come to standing take a weight in your hand and just using your abs I just want you to go down to the side so make sure you're just really thinking about those oblique muscles and I'm going to start with the right and then we're going to go on to the left okay make sure you're only using those abs not the shoulders 20 seconds and then we're going to swap onto the other side just think if you just do this three times a week you're going to really be improving those ab muscles and get some definition and let's swap on to the other side in three two one swap over remember we are just using our ABS not our shoulders if we do your shoulders it's going to just look like this and we don't want that we just want to keep our shoulders down 10 seconds to go and we're going to drop back down onto the floor 5 4 3 2 1 okay you finished with the weight let's come back back down to the floor we're going to do flatter kicks so back flatten the floor and we're just going to kick up and down you can put your hands out to the side that's going to help support let's it really think about squeezing those ab muscles and this is so easy it's something that you can just do at home if you're in a hotel or you don't need much space at all to work on your abs 10 seconds five 4 3 2 one okay let's go straight into scissors so you might need to lift up a little bit more so that that back doesn't come off the ground excellent job 20 seconds come on let's keep it going keep going guys 10 seconds to go I'm we going to go on to bicycles 5 4 3 2 1 okay your bicycles just twisting so using those oblique muscles remember all of these exercises of 30 seconds so you haven't got long you can do it do it really twist that upper body 5 4 3 2 1 okay we're still going to be using those oblique muscles so just lying on the ground legs over to one side and we're just going to squeeze and crunch up think about exhaling every single time that you do the move that's going to help engage those ab muscles and then the end we're we're going to have a tone six-pack excellent job guys we're going to switch onto the other side in 10 5 4 3 2 1 let's switch those legs across and let's crunch you don't need much room tool to do these exercises which is great so anytime you've got a spare 8 10 minutes just whack the video on and you've just got yourself those perfect ABS so you just want to keep it going 10 seconds 5 4 3 2 1 okay next exercise we're going to stay in the similar position want your knees bent and we're just going to to reach up to the sky so you really extend those arms up look at your hands and feel the crunch in your belly excellent job guys keep it going we want to work all the way to the end we're going to 10 seconds left it's good to spice up routines by doing lot different exercises Keeps Us motivated 3 two one okay we're going to go into a Spider-Man plank so hands in push-up position and just bring one knee in we're going to hold it for five 4 3 2 1 and let's swap it on to the other side five 4 3 2 one and again so we do this for 30 seconds and just 5 seconds each side okay one more on each leg 5 Seconds 5 4 3 2 1 and your last 5 Seconds come on really hold it there be strong three two one okay there you have the Spider-Man plank you've got one more exercise that I'm going to show you so let's keep it going we're going to do a bridge with a hip raise so knees bent we're just going to raise up come down about an inch off the ground and up again you can also feel it in your glutes too so when you go up to the top squeeze and then come down okay guys 20 seconds left and then you're done keep it going guys go squeeze as you get to the top use those hands for support on the ground 5 4 3 2 1 well that's one of the ab workouts that we have on X hit make sure you check out the rest of them and all our other videos subscribe to our channel it's free if you've got any questions my name is Rebecca Louise please leave me a comment you can also follow me on Twitter @ themodel pilot I hope to see you again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] tomorrow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah

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