Weight Loss at Home Easy

10 Mins Lower Back Stretches L Better Sleep For Sure!

[Music] hi guys welcome back so recently i've asked on instagram do you guys have any storm so that i want to be relaxed so today i want to share with you a very easy and quick workout to relax your back and muscle because many of you saying that you guys have lower back pain how do you relax the bag of masoor in yoga and today i'm gonna show you that so let's go so we come to a tabletop position align your hips with your knees and your shoulders with your wrist [Music] inhale draw your belly down and lift your chest exhale arch your back tuck your toes in inhale [Music] and exhale so whenever you're exhaling it's like something lifting you up let's do it together for five times [Music] remain table top position inhale lift your right arm left leg exhale elbows meet your knees inhale exhale let's do it five times [Music] [Music] okay let's do another side so inhale right arm left leg exhale elbows meet your knees [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] now come to your knees we're going to do a camel pose so don't arch your back like this tuck your tables in put your hands underneath your ribs inhale gently bend backward exhale engage your core muscle and come back to center let's do it together for four times [Music] do [Music] on the fourth inhale try to put your hands onto your heels if not it is completely okay just put it under your ribs so we stay here for four breathings [Music] the last exhalation engage your core muscle and come back to center and now let's relax our back inhale sit on your laps exhale lower your body extend your hands as far as you can relax your head and shoulders onto the ground and just relax and easy breathing you can stay in this position as long as you want [Music] do [Music] [Music] and now lie on your back grab your knees towards your chest on an inhale and exhale extend your arms still grabbing your knees open halfway so repeat it for five times close your eyes inhale [Music] exhale [Music] [Music] extend your legs put your hands by the side inhale use your right arm grabbing your left knees and exhale twist your body to the right while your head is facing left inhale and exhale we do it together for four times [Music] [Laughter] so [Music] and now static practice will stay here for four breaths [Music] and now the opposite side left hand right knees twist to the left head to the right [Music] exhale [Music] inhale exhale [Music] do [Music] keep twisting and stay here for four breaths [Music] [Music] inhale relax back to supine position sit up tall and straight lift yourself up a little bit just to sit on your tailbone inhale reaching up lengthen your spine exhale bend from your hips try to grab your feet if it is not okay you can put it onto your shin or you can use a strap to help with it [Music] so we don't bend from our upper arms we bend from our hips so open up your chest and keep your back straight it's like closing a book so we do it together for four times the last one will stay there for four breathings [Music] so [Music] [Laughter] [Music] now stay in the position for four breathings [Music] inhale coming back up and just lie down take a moment to rest [Music] so [Music] extend your legs feeling like you're melting on the floor [Music] thank you so much for watching and i hope you guys feel more relaxed after this just a friendly reminder if you're feeling soreness or stiffness in your muscles it is really important for you to check your postures in your daily life the way we sit the way we walk the way we stand it is very important bad posture is the reason why you're having sore muscles so for example when we're standing you should never over arch like this or like this so we call it low doses girls i know it might looks good in the pictures but trust me this is really bad for your health and you don't want to have a lot of doses i still have some secret tips but if i put it in here this would be too long so i'm just going to put it in the next one anyway i hope you guys liked it and i'll see you guys in the next one bye [Music]

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