Weight Loss at Home Easy

10min Slim Arm Workout | Burn Flabby Arm Fat | All Seated & No Equipment (100% Worked)

hi guys welcome back so a lot of you guys are really loving the arm flap workout I think it's time for an update on 100 or so guaranteed yes I put it there if you do this with the previous one together you would definitely slim down your arms so without further Ado let's get on to the video okay now sit comfortably on your sofa or your mat then push your hand up to the sky one by one imagine you're pushing something very heavy up to the sky and hold another hand still when you fully extend your arms up don't move until you swap to the other hand [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] yes now rest for a few seconds okay the next one interlacing your hand and push up to the sky then touch your head then push up to the sky [Music] every time you extend your arms make sure they are in a straight line and squeeze your arms muscles [Music] come on push your hands as hard as you can you can do it [Music] oh now rest for a few seconds okay I'm showing you the next one first thumbs down and extend your arms to the side make sure that your thumbs are facing downward then bend your lower arm without moving your upper arms make sure your arms are right next to your body not to the front and not to the back are you ready let's go [Music] come on bring your elbows a little bit higher keep it up to your shoulders level and don't move your upper arms [Music] make sure your thumbs are facing downward come on we are almost finished [Music] by you [Music] yes now catch your breath for a few seconds okay for the next one also keep your thumbs down but this time move your arms up and down [Music] we got everything we need right here foreign come on lift your arms up a little bit and keep moving you can do it [Music] come on move your hands a little bit faster hang in there we're almost done [Music] I swear to God this literally killed me you guys are amazing [Music] okay now let's do something easy strike your elbows to the back then down into the back imagine you're hitting someone you hate at the back [Music] come on give some Powers into it and move a little bit faster oh foreign [Music] body slightly forward and extend your arms to the back [Music] I'm still and every time you extend your arms squeeze your whole arms muscles this is a very good exercise to train the back of your arms so if you have arm flap this is the one foreign [Music] okay remain the same position and simply just clap with the back of your hand are you ready let's go thank you [Music] come on you can do it think about a sexy slim and straight arms you're going to have we are almost done [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yes we only have two more left okay so for the next one extend your arms to the side then draw a little circles with your hands [Music] twist more of your arms to draw a full circles and keep your arms up to your shoulders level [Music] [Music] this is [Music] [Music] yes we have the last exercise left okay so for the next one is quite similar we twist our arms to draw a circles but this time we'll keep our arms still but only move our hands are you ready 50 seconds let's go [Music] twist more of your hands to draw a full circle this can activate the whole arms muscles [Music] hang in there a few more seconds left [Music] yes we are finished I hope your arms are burning you guys are amazing wow thank you guys so much for watching and don't forget to stretch it out after your workout otherwise you're going to be so sore like me I did this workout so many times before I film and yesterday I couldn't even lift on my arms so don't forget to stretch once again I promise you if you do this with the previous arms workout you would definitely see results well I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I will see you guys the next one bye [Music]

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