Weight Loss at Home Easy

12min Saddle Bag + Hip Dips | Outer Thighs & Fuller Hips

hi guys welcome back this video is targeting on those annoying style bags so we train our outer thighs and also our glutes it can also fix your hip this as well without further Ado let's get on to the video now sit down on the ground we're going to do some warm-ups simply crisscross your legs and do a little circles with your body use your hands to push your knees down towards the floor [Music] all right [Music] okay now rest for a few seconds I'm just showing you the next one first come to tabletop and lift up your right leg bend your knees keep your right foot up and down without moving your thighs thank you remember keep your upper legs still don't move your thighs only move your lower leg foreign [Music] use your right hand grabbing your right foot then move up and down I know this can be very wobbly so strengthen your whole body's muscles especially your abs case at one point keep your breath steady you will be able to stabilize yourself [Music] every time you lift up squeeze your butt and your leg come on try it you can do it we are almost done [Music] thank you [Music] yes you know the drill we have to do on the other way remember keep your thighs still only move here lowerly [Music] foreign [Music] use your left hand grabbing your left foot then move up and down [Music] I know it can be a bit challenging just try your best girls if I can do it you can do it come on [Music] yes good job okay now come up to tabletop and lift up your right leg this time swing your right foot right to the left and left to the right you ready let's go foreign [Applause] [Music] imagine you're enjoying a horizontal line with your left foot 30 seconds let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] amazing now I'm just showing you the next one first letter on your stomach bend your knees stick your feet together then inhale lift up exhale come down you ready let's go [Music] [Music] come on lift up your feet as hard as you can you can do it we are almost done [Music] yes you guys are amazing I know it's hard you guys deserve a rest now push yourself into child pose and rest for 30 seconds [Music] close your eyes put your forehead on the ground and just breathe [Music] okay now gently push yourself back up and lie down on the ground hands next three hips then inhale lift up your hips exhale slowly come down we repeat for 30 seconds every time you come up engage abdominal muscles so that you don't over Arch and hurt your back and every time when you reach to the top squeeze your butt foreign [Music] only move your knees open up and close open close open close come on don't drop your hips lift your hips higher a little bit and keep your body in a straight line [Music] yes you guys are amazing okay we're going to do some more bridges this time lift up your right leg then move your hips up and down come on you can do it let's go [Music] foreign [Music] come on lift up your hips you can do it we are almost done [Music] yes now rest for a few seconds we're going to do on the left leg come on left leg up you ready let's go [Music] come on hang in there we almost finished the workout we are not giving up in here you guys are amazing I'm so proud of you now turn your body and facing your left side slightly bend your legs and stick your feet together then open up your right knees up and down every time you lift your knees squeeze your butt at the back and try to open up your leg as far as you can all right [Music] yes now catch your breath for a few seconds we're going to switch side you ready 30 seconds let's go [Music] remember squeeze your butt and your legs foreign [Music] foreign yes you guys are amazing we only have three more exercise left now come up standing we've done this before swing one of your legs to the back then squat down trying to place the back of your leg parallel to the front of your leg so they're in a straight line [Music] yes you guys are amazing now come lie down on the ground it's time to stretch our glutes place your left leg on top of your rice then use your hand grabbing your right leg then pull it towards you [Music] thank you [Music] if you can't grab your cough try to grab your thighs then pull it closer towards your chest [Music] yes loosen up a bit we're going to repeat the same thing on the other side right leg on top of your left and pull your left leg towards you hold there for 30 seconds you got this thank you come on hang in there we are almost done [Music] yes you guys are amazing thank you so much for watching I hope you guys like this video and I will see you guys in the next one bye [Music] foreign foreign

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