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15 Min Workout For Seniors Beginners People With Knee Pain (Joint-friendly) ~ Emi

today we are going to do a 15-minute snow jumping beginner workout together with my mom this is one of her favorite workouts so if you're new to exercising or you haven't worked out for a long time this is perfect for you all these exercises are easy on the joints and suitable for seniors but before we start let's clean up to make sure everything is hygienic the smell is really fresh [Music] [Music] 15 minutes workout each exercise 40 seconds with 10 seconds rest in between first exercise is arm and knee up exercise lift straight arm up towards the sky and raise opposite knee at the same time cause now i dream about you i was probably too drunk it's blurry but i've got the image of you running circles in my mind right now and it could fade away but it probably won't [Music] what can i do second is arm circle step exercise arms extended straight out to the side rotate them in small circles and step one leg to the side alternate your legs [Music] i was doing just fine the way that it was then you had me these emotions didn't want them but i guess they don't suck with them they go go away [Music] you're doing awesome third is back squeeze step all right [Music] exercise pull your elbows to the back while squeezing your shoulder blades together step one foot to the back and twist the opposite side alternate sides [Music] it doesn't even make sense why i think about you it was only one night only that time and it's not my style [Music] fourth is punch exercise step one leg to the front and punch your arm out on the same side alternate sides punch as hard as you can imagine someone or something you're frustrated with punch all the negative emotions out [Music] is fifth is pull down knee raise exercise arms up towards the sky pull down as you bend the elbows and engage the abs to lift one knee up alternate legs place [Music] good work sixth is arm fly exercise half bend with back flat arms up and swing them towards the back as high as you can [Music] [Music] is we are one third into the workout already seventh is lick lift with heel raise exercise core tight focus your weight onto one leg as you lift the other as high as possible to the side lower it back down and lift your heels up imagine someone pulling a crown towards the sky alternate sides [Music] three two one switch could do this right we'll find the remedy oh would you stay with me now till the [Music] morning eighth is chest opener before you make up your mind [Music] exercise sit on the mat bring your arms to the side and back as you open up your chest and squeeze your shoulder blades together at the back [Music] would you follow me if i leave tonight [Music] keep up the good work tonight is side bend exercise bend to one side as you bring your upper arm up feeling a stretch along the side of your body alternate sides we're not slouching here look up and keep your chest open for more stretch being alone well i don't care because right now i feel the love that we said we will burn oh i know that you feel it too i know that i told you and we're halfway through already back to arm and knee up [Music] exercise we're getting closer to our goals so don't give up keep smashing this [Music] workout would you follow me or would you let it be if i leave tonight we could do this right we'll find the remedy oh would you stay with me [Music] eleventh is arm circle stack [Music] exercise stay focused remember why you're here why you click into this video do this for yourself but what can i do and it would be all right to let me down rather we try then let these feelings slide [Music] [Music] step i was doing just fine the way that it was then you had squeeze your shoulder blades together every time you bring your elbows to the back we're finishing two thirds of this workout let's make this last part the best one [Music] but what can i do [Music] [Music] 13th is punch [Music] exercise punch hard each wrap stronger and better you got [Music] it will this [Music] [Music] next pull down knee raise exercise keep your balance abs tight it's where the people came to play don't let them transform [Music] come and see what you've been missing [Music] it's the only place 15th is arm flight exercise we're so close to the end already it's time to give it our all palm trees [Music] left heel raise exercise last standing exercise before we sit back down lift your leg high lift your heels high we're almost done [Music] three two one switch [Applause] [Music] rest 17 sit down for chest opener exercise final two exercises drive us all the way to the finish line we'll find the remedy [Music] before you make up your mind that i'm [Music] listen last exercise of this workout side bend i can see that [Music] exercise you should be so proud of yourself for starting this workout and now completing it in just less than one minute every success is built from little day-to-day habits if you can stay consistent and make exercising part of your habit you will be very surprised soon what your body can [Music] achieve 10 seconds right now i feel the love that we said we would burn oh i know that you feel it too

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