Weight Loss at Home Easy

20min Full Body FAT BURN Workout |Arms, Chest, ABS, Back, Thigh & Calf |All Standing, No Equipment

this full body strength training is targeting all part of your body from top to bottom all standing beginner friendly no equipment needed so without further Ado let's get on to the video [Music] okay now slowly Bend forward and open your arms to the back while you bend from your elbow make sure your pinky fingers are facing upward so you can feel more muscle Contracting in your arms and every time you open your arms squeeze your whole arms muscle [Music] I'm done picking up your pieces [Music] okay now stick your elbows your lower arm your fingers together and move up and down don't let those elbows fall apart and don't squeeze up your shoulders every time you move up and down try to engage your chest and whole arms muscles [Music] this is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay now keep your palms together and push your hands from left to right and right to the left make sure those hands are pushing hard against each other and try to lift up your elbows a little bit higher so that your arms are in a straight line stay away [Music] come on engage your chest and your arms at all time otherwise you're doing it for nothing [Music] [Music] okay now slowly Bend forward and open your lower arms to the side every time when you open your arms to the top squeeze your arms and every time when you close up squeeze your chest [Music] all right come on open your arms a little bit higher you can do it we are almost done [Music] foreign [Music] Palms facing to the back then swing your arms up and down [Music] thank you [Music] come out a little bit higher and a little bit faster you can do it we are almost done hang in there [Music] okay now remain the same position this time clap your hands at the back [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] come on hang in there a few more seconds to go don't quit don't prove me wrong [Music] okay now remain the same position arms up and down like a double shape every time you pull down your arms squeeze your back muscles [Music] try not to squeeze up your shoulders while you extend your arms come on hang in there we are almost done booty [Music] okay now you can stand up straight for this one just crisscross your elbows up and down this is the perfect exercise targeting your arm flap and your chest so make sure you squeeze those chest muscles [Music] about all these panties [Music] okay I hope your arms are burning now let's train our ABS now swing your arms from top right to left down while you kick your left leg up foreign make sure you squeeze those abdominal muscles hard this is how you get those abs lined [Music] good come on a few more seconds to go yes you did it you know the drill would have to do on the other side 50 seconds are you ready let's go [Music] thank you guys are amazing we are not giving up in here let's do a few more together [Music] yes now let's train our whole ABS with some toes tap [Music] all right [Music] keep your breath steady engage your abs every time you touch your toes watch me rocking if I can't stop [Music] just go ahead go and catch me baby [Music] okay our last ABS exercise right elbow touch your left knees left elbows touch your right knee please [Music] [Music] joining bring these we might be weak [Music] oh yes now let's try it outside open up your legs and tilt your toes a little bit out to the side then squat them every time you stand up squeeze your whole legs and your glutes [Music] don't do it [Music] okay now shake it off a little bit we're going to do some knee lift lift up your right knee to the right and pull it down try to look directly at one point and engage your left leg to give you more stability [Music] yes you made it now let's do on the left leg you don't have to do it fast just do it at the pace that you feel comfortable but make sure you lift those knees High thank you take it slow do every step right [Music] Oh my legs are burning now let's try our inner thighs tilt your right toes out a little bit and swing it back and forward it's like we're kicking the football [Music] again like at one point and squeeze your left leg to give you more stability thank you [Music] foreign shake it off a little bit now we're going to do it on the left side are you ready 50 seconds let's go keep your legs straight while you're doing this you can feel more muscles and Contracting again no rush take it slow as long as you're doing it correct you are training the right muscles [Music] you are [Music] my heart [Music] yes we train our inner thighs but how can we forget our outer thighs stand still with your left leg and lift your right leg out to the side oh foreign [Music] a little bit higher we are not giving up in here we are almost done with this workout [Music] I'm starting to forget [Music] um [Music] yes shake it off a little bit we're going to do it on the left leg remember don't have to rush just do it correctly I'm here with you [Music] come on hang in there we have last two exercises to go we are not giving up in here you are almost done [Music] unless we forget we have to train our cups as well again standing still with your left leg and flex and point your right toes [Music] if it is a little bit wobbly for you just try to look at one point and take it slow if you still find it too hard just grab a chair to help [Applause] thank you [Music] okay rock around for a few seconds relax those cuffs now we have to do on the left leg we only have one more exercise to go are you ready let's go [Music] foreign [Music] come on we only have few more seconds left come on if I can do it you can do it [Music] yes he guys made it now let's end this workout with a stretch strengthen your leg heels down toes up then slide forward don't bend your leg keep your leg in a straight line and try to lower your body as close as possible [Music] thank you [Music] come on try to speed up a little bit and do it a little bit faster we are almost done foreign [Music] yes we are finished [Music] well hello guys thank you so much for watching and I hope you guys like this pretty simple but effective workout if you guys have the strength to do it again I recommend that you guys do it twice a day and definitely leave in a comment below telling me what kind of videos that you like to watch it doesn't have to be workout videos it can't be about lifestyle it can be about self-development about relationship cooking anything anything for you guys well thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you guys in the next one bye [Music] thank you

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