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handstands are one of the most sought after poses and that's not only because they look incredible but because they have a lot to teach us about our body and balance most people struggle to learn handstand they go about it without any technique or direction aimlessly kicking up time after time creating more bad habits than good you might find balance over time even with poor positioning but it's not going to get you that handstand that you want and it might even cause injury later if you continue to practice handstand without doing any of the work to understand what's happening in your body and developing strength and stability in the right areas you're going to stall gain more knowledge and train your body with specific exercises and you'll be able to achieve that handstand you've always wanted so why our hands stand so hard in this video i'm going to tell you plus the top four things that are preventing you from that handstand you've always dreamed of and i'll also show you which areas you need to work on to achieve a straight vertical line let's activate that handstand [Music] so what is preventing you first lack of shoulder and core stability second open shoulders third wrist conditioning and fourth the positioning of your body and your handstand let's deep dive into these four different areas the core is essentially your torso the muscles that reside between your shoulder joint and your pelvic joint now your pelvis is more stable and your shoulder joints more mobile one of the core's primary functions is to stabilize your spine and pelvis when we stand the pelvic girdle's main function is to transfer weight to the lower limbs and when we sit its main function is to support the weight of the upper body this makes sense right we've got a less mobile pelvic girdle supporting the weight of our more mobile shoulder girdle so that when we stand or sit we feel stable but what happens when we go upside down as we do in handstands we're asking a more mobile joint the shoulder joint to now support the weight of the pelvic girdle the largest part of most of our bodies a strong core is the key to stabilization in your handstand think of the core as the link between your pelvic girdle and your shoulder girdle the stronger the muscles are between these two areas the better they can help stabilize both the pelvis and the spine strong core muscles coupled with strong muscles supporting the shoulders will transform your handstand practice by creating more stability when balancing upside down this is going to translate to more balance time for your handstands if you can't raise your arms over your head while keeping your arms straight this is going to make handstands a challenge or cause your arms to bend when you're upside down doing targeted exercises to increase the range of motion in your shoulders will better help you achieve a straight handstand and also help you to balance better because your joints are going to be stacked more efficiently many people simply haven't developed both the strength and mobility needed in their wrist joint to perform and practice handstands regularly without any pain learning to condition your wrists for handstands will not only help you balance but it's going to ensure a sustainable handstand practice now positioning the most important thing most people don't understand correct alignment and handstand it has to do with the correct position of your shoulder blades when we go upside down our shoulder blades naturally go in an upward rotation they go like this but i see a lot of people then adding on depression of the shoulders this movement down if i do that and go upside down look at what's going to happen now with the position of my shoulders it's going to cause me also to arch my back in order to balance instead you want the opposite position of your shoulder blades you need elevation so the shoulder blades go up it's like shrugging your shoulders to your ears now we need to do this in tandem with core activation because when you raise your arms above your head you're not stabilizing your core in general and so your rib cage will follow again giving you this banana back shape upside down so you want to be able to learn how to draw your rib cage down while raising your arms above your head and this is why open shoulders is so essential once you can do these two things being able to shrug your shoulders up and drop your front ribs down activate your core your handstand is going to get that nice vertical line in summary to progress in your handstand you want to build shoulder and core stability open and stretch your shoulders so that when you raise your arms above your head you can do so with straight arms and open shoulders you want to condition your wrists for sustainability and you want to make sure those shoulder blades are elevated while keeping your core engaged now you've got some new information about handstands you might be wondering what's next the next step is actually practicing with this new information i designed an online program called activate your handstand so that you can take these concepts and put them right into practice this is a comprehensive efficient and effective series that teaches you alignment and handstands core and shoulder exercises to help you build both shoulder and core stability we'll teach you how to kick up into handstand how to use the wall to teach yourself how to balance and also how to fall out of handstand so you can move away from the wall it'll teach you wrist conditioning and so much more i've taught people all over the world how to handstand with this online program and i can teach you how to handstand too if you're interested click on the link i've got a free handstand ebook for you with specific exercises that you can start doing right now details on alignment and positioning and so much more you'll also get more information about my online series thank you so much for watching i'd love to know how you're doing on your handstand journey let me know in the comments

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